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プレゼントを選ぶ時間(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










































Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

The other day, when I was traveling around the neighborhood for work, I saw a house with wonderful Christmas group plants, wreaths, swags, etc. on the front door and front door.

I’ve seen various decorations, but are they basically red, green, and real brown? With this three-color coordination, everyone can feel a little excited and a little rushed, saying, “Christmas has come this year.”

Recently, I haven’t decorated the tree at home anymore, but I thought it would be nice to have a casual decoration outdoors in this season when the city became a little lonely, but anyway, the autumn leaves are approaching the end. The colors of the decorations shine casually in a city that has become a little lonely.

Even before Christmas, I was exchanging with my friends on LINE the other day. Since it was the birthday of his mother soon, a friend sent me a photo saying, “I made a present, a flower of cyclamen.” Every year, he seemed to be worried about his head, and this year he muttered to himself while looking at his cell phone, saying, “Is there a hand for that flower?”

It goes without saying that the flowers in the photo were wonderful, but the face and appearance of her choosing a flower, such as what she would like to give as a present for her mother, and whether to make this flower out of many flowers. When I think of it, it made me smile. What a rich time it is to choose a gift for someone.

By the way, I often find it difficult to meet the people I want to meet due to various circumstances, and I feel like I was giving a present or a gift.

While choosing, “What are you doing these days?”, “How are you doing?”, “What do you need now?”, “Do you like this?” As I was worried about various things such as “That.” Or.

It’s a Christmas present, but when did you start? I was wondering, and my curiosity was activated again. I did some research.

In Christianity, when the festival celebrating the birth of Christ and the winter solstice festival celebrating the new birth of the sun are fused, relatives who usually live apart gather at their parents’ homes to hold Christmas parties and give Christmas gifts. As you know, it is from the custom of exchanging.

The custom of exchanging this gift was originally a traditional event on December 6th, called St. Nicholas Day, but in 1535 Martin Luther suggested that it should be done at Christmas. It seems that it has become a custom to be held in December.

Even in Japan, the custom of Christmas gifts began in the Meiji era. The Yomiuri Shimbun, dated December 28, 1906, reported on the Salvation Army’s “Christmas gifts for the poor,” with 30,000 stuffed baskets filled with fruits, bread, sweets, and toys. It seems that it was handed over to the poor people who exceeded the number of people. The newspaper states, “This is the first time we have in Japan,” and it seems that at that time, the goal was a large-scale gift operation for the poor, as was done in New York.

In the Taisho era, the custom of Christmas gifts has taken root in people’s lives, and the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun on December 3, 1923 (Taisho 12) stated that “X-mas approached”. In the article under the heading, it seems that “Christmas gifts welcomed by Miss Bochan are becoming more and more popular year by year”, and it is quite overheated.

By the way, the Christmas presents at that time were like this.

Santa Claus dolls, illuminated Christmas-decorated houses, typewriter toys (which I’m curious about), stationery, letter sets (old classics), milk chocolate. It tells the times.

Then, around 1960, that stuffed with sweets will appear as a style unique to Japan. Yes, Christmas boots. It is said that this started with the design of a boot-shaped confectionery case as an extension of the Christmas tree decoration, and is it unique to Japan that is particular about packaging?

However, choosing a gift over time is certainly a rather annoying and annoying time. However, when I think about it, choose it, and wrap it as a gift, I get a grin even with a bitter smile, and in the end, the person who chose it is happy, and at the end it is strange. Isn’t it?

It seems like a set with a rich time to think about the gift selection and the other person, so please choose the gift while thinking about the face of your cherished person this year as well.


Well then, good luck.














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