


富士山を愛でる旅になっておりました。 (愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店) 



皆さまこんにちは、スタッフYです。 暑さに解放され、ほっとしたのも束の間。このところ急に寒くなって参りましたね。体調管理やお布団の管理に慌てていらっしゃるかたも多いのではないでしょうか。お風邪などひかぬようくれぐれもお気を付けくださいませ。









Near the summit of Mt. Nyukasa


そんな富士山、実は意外と遠方の県からも見ることが出来るらしいとのこと。普通に見ることはできませんが、最東端は千葉県 銚子市約200km、最南端は八丈島三原山山頂から約271km、最北端は福島県花塚山約308km、最遠地はなんと和歌山県色川富士見峠約323km。こちらは2001年9月京本孝司氏、仲賢氏が、700ミリ相当の望遠レンズで撮影。もともとは「小麦峠」という名前でしたが、富士山が見えたことにより「色川富士見峠」と名前を変えているくらいですから、みんな富士山大好き。おそるべしです。








At Kirigamine Fujimidai Observatory




著作権フリー絵画, 歌川広重(作品), 浮世絵, 版画, 木版画, 東海道五十三次, 東海道五十三次(保永堂版), 風景画, 江戸時代, 日本, 由比宿, 静岡県, 崖, 富士山, 海

東海道五十三次 由井 薩埵嶺

Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Yui Satta Pass


著作権フリー絵画, 歌川広重(作品), 浮世絵, 版画, 木版画, 東海道五十三次, 東海道五十三次(保永堂版), 風景画, 江戸時代, 日本, 箱根宿, 神奈川県, 山, 富士山, 湖

東海道五十三次 箱根 湖水図

Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Hakone Lake Map



At Fujimi Pasora Marizoto



Rice harvesting completed on the farm road near Hara Village








Hello everyone, this is Staff Y. It was a moment when I was relieved by the heat. It’s suddenly getting cold these days. Many people may be in a hurry to manage their physical condition and futon. Please be careful not to catch a cold.

By the way, Staff Y, I went to Nagano Tateshina the other day. I love Nagano prefecture and visit it almost every year, but this time it was so sudden that I really started without a plan.

However, as is the accepted theory only for me, lucky things happen only for unplanned trips.

The weather is nice this time, and you can see Mt. Fuji from anywhere.

For people in the neighboring prefectures, you may think, “What …”, but for most people like me who can’t usually see Mt. Fuji, the tension will rise considerably. You can see Mt. Fuji from here and there! .. So, before I knew it, it was a trip to love Mt. Fuji.


It seems that Mt. Fuji can actually be seen from a prefecture far away. You can’t see it normally, but the easternmost point is about 200km in Choshi City, Chiba Prefecture, the southernmost point is about 271km from the summit of Mt. .. This was taken in September 2001 by Takashi Kyomoto and Ken Naka with a telephoto lens equivalent to 700 mm. Originally the name was “Wheat Pass”, but since I could see Mt. Fuji, I changed the name to “Irokawa Fujimi Pass”, so everyone loves Mt. Fuji. It’s terrifying.


Of course, it can be seen faintly from Aichi prefecture, where the antique art style building is located, so it is natural to see it from Nagano prefecture. However, the surroundings of Nagano Prefecture are also blocked by mountains of 2000-3000m class, and the weather of the mountains is changeable and clouds and fog can be seen immediately, so it seems that there is a lot of timing to find it.


In such a situation, you can find Mt. Fuji, so you can understand that you can laugh a little bit, “I saw it!”.

In such a situation, when I happen to find a small Mt. Fuji in the distance, or when Mt. Fuji looks into my face between the mountains and clouds, the feeling of being excited involuntarily is in our blood. It seems that the DNA that makes you like Mt. Fuji has already been incorporated.


Does Mt. Fuji’s love associated with that DNA come from the fact that it was a mountain that symbolized Japan’s “mountain worship”? Ukiyo-e paintings of Mt. Fuji drawn by Hiroshige Utagawa and Hokusai Katsushika became popular, and the “faith tour” of worshiping Mt. Fuji by a popular religious organization called Fujiko became very popular, and Mt. Fuji worship became even more popular. However, Mt. Fuji, which was forbidden to women at that time, could not be climbed by men and women of all ages, and it was not a mountain that everyone could climb, but a mountain that they longed to look up at. Is that longing completely ingrained in us as a DNA that raises the tension of Mt. Fuji?


When I was driving the car as the DNA went, it became a journey like chasing Mt. Fuji before I knew it. In other words, it can be said to be a “journey to love Mt. Fuji”, so please understand it. Thank you for the best weather for the time being.

See you again.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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