7月, 2023 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 2




今年の運を使い果たしたかもしれないです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















ここぞという時に成功する人、実力を示す人のことを「あの人は持ってるなぁ!」と、私たちは驚きをこめて表現するのですが、 この場合持っているとされるのは、生まれながらの運であったり、物質のように貯めてある運であったり、ツキと呼ばれる成功の連続であったり。そもそも「運」って、なんなんだ?思いますよね。







また、数学の分野では、「運」に見える現象 をたくさん調べ、その結果を集計してわかりや すくまとめる統計学があるのですが、 さらに「運」に見える現象がどれだけ起こりやすいのか、数学的に追及したのが「確率論」。















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I had a surprisingly good thing happen to me.

I won a ticket to a famous group’s performance in September. I was in the center area of the second row in front of the audience, which is an unprecedented, truly divine seat that I had used up all of my luck.

I checked the seating chart at the venue and the ticket several times, and it seems that there is no mistake.


I felt as if I had used up all the luck I had this year, or perhaps all my luck, because this has never really happened before. What is the matter with me? I am not used to this kind of thing, so when unexpected luck like this comes out of nowhere, one freezes rather than rejoices. Then, after a few seconds, the realization and joy hit me like a slow, biting bite. I was happy.


This was just luck by chance, but luck, luck, luck is always better if you can have it, so people are curious about it. There are many books and researchers who analyze and study such “luck,” and I remember a TV program called “Galileo” a while ago, in which they tried to figure out what “luck” is.


We often think of people who succeed at the critical moment and who show their ability as “that person has it all! In this case, what is said to be possessed is either innate luck, luck that is stored up like a substance, or a string of successes called luck. What is “luck” anyway? I think.


According to the program,

The concept of “luck” is difficult to handle in science because it is only a “personal impression. However, social psychology is a field that specializes in the study of the relationship between such “subjectivity” and society, and it is said that something similar to a cognitive bias called “Shiryo-belief” is at work in the perception of luck. It seems to be a subjective way of perceiving luck.


For example, there are a wide range of beliefs that affirm individual differences in the strength of luck, such as luck in the lottery or being a rain man, that explain chance situations, such as “lucky/not lucky,” and that link luck to moral factors. In social psychology, luck is generally a happy subjectivity that can be explained by “subjectivity strongly connected to social factors.


In the field of mathematics, there is statistics, which examines a large number of phenomena that appear to be “luck” and summarizes the results in an easy-to-understand manner, and probability theory is the mathematical study of how likely a phenomenon that appears to be “luck” is to occur.

Probability theory comes into play in gambling, where “luck,” which is strongly influenced by subjectivity, is a major issue. According to Professor Norio Konno, a probability theory specialist at Yokohama National University, in the case of lottery tickets, for example, we estimate that we will not win anyway, and the probability of actually winning is low, which is why we perceive ourselves as “lucky” when we win. Interestingly, he says that between the “intuition of feeling lucky” and the “actual high/low probability,” an illusion of probability, or “illusory probability event,” occurs, just like an optical illusion, which is an optical illusion of a figure.

According to Professor Hiroyuki Kojima, a specialist in statistics at Teikyo University, a school of statistics called Bayesian statistics is currently the mainstream.



Bayesian statistics allows us to pre-set a “subjective probability” based on our personal expectations, even for phenomena for which no historical data is available, and to update the calculation each time additional information is added, to produce a more precise posterior probability. For example, when you receive chocolates from the opposite sex on Valentine’s Day, Bayesian statistics can incorporate your subjective belief that “this Valentine’s Day chocolate must be your true love” as a prior probability. Bayesian statistics is said to be a means of mathematically pursuing “luck” in the sense that it considers the events that will occur in the future as multiple world lines that diverge, so to speak, and quantifies unknown probabilities.


Well, academically, it is a complicated analytical analysis like this, but it seems that the first step is to take action to get into this “luck” ring, whether it is a lottery, gambling, or a ticket. Therefore, for me to have another “chance” of luck in the future, it seems that continuing to enter tickets is the first step.


Have a good day.
















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名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















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怖いくらい凄い縁切り神社(愛知県名古屋市名東区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



















Ladies and gentlemen, it’s been a long time. This is staff M.

Recently, I went to Kyoto for the first time in a while. There are two purposes for this trip to Kyoto…

One is “Yasui Konpiragu Shrine” which I have always wanted to visit. Located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, it is famous as a terrifying shrine that cuts ties.

In the precincts, there is a stone monument called “Beginning Enmusubi Monument”, and there is a line of people waiting to get the benefit of it.

