


遅ればせながら…『バンクシー展』にいってきました (名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)



現在、名古屋では旧名古屋ボストン美術館にて『バンクシー 天才か反逆者か』展が開催されています。















『ガール ウィズ バルーン』という作品は彼を代表する作品のひとつですが、この絵は最初、ロンドンのサウス・バングの階段下の壁に描かれていました。ハート形の風船を手放そうとしている少女の絵です。飛んでいくこの風船に喪失感を感じる人がいれば、自由を感じる人もいます。後に誰かが「いつだって希望はある」という言葉を書き加えたようです。このように一部では、この少女は希望のシンボルになり、のちにいくつかの場所でバンクシーはこの絵を描きました。そしてあの有名な出来事が起こります。

2018年10月5日。ロンドンのサザビーズのオークション会場で、この『ガール ウィズ バルーン』という作品がその日一番の高値どころか、バンクシー自身が打ち立てた最高記録と同じ104万ポンドで値がついた直後に額縁に仕掛けられたシュレッダーによってキャンバスが切り刻まれてしまった事件です。あれは、バンクシー自身が起こした、美術史上もっとも大胆不敵といっていいような悪ふざけだったようです。

何度も何度もシミュレーションを重ね、当日、落札のハンマーが打ち下ろされた瞬間に、スイッチを押した。自身のインスタグラムでも「リハーサルでは毎回うまくいったのに…。」というメッセージを残しています。「シュレッダー事件」と呼ばれるこのエピソードは「美術史においてライブ・オークション中に作られた初の作品」といわれるようになり、後日、切り裂かれた作品は『ラブ イズ イン ザ ビン(愛はごみ箱の中に)』とバンクシー自身に名付けられたようです。









Currently, in Nagoya, the exhibition “Banksy Genius or Rebel” is being held at the former Nagoya Museum of Art.

This exhibition, which started on February 3, 2021, can only be seen in Nagoya until June 20.

There are 9 days left.

The other day, I went there too late.

It’s a little cheaper to buy a date and time ticket on the internet in advance, so I bought it that morning.

I bought it and headed to the venue. The venue is quite crowded with the popular art exhibition. Also, I wonder if there are many young people

As I thought, there were many elderly people, and everyone was staring at Banksy’s work.

I was impressed by the times when everyone listened to their earphones and listened to something enthusiastically.

Apparently, there is a free audio guide, which you can easily listen to by installing a dedicated app from your mobile phone.

I also downloaded it from the middle and proceeded while listening.

There were quite a few works and they were impressive. But as I went on, I didn’t know anything about Banksy

I understood that.


Banksy is an anonymous graphic artist based in the United Kingdom, set in streets, walls and bridges around the world.

I think you know by working on the death of God. Anonymity is also the reason why it gets the most attention in the world,

Not only that, but what’s great about him is that he monitors the world and picks up events that everyone is interested in.

It presents the seriousness of the problem that is occurring in his unique way. In doing so, we think, pay attention,

Encourage them to take action.

Of particular interest to me was his semi-consumerist themed works.

“The true value of life is replaced by the plethora of marketing information that comes from here and there, and is sometimes scary, because much of what’s around us is liar. The capitalist system is always By buying more, we urge us to fill in the subjective sense of inner emptiness and loneliness, thus depriving us of our freedom in the end. Is that so? ”

I really think so. The first thing I can do is to prepare myself so that my heart is not controlled by things.

I thought that I had to prepare it. I also know that there aren’t many things you really need.

I thought that I would like to live a rich life by carefully holding few things.


The work “Girl with His Balloon” is one of his representative works, but this painting was first made in London’s South Bang.

It was drawn on the wall under the stairs. A picture of a girl trying to let go of a heart-shaped balloon. Feeling lost in these flying balloons

Some people feel it, others feel freedom. It seems that someone later added the words, “There is always hope.”

Thus, in part, this girl became a symbol of hope, and later in some places Banksy painted this picture.

And that famous event happens.

October 5, 2018. At the Sotheby’s auction site in London, this work called “Girl with Balloon”

Far from the highest price of the day, shortly after Banksy’s own record of £ 1.04 million.

The canvas was chopped by a shredder set on his picture frame.

It seems that Banksy himself was the most fearless prank in art history.

He simulated over and over again and pressed his switch the moment the winning bidder was downed on the day.

His own Instagram also leaves the message, “Every time I rehearsed, it worked …”.

This episode, called the “Shredder Case,” is “the first in art history to be made during a live auction.

It came to be called “work”, and the work that was torn apart at a later date was “Love is in the bin (love is in the bin)”.

It seems that it was named by Banksy himself.


“Is this art? What is considered art?”

This question, which he himself asked himself many times, seems to be posed to us viewers.

And do you call him a genius or a rebel?

There was a voting corner at the end of the exhibition.

I have voted for my opinion. What do you think, guys.

(Staff M)












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


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TEL: 052-734-8444




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