


本日の七夕のお天気が気になりますね。名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします。古美術風光舎名古屋店)








私の記憶が正しけれは、そういえば晴れた七夕の日って、あったかな?とふと記憶をたどってみたのですが、あまり星空を眺めた七夕の記憶がございません。こんな雨や曇りばかりの七夕、織姫と彦星は天の川を渡り切れずに “逢引” もできず、お二人の仲は大丈夫なのだろうかと少々心配になってまいりました。






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The other day, you wrote about Tanabata, but did you write a request for the strips?


Today is July 7th, and it’s finally Tanabata. It’s a special day when Orihime and Hikoboshi, who have become separated across the Milky Way, can meet only once a year. How about the sky in your area?


If I remember correctly, was there a sunny Tanabata day? I suddenly traced my memory, but I don’t have much memory of Tanabata looking at the starry sky. In such a rainy and cloudy Tanabata, Orihime and Hikoboshi couldn’t cross the Milky Way and couldn’t “meet”, so I was a little worried whether their relationship would be okay.


Looking at the weather on July 7th for the past 10 years, it seems that it was true. Here in Nagoya, the weather was only 3 days on July 7th. After all it seems that there were overwhelmingly many days in the rain and cloudy weather.

It seems to be a fact from the weather data that it is difficult for them to meet, and I am becoming more and more worried.


But don’t worry. There is also a spin-off version of such a Tanabata story.

Before that, did you know that the rain that falls on Tanabata is called “tear rain”? As you can guess from the name, the tears that the two people who couldn’t meet due to the rain mourned, and the rain that was likened to the tears shed when they said that they were so happy to meet even if it was a downpour. It seems to read “rain”.


Let’s say that the “tear rain” unfortunately fell on July 7. Here is the spin-off version.

When two people who could not meet were standing on the edge of the Milky Way, a lot of magpies bearing the inscription of the Emperor flew out of nowhere, spread their wings, and in a blink of an eye, they built a bridge. He said that he was able to cross the bridge and meet him.

The theory is that this magpie builds a bridge, but is it derived from the Summer Triangle? Let’s check the position. The Summer Triangle is “Vega of Orihime”, “Altair of Hikoboshi”, and “Deneb of Cygnus” in the middle of the left.

The constellation is “Cygnus”, but it seems that Chinese people in the old days described it as magpie.

Therefore, on a rainy day, the magpie (Deneb of Cygnus) tries to meet Orihime and Hikoboshi by spreading their wings and building a bridge, likened to the big triangle of this summer. Did you do it? No, it’s romantic.


Well, thanks to the magpie that appeared out of nowhere, they are now able to meet once a year even on rainy days, so I’m worried about their relationship until now. I wonder what I was. Well, it was a farewell party, but the problem disappeared as to whether the two of us could meet each year, and now we can have Tanabata with peace of mind lol.


It’s July 7th, but I can’t help but worry about the weather on that day almost every year. Today’s weather here in Nagoya is forecast to be cloudy toward the night.

It doesn’t seem to rain, but I’m the only one who really wants them to cross the Milky Way without the help of magpies and have a sunny year-long reunion.


Well then, good luck.








愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


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