“Yasui Konpiragu Shrine” is said to have originally been a “Fuji Temple” built by Kamatari Fujiwara in the Asuka period, and it is said that it was built to pray for the prosperity of the family. Enshrined in the main shrine are Emperor Sutoku, Minamoto no Yorimasa, and Daimononushi, the main deities enshrined there. Since then, it has been worshiped as a place of prayer for severance and ties.

It is also said that the Retired Emperor Sutoku, who was forced to part with his favorite consort due to the war, cut off all bad relationships that hinder a happy marriage between men and women. It is said that it cuts not only the ties between men and women, but also the ties related to human relationships, as well as all bad ties that you want to cut off, such as illness, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling.

That said, although it is known as a shrine for severing bad ties, it is also popular as a shrine for severing bad ties, and it is also popular as a shrine for tying good ones. So it seems that you can visit with confidence.



Speaking of “Yasui Konpiragu Shrine”, if you look it up, you’ll probably see some pictures, but the “Beginning Enmusubi Monument” is very famous. I hesitate to take a picture of it… (If you are interested, please check it out.)

The monument is 1.5m high and 3m wide and has a hole in the center. And as you can see from the photo, this monument is covered with scapegoat bills called katashiro, on which wishes are written.

Worshipers actually wrote down the ties they wanted to cut and the ties they wanted to tie on the katashiro, and pasted them on the monument after worshiping.

As a way to worship, after visiting the main hall, hold the written katashiro and go through the hole from the front to the back of the monument. Passing through from the front first cuts off bad connections, and then passes through from the back to the front to establish good ones.

Finally, stick the katashiro that you had in your hand on the monument and finish. “Yasui Konpiragu Shrine” seems to be a great place to get good luck. It is important to get rid of bad relationships first, so if you are interested in visiting Kyoto, please visit.


I will write about the second purpose in the next blog. ByeBye.














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名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























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暑さのせいででしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市名東区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


How are you doing today, the last day of the three-day weekend? I was scared to go to work when I saw a terrible message on TV saying that it was a disaster-level heat wave in the morning. I guess this is what it means when the sun stings, and it was at the point where I thought it would be better to wear long sleeves. I must be careful today, too.


Well, the other day, I was thinking of a housewarming gift for a friend of mine who has just completed the construction of a new house. I was thinking of a housewarming gift for my friend who has just completed a new house. I asked him directly. I asked her, “I want a flower vase. He replied, “I want a flower vase. I thought this would be a good gift for a housewarming, so I immediately prepared a flower vase.


I am secretly planning to add a bouquet of flowers or branches to go with this vase when I invite them to my new house. I am sure that they will be pleased with it, but I had been thinking about what kind of bouquet or branches would be best, and I was having a hard time thinking of what kind of bouquet or branches to choose.

I was in a strange phase, as if the heat was getting to me.


Why do people love, give, and grow flowers in the first place? I suddenly wondered, “Why do people love, give, and grow flowers in the first place?


Someone answered my strange question. It was a book written by Professor Eihiro Inagaki of Shizuoka University, a botanist, and I was impressed to see that this is true from the viewpoint of a plant researcher.


It may seem a bit condescending, but the reason people grow vegetables, rice, etc. is to eat them. Why do we grow and buy flowers when we do not eat them? (The florist would probably scold me for this…).

We are attracted to brightly colored fruits, but most mammals, such as dogs and cats, cannot distinguish between green, yellow and red. But our ancestors, the monkeys, acquire the ability to pick out red and yellow ripe fruit from green leaves. It seems that the reason we look at beautifully colored food and think it looks delicious is because we recognize that this is an ability necessary for survival. At first glance, however, it may seem that the ability to perceive flowers as beautiful is not necessary for life.


And what if we put ourselves in the position of a plant? The reason plant fruits turn red or yellow is to alert birds to their presence. Birds seem to be able to distinguish colors, so plants make their fruits stand out in red or yellow to attract birds to eat them. The seeds are then ejected with feces, and the plant’s seeds move around, so the color of the fruit is a signal to the birds.


The reason why plant flowers are so colorful, then, is not for humans, unfortunately, that plants bloom so beautifully. Unfortunately, it is not for human beings that plants bloom beautifully, but to attract insects by making their flowers beautifully colored. The insects are then pollinated and carried by the pollinators. The color of the flower also determines the type of pollen-carrying insects, and this is why flowers bloom in a variety of colors.


In other words, it is not for humans that flowers bloom beautifully, but it seems that humans have a one-sided love affair with flowers. Flowers are not indispensable for human beings to live, and yet people loved flowers.


