
さらに ぶどうの木は イスラエルの民の象徴です。
ぶどうの古名(古い呼び方)は海老らしいのですが、日本に自生していた和種のブドウ科植物と似ていたため、葡萄(えび)というようになったそうです。 山葡萄のような赤紫色を、葡萄色(えびいろ)とも呼ぶそうです。
伝承では、日本にブドウが渡来したのは奈良時代のことで、 原産地からシルクロードを経て、唐から渡来したとされます。
Hello, this is Staff N.
When I thought it was getting cooler, the temperature rose to 27 degrees again.
I think there are many people who are cold or hot and are not feeling well.
Warm up your body with pure cocoa, manuka honey, ginger, etc.
An acquaintance bought a lot of ginger the other day, and when I asked him what he was doing, he said he would make ginger syrup.
It’s easy, it warms the body, and it’s perfect for this time of year.
Perhaps because it was a little warmer, there were spiders, crickets, and other small customers at the entrance of Antique Fukousha.
I don’t usually look closely at the spider, so when I looked at the spider up close, I saw that it was carrying its front legs with all its might while walking, and that it was eating small mites.
I thought about what to do if it was a poisonous spider, but I’m relieved that it seems to be cleaning.
you have worked very hard.
When I was writing a blog while looking outside, some kindergarteners were walking around wearing disaster prevention hoods.
Is it an evacuation drill? Even so, wearing a large hood on a small body is cute and makes me laugh. I shouldn’t laugh because it’s training, but it was a smile.
Well, the other day, I received a large amount of N’s favorite Shine Muscat.
I received so much in cardboard, but it disappeared in no time.
When I was living alone, I couldn’t even buy Shine Muscat, let alone fruit, so I would like to take care of each and every one of them with gratitude.
The other day, I talked about Indian gods and peaches, but grapes are often seen in paintings and works of art, aren’t they?
This time, I tried to find out about such grapes and works of art.
The vine is used more frequently in early Christian and Gothic art than in Romanesque art, which tends to be prone to complex symbolism.
The symbol that the vine represents, in biblical usage, is primarily a blessing and a curse, like all fruit.
It also symbolizes wealth, which means peace and security, and impending judgment.
She further said that the vine is a symbol of his Israelites.
Those who work under the vine (grape-grower, grape-picker, grape-press) are mentioned in many parables.
A favorite subject of artistic iconography (images depicting Jesus Christ, saints, angels, important biblical events and parables, and events from ecclesiastical history) is the subject of Jesus representing himself on the vine (the tree of life). ).
The apostles are also seated in this vine.
This tree is often depicted in the form of a cross, including the tree of life and the symbol of the cross.
The grape harvest, often carried out by Eros, is an allusion to the Last Judgment.
In French and German wine-growing regions, the patron saint is the statue of Saint Urban of Lambre.
In Romanesque art, especially when there is a cluster of grapes in the hands of a young person kneeling and smiling, especially on the capital of an apsis , means the chosen people who enjoy the bliss of paradise.
In the 12th to 18th centuries, bunches of grapes so large that soldiers returning from the land of Canna had to carry them with two men are often depicted.
The bunch of grapes is often associated with Christ carrying the cross in typology (one of the commonly used interpretations of the Bible in Judaism and Christianity).
This is because the blood that Christ shed on the cross filled the cup of the church, and is similar to grapes being squeezed.
Moreover, the cutting and pressing of the grapes before they become wine correspond to the suffering and death of this world, while at the same time showing the intention to a higher life.
In this sense, the bunch of grapes and the wine are similar to the relationship between the grain and the bread, and have come to be used as symbols of Christ in production.
An important Palestinian specialty, the enjoyment of drinking it plays an important role in the Bible and the life of the people of Israel on which it is based.
The word wine is used over 200 times in the Bible and the word mountain of grapes over 100 times.
Wine is preserved in leather bags and jars, and is an essential part of festivals and sacrifices.
The story of Noah planting grapes and getting drunk with wine is a warning against drunkenness and losing control, and the actions of Noah’s son Hab, as well as the violence that the soldiers later inflicted on Jesus, are disrespectful. It symbolizes
The idea of wine as the land of Christ arose as an alternative to the Old Testament sacrifice.
The miracle of the wine at the wedding at Cana, often the subject of art, reveals the glory of Jesus.
The ancient name of grapes (old name) seems to be shrimp, but it seems that it came to be called grapes (ebi) because it resembled a Japanese grapevine plant that grew naturally in Japan. It seems that the reddish purple like wild grapes is also called Ebi-iro.
According to tradition, grapes were brought to Japan in the Nara period, and it is said that they came from the country of origin via the Silk Road and from Tang.
In 718 (Yoro 2nd year), the high priest Gyoki, who traveled around various places, built a medicinal plant at Mt. It seems that I started
Shine Muscat is actually a grape that originated in Japan. It was created in 1988 by the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization of Hiroshima Prefecture by crossing “Akitsu No. 21” and “Hakunan,” and was registered as a variety in 2006.
From the Shine Muscat I received, it turned into a magnificent Christian story.
It is surprising that the grapes that I usually eat casually and paintings have such a meaning.
At Antique Fukousha, we also purchase paintings with grape motifs.
Please try to find the works of art of grapes that are close to you.
See you soon
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN