白丸ダム(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎)
櫻坂46の「なぜ 恋をして来なかったんだろう?」という曲のPVにも出てくるそうです。
- フーバーダム(Hoover Dam) /アメリカ
- イタイプダム(Itaipu Dam)/ブラジル
- スリセーラムダム(Srisailam Dam)/インド
- バイオントダム(Vajont Dam)/イタリア
- アルメンドラダム(Almendra Dam)/スペイン

Hello everyone. I am Staff N.
When I was cleaning up my grandmother’s house, I found a cute accessory.
It was old, but it’s cute if you use it as an antique, and above all, I wanted to keep it as a memento of my grandmother, so it was good.
My father’s mother and child handbook was also found, and my grandmother was the type of person who didn’t throw things away, but it’s surprising to find something so nostalgic.
An acquaintance in Tokyo sent me another photo of Shiromaru Dam.
Dam tour I have never been (probably).
Just looking at the pictures makes me feel scared, what if I fall?
However, when you go there, you will surely be impressed by the spectacular scenery.
Shiromaru Dam (Shiromaru Dam) is a dam built on the Tama River in the Tama River system in Shiromaru, Okutama Town, Nishitama District, Tokyo. This 30.3m high concrete gravity dam is a power generation dam operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Bureau.
The name of the dam lake (artificial lake) is called Shiromaruko.
Somehow, it looks like Chibi Maruko-chan, so cute lol
It seems that it will also appear in the PV of Sakurazaka46’s song “Why didn’t you fall in love?”
The oldest dam is said to have been built by King Menes of Egypt about 4,900 years ago.
In Japan, dams began to be built as reservoirs for irrigation.
The oldest surviving dams were constructed nearly 1,900 years ago at Kaerumaike Pond in Nara Prefecture and Sayamaike Pond in Osaka Prefecture.
It’s been that long.
There are 128 dams managed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan.
About 50% of dams are earth dams, 40% are concrete dams, and 10% are rockfill dams.
I learned for the first time that there are different types of dams.
When I was looking for a picture of a dam, I found a picture drawn directly on a huge dam.
The painting was done by the French artist duo Ella & Pitr. He is known for his paintings on gigantic buildings, etc., and creates art that cannot be seen from the usual perspective of looking at paintings and art.
It seems that the work will be made so that it can be seen from distant cities and airplanes.
In addition, they are also artists who are working on the world’s refugee problem to draw socially ignored people such as homeless and elderly people.
And the dams of the world differed in scale.
Hoover Dam / USA
Itaipu Dam / Brazil
Srisailam Dam / India
Vajont Dam / Italy
Almendra Dam / Spain
And so on, the powerful arch-shaped water discharge is impressive.
Just looking at the photo made me feel sick.
Dam photo search in moderation…
Ukiyo-e and paintings of the dam are also waiting for you.
See you soon
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
10:00-17:00 OPEN