I saw on TV that among the many artifacts excavated from the tomb of King Tutankhamen, there was a 3,300-year-old cornflower that Queen Ankhesenamen is said to have placed in King Tutankhamen’s tomb that was not shattered. I don’t think we are supposed to love them, but they must have had some meaning for 3300 years.


People have made improvements to such flowers and created a more beautiful world of flowers, so it seems that people have loved flowers since 3300 years ago and will continue to do so in the future. Even though it is meaningless for both flowers and people to love flowers, people still love flowers and find them beautiful, are healed by flowers, are empowered by flowers, and are not Tutankhamen’s cornflower, but is there really no meaning in that?


According to Dr. Eihiro Inagaki, “We humans love flowers even though they are of no use to us,” and it seems that loving flowers is what makes us different from other living creatures.

Flowers do not bloom for the sake of humans, but we have felt the life force and the strength to live from seeing such flowers. In the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, it was carnations that bloomed despite being swept away by the tsunami and sunflowers that people nurtured that lit up hope in the hearts of those who were devastated by the disaster. I have personally said, “When these flowers bloom, I think of that person.” I remember that person when this flower blooms.


It seems that humans have survived with the ability to love flowers, not just to live to connect life like other animals, but to live richly and strongly. It seems that people and flowers have been sharing and overcoming hardships since at least 3,300 years ago, and have spun a history together.


What’s wrong with such heat? I laughed to myself, though I have reached the point where people say, “What’s wrong with you? However, the flowers to be given as a gift have not yet been decided. I am still wondering what to do even though I have known flowers for such a long time.


So long, and have a good day.




光の不思議(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Last night I stayed up late watching a tennis match on TV, and in the morning I was woken up by the sound of cicadas, making me sleep deprived.

The unstable weather seems to have calmed down and sunny days will continue for a while.

Apart from the inconvenience, I don’t dislike rainy days so much, and I also look forward to the expressive skies after the rain.

A double rainbow suddenly appeared in front of me once. In Japanese, it is called a “double rainbow.

As I gazed at it in amazement, it seemed to disappear, so I hurriedly took a picture of it.


I looked up rainbows again.

Sunlight is made up of multiple colors, and when the light enters raindrops, it is refracted.

Since the angle of bending is different for each color, each color is dispersed and appears as the so-called seven colors.

A rainbow has a specific way of looking, with red on the outside and purple on the inside.

In a double rainbow, the colors of the upper rainbow are arranged in the opposite order of the lower rainbow. The lower rainbow is called the main rainbow and the upper rainbow is called the secondary rainbow.

The main rainbow reflects only once in the raindrops, while the secondary rainbow reflects twice and comes out a little lighter in color.

The probability of encountering a double rainbow is low because it requires a combination of various conditions, such as sufficient water droplets and strong sunlight. I do not know when I will be able to see a rainbow again.


By the way, why does the Chinese character for rainbow have an “insect” side?

There are various theories, but in ancient China, it was believed that a serpent ascended to the sky to become a dragon, and the rainbow was imagined to be created in the sky when the serpent, which would become a dragon, pierced the sky.

Furthermore, the Chinese character “ku,” which means “to pierce” or “to connect heaven and earth,” was used to create the Chinese character “rainbow.

Incidentally, for the ancient Chinese, the rainbow was a symbol of bad luck, and they believed that bad things would happen when a rainbow appeared.

The image is different from that of today.

For people in ancient times, when astronomy and science had not yet developed, rainbows may have been a natural awe-inspiring sight.

Even in Japan, rainbows were recognized as living things until around 1200. It seems quite irrational when I think about it now, but I am amazed at the imagination of people in ancient times if they saw seven-colored creatures running in the sky.


I often take pictures of sunsets, but the sky covered with bright red clouds is scary, as if I might be sucked into it.

Compared to daylight, sunset light reaches us through the atmosphere at an angle.

In this long path, blue light with short wavelengths is scattered and almost disappears by the time it reaches our eyes, leaving only red light with long wavelengths to reach us, resulting in a red sky.

This is why there is still some blue color in the sky above, creating a fantastic view.

The dim, brief time between sunset and the arrival of night seems to have captured the hearts of the Japanese people, giving rise to a variety of words.

Dusk, dusk, twilight, twilight hour, evening, and oumagatoki… The Japanese language is rich in expressions.

The Japanese language is rich in expression.


Well, I will see you again.















