SDGsを普段の生活に意識してみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店 骨董買取いたします) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




SDGsを普段の生活に意識してみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店 骨董買取いたします)








SDGsは皆さまご存じの通り、Sustainable Development Goalsの頭の文字を合わせた言葉で、日本語では「持続可能な開発目標」と訳されています。読み方は、SDGs(エスディジーズ)。2015年9月、ニューヨーク国際本部にて開かれた国際サミットで、150を超える加盟国首脳の全会一致で採択されました。これは、2016年から2030年の15年間で達成する目標を記したもので、「地球上の誰一人取り残さない」という強い意志のもと、地球を保護しながら、あらゆる貧困を解消し、すべての人が平和と豊かさを得ることのできる社会を目指し設定されました。


SDGsには、あのカラフルなロゴでもおわかりの通り、17の大きな目標と、それらを達成するための具体的な169のターゲットで構成されています。17個の目標を眺めると、特に企業や個人の生活と関わりがあり,すぐにでも取り組めそうなSDGs目標12「つくる責任 つかう責任」が目につきました。「つくる責任 つかう責任」がキャッチコピーのSDGs目標12は「持続可能な生産消費形態を確保する」が目標として掲げられています。それまでの大量生産大量消費から、少ない資源で生産性をあげ良いものを使えるようにし、さらには廃棄自体も減らす社会構造を作っていこう、という目標なのです。

このSDGs 目標12は、「経済」「社会」「環境」の三側面を総合的に成長させようとするSDGsの考えをすべて反映している目標であるため、様々な場で重要視されています。


目標の中には、それぞれ具体的な行動指針のようなもの(ターゲット)があるのですが、特に12.1にかかげている、“ 10YFPには、(「ジャパンSDGsアワード」の審査員の一人でもある 蟹江憲史さんの著書(SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)/中公新書)によると、)「持続可能な公共調達」、「消費者情報」、「持続可能なツーリズム、エコツーリズム」、「持続可能なライフスタイル及び教育」、「持続可能な建築・建設」、「持続可能な食糧システム」という6つのプログラムがあり、それぞれに関する政策や情報共有、実施のためのツール開発などが行われているとのこと。つまり、世界の持続可能な消費と生産を推進する取り組みを行ないましょうというもののようです。確かに生活に密着したこの目標12は、比較的一般の人にも身近に取り入れやすい目標ですね。




・エコロジカル・フットプリント(原料から製造・消費、そして廃棄にいたるまでに、環境に負担をかけないようにする。詳しくは SDGsのHPへ)













Hello. This is Staff Y.

Finally, Golden Week has entered. However, I understand that there are many people who do not feel like that this year. “Well, that’s what happens when I’m alive,” said my mother, who grew up during the war, and I couldn’t say anything. I’m sweating. Then, in order to review my knowledge for a new life, I decided to be aware of the SGDs that I was interested in recently during this Golden Week.

As you all know, SDGs is a combination of the acronyms for Sustainable Development Goals, which is translated as “Sustainable Development Goals” in Japanese. The reading is SDGs. It was unanimously adopted by the leaders of more than 150 member states at the International Summit held at the United Nations International Headquarters in September 2015. This describes the goals to be achieved in the 15 years from 2016 to 2030, and with the strong will to “leave no one on the planet”, while protecting the planet, all poverty is eliminated and everything is done. It was set with the aim of creating a society where people can obtain peace and affluence.

As you can see from the colorful logo, the SDGs consist of 17 major goals and 169 specific targets to achieve them. Looking at the 17 goals, I noticed SDGs Goal 12, “Responsibility to Create, Responsibility to Use,” which is particularly related to the lives of companies and individuals and is likely to be tackled immediately. “Responsibility to make and responsibility to use” is a catch phrase SDGs Goal 12 has the goal of “securing a sustainable production and consumption form”. The goal is to create a social structure that increases productivity and uses good products with a small amount of resources, and also reduces waste itself, from the mass production and mass consumption up to that point.

This SDGs Goal 12 is important in various places because it is a goal that reflects all of the SDGs’ ideas to comprehensively grow the three aspects of “economy,” “society,” and “environment.” ..


Each of the goals has something like a concrete action guideline (target), but especially in 12.1, “10YFP is also one of the judges of the” Japan SDGs Award “. According to Norichika Kanie’s book (SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) / Chuko Shinsho)) “Sustainable Public Procurement”, “Consumer Information”, “Sustainable Tourism, Ecotourism”, “Sustainable” There are six programs, “Lifestyle and Education,” “Sustainable Architecture and Construction,” and “Sustainable Food System,” and policies, information sharing, and tool development for implementation are being carried out. thing. In short, it seems to be an effort to promote sustainable consumption and production in the world. Certainly, this goal 12, which is closely related to daily life, is a goal that is relatively easy for the general public to adopt.

Aside from the difficult things

・ Eliminate food loss

・ Ecological footprint (to avoid burdening the environment from raw materials to manufacturing / consumption and disposal)

・ Recycling activities such as 3Rs

・ Ethical consumption (It has the meaning of ethical consumption that considers human rights and the global environment.)

From here, I decided to be aware of it.


For example, yesterday staff Y’s supper. First, for good health, walk to the supermarket. Shop at the eco bag, and shop systematically so that there is no food loss. To the stomach without leaving anything. This seems to be good. Furthermore, is it even more advanced if you can use peeled skin as fertilizer? As expected, it didn’t go that far, but there were times when I was able to achieve it in my daily life. In this way, it seems that you can just look back on what you have achieved in your daily life.

In the first place, mass production and mass consumption and CO2 emissions have increased in the last 100 years. You can still use the antique plates that have been around for more than 100 years here at Fukosha. Above all, the goodness of aging and past technologies make the thing itself even more valuable. Its value has come to be understood by us in 2021, who have regained a little knowledge of history, human rights and the global environment. I can’t go back to my 100 years of life, but I wondered if it would be so difficult to go back a little.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



We hope that the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store will also be useful for your SDGs activities.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


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