ぽかぽか陽気の中、美しい黄葉に出くわしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ぽかぽか陽気の中、美しい黄葉に出くわしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























この「炻器」の「炻」という漢字ですが、なかなか変換できず不思議に思っておりましたら、どうやら中国から来た漢字ではなく、明治40年頃に作られた「国字」であるとのこと。1935年に出版された「陶器大辞典」によると、1907年ころに英語の ‵stone ware’ の訳語として作られたのだそうです。「石器」と音が同じになり区別するために火偏を付けて「炻器」とし、中国にも輸出されたとあります。





The cool morning air has changed, and during the daytime it is so warm and sunny that it is hard to believe that it is December.

This year, perhaps due to the late arrival of cold weather, we can still enjoy “yellow leaves” even though it is December.

I was sadly thinking that I could not go to the famous Meiji Jingu Gaien to see the yellow tunnels of the autumn leaves this year. It was a row of gingko trees in Chikusa Park, which is not far from the Fumikosha.

It must be hard for those who clean up the fallen leaves, but the red fallen leaves look like a carpet and are beautiful.


I was lucky to be able to enjoy autumn leaf viewing in an unexpectedly close neighborhood. A walk in Chikusa Park today is highly recommended!

It is warm during the day, but it suddenly gets cold at night. I just wrote in my blog the other day that I am trying to cut down on drinking, but perhaps it is because of the cold weather that my body is craving sake and shochu. I thought a little bit of sake would warm me up, so I finally bought some sake. I thought I would just have one cup of sake, but that was not enough…. Now I am looking forward to finding delicious snacks to go with my sake, and I have given up on sake.

If I am going to drink a large amount of sake, I could drink it in a cup or a sake cup instead of an inokuchi, but as a small measure of resistance, I am enjoying it in small doses with an inokuchi.

Speaking of which, Fukosha also has a Zogan (inlaid glass) sake cup made by Shingo Takeuchi, a native of Seto City, Aichi Prefecture. The simple taste of the clay and the unique design of the cups are so fascinating that you may wonder for a moment if you are allowed to pour alcohol into the cups. Originally, gugumini were used at tea ceremonies to hold delicacies such as “namasu” (sweetened young sardines) as mukozuke, and then used as drinking vessels after the meal was over, which is how they came to be used as sake vessels. Takeuchi’s guginomi can also be enjoyed when served with food.

Shingo Takeuchi is the creator of stoneware, which is also called “sekki. Stoneware is also called yakishime, and is considered to be a medium between ceramic and porcelain.

It is made of clay with high alkali and iron content and feldspar, which is liquefied by being fired at high temperatures and penetrates into the base material, thus serving as a glaze. The result is that the water absorbency is low and no glaze is applied. Stoneware is fired at temperatures between 1100 and 1300 degrees Celsius, between the firing temperatures of ceramics and porcelain.


According to the “Dictionary of Ceramics” published in 1935, the Chinese character for “stoneware” was created around 1907 as a translation of the English word “stoneware. The word was coined around 1907 as a translation of the English word ‵stone ware‵. The word “stoneware” was exported to China as well.

So you can create a new kanji character. I remember when my child was in elementary school, he had a homework assignment to “create a creative Kanji character” and it was a headache for him. The elementary school students were full of ideas and came up with unique kanji.

In fact, the “Kanji Creation Contest” is held every year, and this year marked the 15th year. It was an interesting exercise for the brain, so if you are interested, why not take a look?


See you next time. (Staff H)















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