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10:00-17:00 OPEN



名古屋市千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























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城山八幡宮の大茅輪くぐり(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











































城山八幡宮 大茅輪くぐり
日時:7月15日㈯~17日㈪ 9:30~21:00
交通手段:地下鉄東山線 本山駅、覚王山駅




Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Before I know it, half of July has passed.
It’s not that I’ve been spending the month in a daze, but it seems like every year I feel as restless as I do before New Year’s, and time seems to pass a little bit faster during this time of year as we head into the summer season. But I don’t dislike this time of year, perhaps it is because I can suppress my feelings of being a little distracted by various things, and there is a sense of momentum in the air as we move toward summer and its transition.

I notice the sound of cicadas chirping in the morning, I laugh at the subtle distance between the blackened junior high school boys and their mothers as they walk home together after the end-of-term parent-teacher conference, I realize that every year I look for my summer bag, and I enjoy finding the change in the seasons. I have noticed this much recently.

However, as I was commuting to work this morning, I noticed the banner of the “Great Chigurin Festival” at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in my neighborhood, as I was thinking about the many guerrilla downpours that have been occurring in various places this summer, and how heartbreaking the news of such disasters is.

I found another important seasonal change here, and it looks like it will start again this year.
The thatch-ringing ritual is a summer ritual held here at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine every year.

The thatched-rope ritual is held not only at this shrine but also at other shrines in summer, and I always have to go through it as if I am being pulled in! I always go through it with great vigor, but the other day I did it, lol. I realized that I went in the wrong direction and had to go through the shrine again with a wry smile on my face, wondering if the blessing would be less than half. I must be the only one who does such embarrassing things.

The thatched-rope ritual, also called “ring-kuguri” or “thatch-rope-kuguri,” is a summer ritual to pray for good health and long life, to get rid of various misfortunes, to get rid of epidemics, and to be protected by the work of thatch, according to the legend of Susanowo-no-mikoto. I did not know the details, but it is also called “Kan-nuki,” and purification of “ashi” is a kind of “kanten,” which means to change “ashi” to “good” and invite “good things,” and “thatch” is a general term for ashi, tube, awn, etc. According to the legend, the gods are said to be the ancestors of the gods.

According to the legend, during the Kami period, the god Muto (Susanowo-no-mikoto) asked the two brothers, Somin-mushorai and Giantan-mushorai, to lodge with him on his journey. If you put a ring of thatch around your waist, you will be able to prevent a plague from spreading. The origin of the thatched-rope ritual and the purification of ashes is said to be the fact that the villagers escaped the plague thanks to the thatched-rope.

Each person is supposed to take one of these purifying ashes with him or her, and go through the purification procession while purifying himself or herself with the purifying ashi, and both the purifying ashi and the purifying stick are enshrined in the house until around the time of the first winter.

In addition to the “Oo Kayawa Ritual,” Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine holds a three-day summer night festival that includes the “Akamaru Ritual” to seal away insects from children, the “Exorcism Bell” to ward off bad luck and protect people from misfortune, and the “Offering Lantern Event” to dedicate lanterns.
The festival is a place where everyone can enjoy the cool of a summer night and think, “Summer has come! Please come and visit us in the Shiroyama area.

Have a good day.
















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WLBのオールスターゲーム、明日ですね!。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The daily torrential rains have been causing damage in many parts of Japan, and I have been worrying recently that the Japanese climate has completely changed. I was surprised yesterday evening when a sudden gust of wind and torrential rain hit Nagoya as well.

I would also like to express my deepest sympathies to those who have suffered great damage from the torrential rains in the Kyushu area and elsewhere in Japan.







Now, it’s finally here.

Shohei Ohtani, 29, of the Angels, has been selected as the No. 2 designated hitter for the All-Star Game to be held at T-Mobile Park in Seattle, home of the Mariners, on July 12 (Wednesday) at 9:00 a.m. Japan time (8:00 p.m. local time). Pitcher Kohdai Senga has also been selected.


The announcement was made at a press conference attended by Astros manager Baker, who will lead the A-League team, and other members of the press. When asked about his enthusiasm for the All-Star game coming up the next day, he said, “I’ve never hit a home run, so I’d like to do it first. I’ve never hit a home run, so I want to hit one first,” he said, and I have high expectations for him.


I want to be more aggressive. I think it would be more fun for everyone if I swing more and more, rather than just taking fours, so I want to swing more aggressively! I want to swing more and more, so I want to swing aggressively.


He also expressed his desire to win his first All-Star MVP award, saying, “I’m only batting this time, so if I can take a solid swing in the batter’s box, I think a home run would be enough for me to win. I’m sorry to say, but I’m also looking forward to it.


