


お雛様、飾られましたでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
















































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today’s weather is mild and sunny. I get the impression that the sunshine has become soft and warm after the beginning of spring. However, maybe it’s an impression, the wind that hits the cheeks is still cool.

After the beginning of spring, there is something that gets caught in the corner of my head every year.

Yes, the question is when to decorate the chicks. I haven’t decorated it yet because of all the busyness these days …


It is generally said that Hina dolls should be decorated “from the beginning of spring (around February 4th) to about a week before the peach festival (March 3rd)”, but the peach festival is representative of spring. Since it is a festival, it seems that it is said that it is better to decorate it at the beginning of spring on the calendar, so is it a slight pressure to decorate it?

However, you don’t have to be particular about Lichun, so it may be easier to remember that “Hina dolls will be displayed when Setsubun (February 2nd) is over.”

And it is said that the time to put away the Hina dolls is “as soon as possible after the end of the peach festival (March 3rd)”, but this puts some pressure on them.


The reason is simply that if you celebrate the Hinamatsuri, the role of the Hina doll will end that year, but there is also a legend that “If you put away the Hina doll late, the child’s marriage will be delayed”, and this obsession is the world’s obsession. Isn’t it going to accompany parents who have daughters? Despite knowing that it is a superstition, it seems that the Hina dolls are vulnerable to moisture, and it seems that it is a good message that it is untidy to keep them out forever, but since they are old people, there is considerable pressure every year due to imprinting. I will attack me lol.


Aside from the problem of chicks in my home, palm-sized chicks with one-sword carving have appeared at the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store since yesterday, just like last year.

This chick is my favorite one-sword carved chick, is it tall? The world view tightly packed in 5 cm is irresistible.

If I talk a little about my fever with one sword carving, it would be like a soliloquy because there aren’t many people to go out with, but this chick is also one sword carving in Nara. A long time ago, I was dying for a one-sword carved chick, so I went to Nara to find it …


Speaking of one-sword carving, I often see it featured in a certain Upper Mrs. magazine at this time, but the one who actually saw this one-sword carving is small and simple and elegant. I think that I will be more and more attracted to the cuteness and become a captive of it. This is also something that mania thinks on its own.


Personally, the smaller the size, the higher the tension, but I think that the ones that have been stripped of various things and made smaller are the ultimate cuteness.


Although it is one of the sword carvings, it is actually found in various places. I was addicted to Nara’s one-sword carving, also known as the Nara doll, which originated about 870 years ago. It is said that it was decorated at the festival of Kasuga Taisha Shrine at the end of the Heian period.

Nara’s one-sword carving is characterized by being colored with gold leaf and mineral pigments, and this vivid color shines in that simple carving, and its vividness appears cutely in the beginning of spring beyond winter. We will do it, so the place will spring up all at once. It seems that it is even more brilliant when it appears in a certain magazine.

In addition, all the dolls and decorations can be stored in the lower tier, and the display shelves are cute, convenient for storage, and practical for modern housing situations. When this happens, I want more and more. However, the small and cute Nara sword carving, the essential price laughed wonderfully, and unfortunately I gave up. Oh, but I’m still on my wish list someday.


Therefore, it is a very happy season for me just to look at the store like this.


And, the story of Hina-sama continues, but I can’t help but be worried that I haven’t decorated the Hina-sama in my house …

I will work today while fighting this pressure. Thank you for your attention.


Well then, good luck.















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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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