クリスマスイルミネーションを満喫しました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




クリスマスイルミネーションを満喫しました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







その中でも一際目を引くイルミネーションオブジェ。ティファニーの店舗前に「Bird on a Box(バード オン ア ボックス)」が展示されていました。







アーティストのジャン・シュランバージェの名作で1965年に発表された「バード オン ア ロック」から着想を得たオブジェだそうです。



ジャン・シュランバージェは明確なビジョンをもつアーティストで、彼の故郷であるカリブ海のグアドループで出会った黄色いオウムに着想を得て、バード オン ア ロック ブローチをデザインしました。

1995年にティファニーがこのバード オン ア ロックのデザインに伝説的なティファニーダイアモンドをセッティングしたことでティファニーのアイコン的存在となりました。
















I visited Tokyo for the first time in a long time for a friend’s celebration. I was prepared for quite a crowd on a Saturday and Sunday during the New Year’s holiday and braced myself to take on the challenge.
The trains were crowded, and I had to wait in long lines just to get on the escalators at various locations, something I don’t often experience in Nagoya.


On my way back to Nagoya, I had some time to kill, so I decided to take a walk along Marunouchi Naka-dori Avenue near Tokyo Station, guided by a friend, to see the Christmas illuminations. In the past, Marunouchi had the image of an inorganic town with rows of offices for financial institutions and the like, but through maintenance and renovation, it has been transformed from a “passageway for cars” to a “people-centered space.
Deciduous trees such as zelkova, katsura, american fir, and chinese linden have been planted, and the ground is paved with mottled-rock cobblestones on the sidewalks and roadways, creating an atmosphere similar to that of a European street.
On weekends and holidays, the street is a pedestrian zone from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tables were set up along with kitchen cars, and many people were outside enjoying meals and tea under the sunlight filtering through the trees. Many people were enjoying their meals and tea outside under the sunlight through the trees.


Not only were there glamorous show windows of famous brands and restaurants, but also Kyoto’s tea shops and art museums, and just walking down the street was an uplifting experience.

Among them, one illuminated object caught my attention. Bird on a Box” was displayed in front of the Tiffany store.


It is said to be an object inspired by artist Jean Schlumberger’s masterpiece “Bird on a Rock,” which was released in 1965.


I was not familiar with this world, so I did not really understand what a lovely and gorgeous bird object it was.

Jean Schlumberger is an artist with a clear vision, and the Bird on a Rock brooch was inspired by a yellow parrot he encountered in his native Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.

In 1995, Tiffany & Co. set the Bird on a Rock design with the legendary Tiffany Diamond, making it a Tiffany icon.

It was a combination of a humorous bird motif and 128.54 carats of yellow diamonds. (Tiffany unveiled this design at the Jean Schlumberger retrospective in Paris, which brought it worldwide fame.


Later, to celebrate its reopening in 2023, the bird and yellow diamond design was reborn as a recombinable pendant. It features five birds flying around a Tiffany Diamond. They are now also available as rings and earrings.


The bird, an illuminated object on top of the Tiffany Blue box, shone brightly as the sun went down and the surroundings became dark, attracting the attention of passersby. Tiffany blue is derived from “robin’s egg blue,” the color of the eggs of the robin, a bird believed to bring good luck, and is said to symbolize happiness and integrity. One hundred years after the initial blue box, a white satin ribbon was added to the box. It was secretly a bird connection.

Since I usually live a humble life, the glittering world was a feast for my eyes and energized me with the power of our predecessors in pursuit of beautiful things.


We were not able to visit the Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum this time due to time constraints. The exterior of the museum is also lovely, and I would definitely like to visit next time.


See you next time. (Staff H)














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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