


椿餅をいただきました(少し自分へのご褒美)(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

















源氏物語「若菜上」において、光源氏41歳 3月の夕暮れ、六條院春の御殿で光源氏のお召しにより若者達が蹴鞠に興じていました。蹴鞠ののち、饗宴が催され「椿餅」の名が登場します。




とまあ、蹴鞠後の賑やかな雰囲気のまま、若い貴公子たちは、はしゃぎながら果物や椿餅を食べたと記されております。優雅で華やかな蹴鞠の様子が伝わりますね。おほほほほまた、先にも述べた通り椿餅はご覧になってわかるように椿の葉の間に俵形の道明寺生地 (餡入り) をはさんだお菓子でして、(本日の椿餅は、餡を羽二重餅で包んでおります)いたってシンプルなフォルム。



しかし当時は甘い小豆餡などはまだなく、甘味は生地に甘葛 (あまづら:つたの汁を煮詰めたもの) をいれる程度で、味の方は現在とは違う味だったのではないでしょうか。この時代は呼び方も違ったようで「つばきもち」ではなく「つばいもちい」と呼んでいたそうで、その名残でしょう今でも椿餅と書いても「つばいもち」と呼んでいる所もあるようですから、そこからも歴史を感じずにはいられませんね。






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s raining here in Nagoya today. Although it is not cold like a chilly place, it has been raining since the morning. There is also a forecast of heavy snowfall in the Shinetsu Kanto region of the Tokyo metropolitan area, so please be careful of everyone in that region.


By the way, I suddenly wanted to eat Tsubaki mochi this morning, so I stopped by a Japanese sweets shop in the morning and bought it quickly. Well, is it a reward for yourself?

My favorite Japanese sweets shop is open from 9am. The shops that are open at this time when you visit another place are very useful. In other words, it was very useful to me.

Therefore, Tsubaki Mochi will appear on SNS today, so please enjoy the glossy leaves. However, please note that I will be the representative for the lunch break after the appreciation.


By the way, I often see Tsubaki mochi at this time, but I didn’t know it, but it looks like a sweet that has been eaten since the Heian period. Tsubaki mochi seems to be a seasonal word for spring, and although it is a Japanese sweet that you often see around February when you feel both winter and spring, I have received it without knowing that.


The appearance of “Tsubaki Mochi” is also in Murasaki Shikibu’s masterpiece “The Tale of Genji”. There are some sweets scenes in “Genji Monogatari” including the sweets that the envoy to Tang told. I didn’t know that there is a scene where young people eat pears, citrus fruits, camellia mochi, etc. after kicking in a tatami mat called “Wakanagami”, so let’s check it.


As you can see, the camellia mochi is a sweet made by sandwiching a bale-shaped Domyoji dough (with bean paste) between the leaves of the camellia. It has a very simple form. It’s surprising that it was already in the Heian period, but is it from the Heian period even if it is placed in a modern candy store? I do not get the impression. It is sophisticated. However, at that time, there was no sweet bean paste yet, and the sweetness was just the addition of sweet kudzu (amazura: boiled down tsuta juice) to the dough, and the taste was probably different from the current one.

Also, in this era, it seems that the name was different, and it was called “Tsubai Mochii” instead of “Tsubaki Mochi”, which is probably a remnant of that. There seems to be a place.


However, imagining that Murasaki Shikibu was enjoying Tsubaki mochi like us, it made me feel like a Heian aristocracy wearing twelve single clothes in the palace for a moment, and life at that time was very easy. I personally thought that it was a historical and food heritage that I could feel closer to.


I bought such “Tsubaki Mochi” this morning as a small reward for myself.


By the way, when I ask people around me what kind of rewards they have for themselves …

Most women buy what they wear. I also go on a trip to eat delicious food. Recently, it seems that there are many people who are interested in cosmetology. I’m very interested in this, and I can’t help but think that the values ​​of that person and the essence of what I cherish are hidden.


It’s a reward for me, but while I was buying “Tsubaki Mochi” this morning, I noticed that it was this.

Yes, feel and enjoy the seasonal scales. It doesn’t matter what you eat, the scenery, or the event, but when you find the seasonal scales that change every day, I’m convinced that the moment when you grin is irresistible.


As if it is contrary to that, it doesn’t matter when you decorate the chicks the other day, but sometimes there is pressure, but when you decorate it, you will surely say “It’s finally time”, a moment of reward while grinning. There is no doubt that you are playing with.


So, today I would like to enjoy a small reward for myself at “Tsubaki Mochi” for a lunch break.


Good luck.
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


