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春ですね!(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s spring, isn’t it? What happened all of a sudden? You may say, “What’s up with this?” but the magnolias that I predicted the other day have bloomed just as I had predicted. As I was checking the blossoms from my car on my way to work today, I noticed that there are early blooming cherry trees, peach trees, bokeh, potted pansies and violas, etc., along the streets and in some people’s yards. It is spring, isn’t it?


It’s not only spring, but also graduation ceremonies. There are quite a few people with bouquets of flowers this time of year. So many small children are already playing outside in short sleeves, and the people passing by seem to be walking lightly.


As I was thinking about this on my way to work, I suddenly noticed someone directing traffic in the middle of an intersection. It seems that the traffic was stopped in the direction of Chikusa.

That’s right. Today, March 12, Nagoya’s annual spring event, the Nagoya Women’s Marathon 2023, is being held.


Since this is also a selection race for Japan’s national marathon team for Paris 2024 and the Marathon Grand Championship (MGC), invited foreign athletes such as last year’s winner Ruth Chepungetich and top Japanese runners such as Ayuko Suzuki are expected to participate in the race.

I thought the results of the top athletes were probably already available, so I was curious and looked up the results of the race a while ago. It seems that Ayuko Suzuki, a representative of the Tokyo Olympic marathon team, came in second place with a preliminary time of 2:21:51, the top Japanese runner. Honan Maeda, another Tokyo Olympian, placed third and qualified for the preliminary selection race for the Paris Olympics to be held in October this year.


By the way, you might think that the Nagoya Women’s Marathon is only for top female athletes in Japan, but there is also a women’s category for the general public. The marathon is usually held on the second Sunday in March, so around the beginning of the year in February, you will often see women running out of nowhere, and you may be reminded that the March race is coming up soon….

I also like the fact that the Nagoya Women’s Marathon is a women’s event and that only finishers receive a “New Balance finisher’s T-shirt” and an original Tiffany & Co. pendant. Oh, yes, this year’s design has also been uploaded on the official website.


I don’t know if it’s because of that, but I see many of my friends and acquaintances who have participated in the race before or are training to participate in the race in the future. I have heard a lot of stories about women runners, and I also think it would be nice to be a female runner, but I am not confident enough to finish the race yet, and I feel that it would interfere with my work.

But I still don’t have the confidence to finish the race, and I feel like it might interfere with my work. I admire them so much that I am thinking of buying some clothes to motivate myself to run, but… I am not confident enough to do so, so I will be on the cheering side.


So, every year around this time in March, when the Nagoya Women’s Marathon is held, I always feel that spring has arrived in Nagoya.


It is just after noon. In this spring weather, I wonder if all the female runners are still dashing around Nagoya City, aiming for the goal of the Bantelin Dome Nagoya this year.


I wish you all the best in your quest to finish the race.




Have a good day.














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10:00-17:00 OPEN






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