


問題です。どちらが桃か桜でしょう。(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













こちらの東海桜、早咲きの仲この桜はケイタロウザクラ(啓太郎桜=ケイオウザクラ 啓翁桜と同一品種)の実生苗から選抜されたケイオウザクラ(敬翁桜)が別名として「東海桜」、「岳南桜」で売られたため和名が混乱しているといわれます。啓翁桜とは樹形が異なり箒状となります。また、樹幹からの気根の発生が多くみられることから、支那実桜が関与したものと推定されます。
































Hello, this is Staff Y.

It’s quite cold today, but the sunshine is about to spring.

The other day, I bought peaches and cherry blossoms that came to the storefront. I tried to decorate it. Please note that the school is our own as usual.


Well, here’s the problem. Which is peach or cherry blossom?

Both buds are pink, the branch in the foreground is a little slippery, and the other branch is rugged.




What about cherry blossoms at this time of year? I think that. I was a little surprised, but it looked like the early-blooming variety “Tokai Sakura”.


This Tokai cherry tree, early blooming Naka This cherry tree is also known as “Tokai cherry tree” and “Dake”, which are selected from the seedlings of Keitaro cherry tree (Keitaro cherry tree = the same variety as Keio cherry tree). It is said that the Japanese name is confused because it was sold at “Minamisakura”. The tree shape is different from that of Keio Sakura, and it looks like a broom. In addition, since aerial roots are often generated from the trunk, it is presumed that Chinese cherry blossoms were involved.


Last year, I tweeted about the mutant species of cherry blossoms in this blog, but cherry blossoms are plants that are easily mutated. It seems that there are quite a few early-blooming varieties.

Meanwhile, I saw a cherry blossom that bloomed at the same time as the peach and threw it together. In both cases, the buds are hard and have a faint pink color, but I am looking forward to seeing which one will bloom first and what kind of flower will bloom.


Such a competition between cherry blossoms and peaches is gorgeous in the store, but I will return to the quiz I mentioned earlier, but I would like to give you some hints here, and I will study with you.


It is well known that these three flowers, cherry blossoms, peaches, and plums, are all plants of the Rosaceae family, but since they are all members of the rose family, they look very similar and difficult to distinguish. When it came to the time when it bloomed on top of that, I was in trouble again.


The appearance is similar, but if you carefully observe some checkpoints, you can see the characteristics of each. If you focus on the three checkpoints of appearance, flowering time, and scent, anyone can easily distinguish them, so let me introduce a little.


First of all, pay attention to the petals in a rough place. If there is a notch in the petals, it will be cherry blossoms, and if there is no notch, it will be plum or peach. Next, regarding the difference between plums and peaches, the point is the timing when the leaves and flowers open. If only the flowers are open, it will be plum blossoms, and if the leaves and flowers are open at the same time, it will be peaches, so it seems that you need to check the timing of the leaves.


The petals of the cherry blossoms have cracked tips, long peduncles (where the branches and flowers are connected), and the number of flowers is large in one node. In addition, the trunk skin is reddish brown and has a rugged horizontal stripe pattern, and it goes without saying that the leaves grow thick from the time when the flowers have finished blooming to early summer. What I imagined was Kaii Higashiyama’s “Evening Sakura” and “Flower Light”.


In addition, plums have rounded petals and almost no floral patterns. And since the number of flowers is only one per node, it is not as lively as cherry blossoms. The trunk skin is dark and some are relatively rough. The leaves come out after the flowers have finished blooming. There is no doubt that this is an image of the national treasure, Korin Ogata’s “Red and White Plum Blossoms”.


And peach. Seeing peach trees is less common than cherry blossoms and plums, but the petals are sharp, the peduncles are short, and the number of flowers is two per node. (There is a leaf bud in the center of the node and one flower bud on both sides of it). The trunk skin is whitish, smooth, and has a speckled pattern. The leaves are cute and open at the same time as the flowers. It’s such a peach tree, but due to my lack of knowledge, I was looking for a famous painting that I could easily imagine.

Van Gogh’s “Flower-blooming Peach Tree” (1888). This work is in the Van Gogh Museum, so please try to imagine it.


The general flowering time is plum → peach → cherry blossom, but flowering may overlap depending on the region and climate like this early blooming cherry blossom. If you know the flowering time, you can get a rough idea of ​​which flower it is, but what is early blooming? That was unexpected, sweat.




If you derive the answer based on such a hint, the flower is not blooming, so it will be judged by the trunk. Therefore, the slippery one is peach and the rugged one is “Tokai Sakura”. Thank you to all the participants.


And although it is an advanced version, there is an apricot in a flower that resembles cherry blossoms, peaches, and plums, but this is already confusing. The round petals are very similar to plum blossoms, and the flowering time is from March to April, so many people find it difficult to distinguish them, but the decisive difference between apricots and plum blossoms is the flowering. It looks like a plum blossom if one flower is in one node, and an apricot if multiple flowers are in one node, but I don’t seem to see an apricot, so I know it for the time being. I will put it in as, but I will forget it once lol.


No, we are about to enter the spring flower competition season, and we hope that these savings will help us a little.


Well then, good luck.
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN



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