


真夏の激闘 (愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎)




2022年8月4日から第43回 2022年FIM世界耐久選手権”コカ・コーラ”鈴鹿8時間耐久ロードレースが開催され、本日最終日は決勝ですね!













ただ、当時のレース専用バイクにはライトが装着されておらず、「懐中電灯をテープで固定してでも夜間走行でゴールするレース」にこだわり参加チームを説得したのが、当時のチームオフィシャルの藤井暉美(フジイテルヨシ) 。

〈現在のFIM世界耐久選手権に「F.C.C TSR Honda France」として参戦するTSRの藤井正和監督の実父〉














Hello everyone. This is staff M.


The 43rd 2022 FIM Endurance World Championship “Coca-Cola” Suzuka 8 Hours Endurance Road Race will be held from August 4, 2022, and today is the final day!

The Suzuka 8 Hours, which attracts 100,000 fans every year, is famous for being one of the most difficult races to win, even among world races, where people compete to see how many laps the course can be completed in 8 hours. The highlight is the 8-hour hot battle of top racers from all over the world.

In recent years, due to the corona disaster, the 2020 and 2021 tournaments have been canceled, and there are many people who have been waiting for the first time in three years.

Staff M is at work so he can’t see it live, but Staff M’s father is a big fan of motorcycles, so he seems to be stuck in front of the TV and watching .



This year marks the 43rd year of the Suzuka 8 Hours, which began in 1978 (Showa 53). At that time, domestic automobile and motorcycle manufacturers were busy dealing with environmental issues such as exhaust gas regulations, and there was also the oil crisis, and it seems that motor sports were temporarily stagnant.

The “Suzuka 8 Hours” was planned as a new endurance race to break through such a sense of stagnation. At that time, Honda entered the works Honda RCB1000 in endurance races, which were gaining popularity in Europe. The Suzuka 8 Hours was born out of Soichiro Honda’s (Honda Soichiro’s) desire to show Japanese motorcycle fans a works machine that was so overwhelmingly strong that it was called the “unsinkable ship.”

At that time, it was very difficult to collect the number of cars, and in order to aim for an endurance race unlike any other at Suzuka Circuit, he was particular about the production of “going to the finish line at night time and ending with a fireworks display.”


However, racing bikes at the time were not equipped with lights, and it was Fujii, an official of the team at the time, who persuaded the participating teams to stick to “a race where you can finish at night even if you fix the flashlight with tape.” Teruyoshi Fujii.

<Father of TSR manager Masakazu Fujii, who participates in the current FIM Endurance World Championship as “F.C.C TSR Honda France”>


This passion of Kumi Fujii was understood by the team, and the first tournament in 1978 was held in the traditional 8-hour format, starting at 11:30 and finishing at 19:30.


By the way, the Suzuki GS1000 of the private team “Yoshimura” led by Hideo Yoshimura, also known as “Pop Yoshimura”, won the first competition.


Honda Works, which was said to be the strongest, was expected to win, but the popularity of the Suzuka 8 Hours skyrocketed with the win of “Yoshimura”, which immediately dealt with repeated troubles and fought the race with its own know-how. An unprecedented motorcycle boom has arrived.

Since then, the Suzuka 8 Hours has become one of the largest race events in Japan, with many legends still being passed down, such as various accidents, unpredictable developments, and dramatic victories.


I was itching to see the race while writing it myself. By the time I get home, I’m sure it will be the best part of the final stage, so I’d like to go home without detouring today.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


