せみの一生は儚くなかった。(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




せみの一生は儚くなかった。(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)












孵化した幼虫は土の中へ潜っていき、セミの一生の大半は土の中で過ごすことになります。なんとその長さは先ほど述べた通り、3~17年にもおよびます。 セミの種類にもよりますが、3年以上も土の中(暗黒の地下生活)いるとは驚きですよね。




























Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.

Here in Nagoya, the news of the end of the rainy season came in from the stormy weather of the day before yesterday. It suddenly became hot.

From yesterday, the sun was piercing the skin, and summer has come this year in an easy-to-understand manner.

When I opened the window in the morning, I thought, the cicadas started to squeal at a fairly loud volume. Well, I didn’t forget summer again this year.

Even so, it is a cicada that makes such a loud cry, but even elementary school students know that the way of life is not short. I often see cicadas flipping over on the roadside and ending their ephemeral life in the summer, but wait. Actually, “the life of a cicada is long”, so it may not be ephemeral.

For example, brown cicada. It lays eggs on tree trunks during summer adults. The eggs hatch in the rainy season the following year.
The hatched larvae dive into the soil, and most of the life of the cicada is spent in the soil. As I mentioned earlier, the length is 3 to 17 years. It depends on the type of cicada, but it’s surprising that you’ve been in the soil (dark underground life) for more than three years.
It is well known that cicadas spend a long time in the ground to become adults, but the lifespan of cicadas after they come to the ground can be from one week to one month.

But what is the reason for the short life since it came to the ground?

After a long and long underground life, the cicada climbs the tree again at the timing of emergence. At last, it becomes an adult with wings, but at first it seems that its body is whitish and its cry is still small.
It is said that a cicada has a lifespan of about one week after becoming an adult, but it is said that it can live for about a month if the environment is prepared. It seems that it is quite difficult for cicadas to live outside for a long time because there are many foreign enemies and natural enemies including humans. For example, foreign enemies and natural enemies include humans, crows, cats, birds, and carnivorous bees and ants. It is difficult for Semi to live on earth.


However, the period after becoming an adult is limited to a short period of time, and it must be done in the meantime on the ground where there are many foreign enemies. It is to leave offspring. Eggs can only be laid during adults, so it is no exaggeration to say that they came to the ground for the prosperity of their offspring, considering that underground life.

By the way, only males can make a cry. The male is making such a cry to signal the female. It is said that males and females are more likely to meet than other insects because of that bark. This is the reason why it can be regarded as a ephemeral life, because it fulfills its mission in the short time of life for the prosperity of descendants.


By the way, is there something that seems to be the law of the time when the cicadas started to cry and debuted on the ground?


There was a “law of 400 ° C” that the cherry blossoms bloom when the total average temperature after February 1 exceeds 400 ° C, but it clearly starts to cry after the rainy season. There are many things, but what about the truth?

From the conclusion, I mentioned earlier that the cicadas squeal at the end of the rainy season, but it seems that there is a delicate relationship between the squealing and the end of the rainy season.


It is said that the cicadas start crying in the middle of July every year, which seems to be related to the temperature rather than the time in the calendar. It seems that when a hot day that exceeds 30 degrees Celsius comes, it will start crying, but I could not find an easy-to-understand law like cherry blossoms.


t is also strange how the mechanism of spending 3 to 17 years as a larva in the ground and appearing in the ground in the summer is strange. When it comes to hatching in 13 or 17 years like a prime number seminar, what is the law of the ground debut of cicadas? You will have an accurate clock and a high-performance sensor that sensitively detects changes in the surrounding environment, but in reality, you have to interview Cicadas lol.


Well, it’s only a short period of time that we can see it, but it’s because it’s coming to the ground with full satisfaction. Far from being short-lived, it was a longevity when you think about it. It may seem ephemeral, but it may actually be a strong and strong life.


After that, there was a change that I responded to the cicada’s bark that I heard, not “noisy” but “I don’t mind crying a lot”, so let’s say that this research study was good. For now, I think I can spend the summer with Semi.













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10:00-17:00 OPEN



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