「青」の歴史は深かったです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




「青」の歴史は深かったです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























また、青は現在の黒のイメージと同様に、死と地獄と結びつけられることが多い色でした。 ですが、青がゲルマン人の色であるならば、ローマ帝国衰退後帝国に置き換わったゲルマン人の諸国家が青を好んでもおかしくないのですが、中世期(ローマ帝国衰退後)の長い間、青い服を着るのは喪のしるしだったようですので、色のイメージとはそう簡単には変わらなようですね。






聖母マリア、讃える呼び名として「Maris Stella マリス・ステラ(海の星)」が古くから用いられておりまして、その聖母マリアを表す「海の星」からくる海の青いイメージを宗教画・絵画のアトリビュートとして関連付けられ描かれたのが青い衣。有名な絵画ですとレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ《受胎告知》などですが、確かに宗教画の聖母マリアのイメージは青い衣ですよね。













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The blue sky here in Nagoya is like today. And even in the heat, it’s getting tougher.


By the way, have you noticed …

From last month, the Asahi Shimbun advertisement of Fukosha has changed into a summer version! ..




This summer, goldfish are swimming swaying on the cool water surface of light blue. We hope that the bright and cool blue that catches your eye on the paper and the goldfish will be a healing moment for everyone.

When you see it, please take a look while being healed for a while.


By the way, it is such a healing color blue, but interesting results have been obtained.


A questionnaire in a certain research the other day, “What is your favorite color?”

As a result, “blue” is overwhelmingly popular. Blue was the first place with 39.6%, and the difference with the second place and below was large and the result was outstanding. Next, “green” was ranked 2nd at 16.4% and “red” was ranked 3rd at 15.5%, which are almost the same. Purple in 4th place is 9.1%, which is the result of such a difference in score.


No, even so, there are differences in age and gender, right? It’s easy to think. However, “blue” was the first in both men and women, and the second and third places were divided into “red” and “green” depending on the gender, but both men and women were young. Is “red”, and “green” seems to be popular among the elderly.


In addition, the tendency of young women (30s or younger) is a little different from other groups, and “purple” was ranked third, but the result was that everyone liked blue regardless of gender. We are here.


Certainly, there is a lot of “blue” in the things that surround us, but if you look up at the sky, it will be the blue sky, the blue sea, and the blue earth. When this happens, I can’t help but think that “I like blue” is already in the DNA that was ingested before we were born.


By the way, I used to write about Vermeer Blue on my blog, but now “blue” is a color I admire, and even though it is so close to us, it is not appreciated in the West. It seems that it has a long history.


A long time ago, for the Roman Empire, which built the Great Empire, blue seemed to be the color of the labor class, the color of the barbarians, and the people of the Roman Empire were basically Latin people, whereas blue was a different ethnic group. It seems that it was the color of a certain Celtic and Germanic people. Therefore, did it become an image of the color of the working class?


Also, blue was a color often associated with death and hell, similar to the current image of black. However, if blue is the color of the Germanic people, it is not surprising that the Germanic nations who replaced the empire after the decline of the Roman Empire preferred blue, but for a long time in the Middle Ages (after the decline of the Roman Empire), it was blue. It seems that wearing clothes was a sign of mourning, so it seems that it is not so easy to change from the image of color.


And above all, the blue dyes that can be taken in the West did not seem to develop very well. Indian indigo (later called indigo in the West), native to India, also seemed to have already been brought by Persian merchants during the Roman Empire, but it was expensive because it crossed the sea, and minerals rather than dyes. It seems that it was never used as a dye because it was believed to be.


However, the turning point will come to “blue” here. Blue is used in the clothes of the Virgin Mary in the paintings.


“Maris Stella” has been used for a long time as a praise for the Virgin Mary, and the blue image of the sea from the “Our Lady” representing the Virgin Mary is an attribute of religious paintings and paintings. The blue robe was associated and drawn as. Famous paintings include Leonardo da Vinci’s Annunciation, but the image of the Virgin Mary in religious paintings is certainly a blue robe.


The pigment used at that time was lapis lazuli, which was imported from Afghanistan. At that time, lapis lazuli was more valuable than gold, so using such an expensive item in the painting would have meant a praise to the Virgin Mary. Certainly, the reason why the blue of the clothes looks divine is because the information flickers …


And now, many people have the image of healing, peace, peace, friendship, etc. in blue, which seems to be the most popular color in the West.

I just said, “I love blue!”, But in reality, “blue” itself has a deep history.

We hope that you will be able to experience the history of blue while gazing at the blue water surface and goldfish.


Well then, good luck.












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


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