今年の運を使い果たしたかもしれないです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




今年の運を使い果たしたかもしれないです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















ここぞという時に成功する人、実力を示す人のことを「あの人は持ってるなぁ!」と、私たちは驚きをこめて表現するのですが、 この場合持っているとされるのは、生まれながらの運であったり、物質のように貯めてある運であったり、ツキと呼ばれる成功の連続であったり。そもそも「運」って、なんなんだ?思いますよね。







また、数学の分野では、「運」に見える現象 をたくさん調べ、その結果を集計してわかりや すくまとめる統計学があるのですが、 さらに「運」に見える現象がどれだけ起こりやすいのか、数学的に追及したのが「確率論」。















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I had a surprisingly good thing happen to me.

I won a ticket to a famous group’s performance in September. I was in the center area of the second row in front of the audience, which is an unprecedented, truly divine seat that I had used up all of my luck.

I checked the seating chart at the venue and the ticket several times, and it seems that there is no mistake.


I felt as if I had used up all the luck I had this year, or perhaps all my luck, because this has never really happened before. What is the matter with me? I am not used to this kind of thing, so when unexpected luck like this comes out of nowhere, one freezes rather than rejoices. Then, after a few seconds, the realization and joy hit me like a slow, biting bite. I was happy.


This was just luck by chance, but luck, luck, luck is always better if you can have it, so people are curious about it. There are many books and researchers who analyze and study such “luck,” and I remember a TV program called “Galileo” a while ago, in which they tried to figure out what “luck” is.


We often think of people who succeed at the critical moment and who show their ability as “that person has it all! In this case, what is said to be possessed is either innate luck, luck that is stored up like a substance, or a string of successes called luck. What is “luck” anyway? I think.


According to the program,

The concept of “luck” is difficult to handle in science because it is only a “personal impression. However, social psychology is a field that specializes in the study of the relationship between such “subjectivity” and society, and it is said that something similar to a cognitive bias called “Shiryo-belief” is at work in the perception of luck. It seems to be a subjective way of perceiving luck.


For example, there are a wide range of beliefs that affirm individual differences in the strength of luck, such as luck in the lottery or being a rain man, that explain chance situations, such as “lucky/not lucky,” and that link luck to moral factors. In social psychology, luck is generally a happy subjectivity that can be explained by “subjectivity strongly connected to social factors.


In the field of mathematics, there is statistics, which examines a large number of phenomena that appear to be “luck” and summarizes the results in an easy-to-understand manner, and probability theory is the mathematical study of how likely a phenomenon that appears to be “luck” is to occur.

Probability theory comes into play in gambling, where “luck,” which is strongly influenced by subjectivity, is a major issue. According to Professor Norio Konno, a probability theory specialist at Yokohama National University, in the case of lottery tickets, for example, we estimate that we will not win anyway, and the probability of actually winning is low, which is why we perceive ourselves as “lucky” when we win. Interestingly, he says that between the “intuition of feeling lucky” and the “actual high/low probability,” an illusion of probability, or “illusory probability event,” occurs, just like an optical illusion, which is an optical illusion of a figure.

According to Professor Hiroyuki Kojima, a specialist in statistics at Teikyo University, a school of statistics called Bayesian statistics is currently the mainstream.



Bayesian statistics allows us to pre-set a “subjective probability” based on our personal expectations, even for phenomena for which no historical data is available, and to update the calculation each time additional information is added, to produce a more precise posterior probability. For example, when you receive chocolates from the opposite sex on Valentine’s Day, Bayesian statistics can incorporate your subjective belief that “this Valentine’s Day chocolate must be your true love” as a prior probability. Bayesian statistics is said to be a means of mathematically pursuing “luck” in the sense that it considers the events that will occur in the future as multiple world lines that diverge, so to speak, and quantifies unknown probabilities.


Well, academically, it is a complicated analytical analysis like this, but it seems that the first step is to take action to get into this “luck” ring, whether it is a lottery, gambling, or a ticket. Therefore, for me to have another “chance” of luck in the future, it seems that continuing to enter tickets is the first step.


Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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