今日、初雪の地域もありましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




今日、初雪の地域もありましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










たとえば、本阿弥光悦作 重要文化財の赤楽茶碗『雪峯』。











他にも国宝 白楽茶碗『不二山』や、赤楽茶碗『雪片』など本阿弥光悦の茶碗には雪を見立てた銘品が存在しますが、本阿弥光悦の茶碗は作行きによって大きく二分されるようです。一つは国宝 白楽茶碗『不二山』に代表される半筒形のもの、一は赤楽茶碗『雪片』や重要文化財『雪峯』に代表される腰の丸い形のものなどです。近年、光悦茶碗として認められるものはそれらをあわせても三十碗ほどあるとされているのですが、その中の有名な数個は雪を見立てた作品ですから、本阿弥光悦は雪は大好きなモチーフであったのでしょうか。それよりなにより雪をみたてた銘品をいくつか眺めてみますと、我々のような生活を送っていては絶対に生まれない作品だな…というのはよく伝わります。








It was really cold this morning. I have a feeling that many areas in Japan have seen their first snowfall earlier this year, but the sudden cold wave has not caught up with the rest of the country, so I had to put on some strange layers of clothing this morning.

When it snows, we modern people tend to get nervous about what to do, what to wear, whether our plans for the day will be all right, etc. But I am sure that the ancients, if nothing serious happened, would have said, “It’s too late, let’s make today’s plans for tomorrow. I wonder if the ancients would have given up and just looked at the snow with a blank stare, thinking, “It’s too much to take care of today’s plans. I have the impression that life in the snow is not so busy, such as composing songs, playing musical instruments, thinking about the snow, working inside the house, etc. It is not “To Hikaru-kun,” which ended the other day, but it is an elegant image for the upper class.


I think there are many fine works of art inspired by such snow,

For example, “Yukimine,” an important cultural property red raku tea bowl by Hon’ami Koetsu.


As you may know, this is a masterpiece in the collection of Hatakeyama Memorial Museum in Minato-ku, Tokyo. It is one of the tea bowls that I would like to see the real thing at least once. What is it that I am interested in?


The cracks in the kiln. However, Koetsu may have given the inscription “Seppou” to this part as it was made to look like a mountain stream with melting snow, and the white glazed part as snow piling up on the mountain ridge. Also, if you turn your eyes to the other side, you will be surprised to see the fine kintsugi (gold joints) with thin lines of lacquer.


The other interesting part of Seppou, along with the cracks in the kiln, is the area around the base of the bowl, which has sunk into the body to the extent that the base is no longer visible. It seems as if it could not bear its own weight in the kiln, and it has been hidden inside of the prospect, and it may be the No. 1 teacup that is said to be impossible to make even if you try to make such a bowl. The sense of Hon’ami Koetsu is charming beyond the times, and it is a little bit touching to the people of today.


There are other famous Hon’ami Koetsu teacups that are made to look like snow, such as the National Treasure Shiraku teacup “Fujisan” and the Akaraku teacup “Yukikata”, but it seems that Hon’ami Koetsu’s teacups are largely divided into two groups according to the way they are made. One is the semi-tubular shape represented by the National Treasure Shiraku tea bowl “Fujisan”, and the other is the round waist shape represented by the Akaraku tea bowl “Yukikata” and the Important Cultural Property “Yukimine”. In recent years, it is said that there are about 30 Koetsu teabowls that are recognized as Koetsu teabowls in total, but since several of the most famous ones were made to resemble snow, it seems that snow was Hon’ami Koetsu’s favorite motif. Looking at some of the famous snow-inspired works, it is clear that they would never have been created in a life like ours.


As I was thinking about this, it occurred to me that, yes, next year I would like to go see the snowy scenery of this teacup with my own eyes in order to realize this…. Okay, I’ll make this a small dream for next year.


Have a good day. (Staff Y)















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