So, tomorrow the game will be televised from the morning, and I have started to plan my morning schedule, and I have recently noticed that I have been working with the standard of watching sports.

It seems that I like watching sports, including baseball, these days. Although I have been alive for a fairly long time, I used to have no interest even in baseball, and I used to say, “No, no, I’m not interested in watching sports games. But the years seem to change even a person’s taste and character. I am quite surprised at myself.


I thought about it for a while, and I think that maybe it’s not because of the years, but because I really wanted to try it.

As the years go by, I become obsessed with things, but I also feel a strange sense of freedom, and with the help of the times, I feel that I can freely try out things that I “actually liked,” transcending the limitations and obsessions of my generation and gender. I feel like I can freely try out “I think I actually like this. I have been taking advantage of this, and have been experimenting with various things, not limited to watching sports, and recently, my interest has been shifting from watching sports to other things.


So I am a little bit fussy today, thinking about tomorrow’s schedule and so on.

However, I am always amazed at how much I love the way that Otani-san brings me the opportunity to do something that I would never have thought I could do otherwise. I usually can only say “wow…!” in front of the TV, but tomorrow is the day I will be in front of the TV, and I will be able to see the newest projects and the newest projects of the future. But tomorrow is the day I want to be in front of the TV and say, “Enjoy the big day to the fullest! I wish I could be in front of the TV tomorrow, and say, “Enjoy the big day as much as you can!




Here is a picture of Hanamaki that arrived yesterday from my family.



Have a good day.















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無心になる時間(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The humid days are continuing.

Do you have any hobbies or interests that help you relax?


I have times when I want to devote myself to something regularly, and crocheting, stitching, and other things that require repetition of the same actions seem to suit my nature, and I pull out my tools when I forget about them.

I don’t have a strong desire to create, but I just move my hands around and get lost in it, emptying my mind.

I am not able to do anything else, though.

A few years ago, I had a chance to learn “Kogin Sashimi” from Tsugaru, Aomori Prefecture.

It is a wonderful work of the teacher.

And I am ashamed to say that it is a clumsy coaster of my own making.


I started to learn Kogin Sashimi just out of curiosity, but this time I looked into its history.

Kogin stitch” in Tsugaru, Aomori Prefecture, is called one of the three major types of sashiko in Japan, along with “Hishi stitch” in Nanbu, Aomori Prefecture, and “Shonai stitch” in Shonai, Yamagata Prefecture.

In the northern region of Tsugaru, where cotton is difficult to grow, most of the clothing used by the general public was made of hemp cloth.

In 1724, the “Farmer’s Thrift Restriction Ordinance” regulated not only work clothes but also coverings, undergarments, and even sashes.

Farmers who were not allowed to wear cotton wore a linen kimono, which was made by layering linen cloth and stitching it with hemp thread, as their daily wear.

Since farmers carried heavy baskets on their backs, they prevented abrasion by stabbing their shoulders and backs with threads, which were prone to fraying.

The dense stitching of the threads also helped to keep the wearer warm.

Tsugaru Kogin Sashimi was a way of life created by farmers to protect the health of their families by reinforcing and keeping them warm under severe restrictions.


In the Meiji era (1868-1912), the ban on the wearing of cotton was lifted. Cotton thread became more readily available, and kogin stitching began to be done with white cotton thread on indigo-colored linen.

The women of the farming households created many patterns with their aesthetic sense and ingenuity, and began to compete with other stitchers in terms of beauty.

Kogin-sashi flourished in the late Edo period (1603-1868), but after the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), when cotton came into circulation, people preferred the warmth of cotton, and the technique using hemp temporarily died out.


In the Showa period (1926-1989), hemp became the focus of attention as a traditional craft due to the folk craft movement led by Yanagi Muneyoshi and others.

Muneyoshi Yanagi paid attention to the patterns of Tsugaru kogin stitching and collected old kogin kimonos from private homes and antique shops, praising it as follows

She collected old kogin kimonos from private homes and antique shops, and praised them as follows: “Women of Tsugaru, who have no names, have done well to leave us such a great legacy. You have given birth to something so beautiful in the midst of oppression and prohibition.


Stitching thread was both work and recreation during the long winter months.

Even in the midst of a hard life, young girls of that time felt the joy of making things and were able to stitch patterns that no one else could stitch, which was a wish of young girls.

Even today, countless variations are created daily using unique geometric “modoko” patterns and colorful threads and fabrics.

Knowing the history, you may feel differently when stabbing the threads.


See you again soon.















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