帝室技芸員 初代諏訪蘇山(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




帝室技芸員 初代諏訪蘇山(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




先日から時々ブログにて少しずつ取り上げております 帝室技芸員。


昨年10月に石川県美術館にて行われました「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」を訪れ、その際、帝室技芸員の作品を一度にたくさん鑑賞できたのですが、訪れた当初は感動し、お腹いっぱいといったところでした。そんなわけで思わず購入した図録を今頃思い出して眺めているのですが、図録を読み返していると「なるほど、そうなんだ。」といった新たな知識と感動したあの時の印象が今頃結びついてき、いろいろ噛み締めているところであります。


本日は、そんな中印象に残っております石川県生まれの帝室技芸員、陶工 初代諏訪蘇山についてご紹介いたします。






「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」図録より




「皇居三の丸尚蔵館収蔵品展 皇室と石川」図録より



















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Since the other day, I have been writing a little bit about Imperial Household Artists in my blog.

Last October, I visited “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa” at the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, where I was able to see many works by Imperial Household Artists at one time. I was so impressed that I bought the catalogue and now I am looking at it, and when I read it again, I was impressed by the new knowledge I gained. I am now looking at the catalogue I bought without thinking, and as I read it over again, new knowledge such as “I see, I see,” and the impressions I had at that time come together, and I am now chewing on various things.


Today, I would like to introduce Suwa Suzan I, a potter born in Ishikawa Prefecture and a member of the Imperial Household Artists’ Association, who left a deep impression on me.

First, I would like to introduce two pieces that I saw at the exhibition.


Celadon glazed vase with phoenix cloud design

From the catalogue of the exhibition “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa,” from the collection of the Imperial Palace San-no-Maru Shōzōkan




Celadon glazed incense burner with phoenix cloud design

From the catalogue of “The Imperial Household and Ishikawa: Exhibition of the Collections of the Imperial Household Museum” (Japanese only)


Suwa Suzan I (1851-1922) was a ceramic artist of the Meiji and Taisho periods. He was born in Kanazawa. His name was Yoshitake, and his other names included Kinsuido and Seisai. He initially studied martial arts in the Kaga Clan and served in the military, but later left the service. He studied pottery painting under Noda Tokuji (Saiunro Kyokusan) and began his career as a ceramic painter. After that, he worked at the Kutani Pottery Company and the Ishikawa Prefectural Industrial School before being invited to work at the Nishikozan Pottery in Kyoto.

In 1907, he became independent. He opened a kiln on Gojozaka and studied celadon, white porcelain, and colored porcelain, as well as glazes, such as the method of kiln transformation, and his celadon in particular is known as “Suzan celadon,” a characteristic of his work.


It is truly regrettable that I cannot show you the “Su Shan celadon” well in the picture, but I remember that I was drawn into the clear, glossy, pale blue color and felt as if I were melting away.


Su Shan’s celadon works are characterized by their exquisite molding and decoration as well as their beautiful pale blue color. He reproduced celadon porcelain more closely resembling the ideal by adding color to the clay, and the molding technique using plaster molds is indispensable for his exquisite modeling and decorations. The plaster molding technique is an indispensable technique for the exquisite molding and decoration of celadon porcelain. Plaster molds are excellent as a method to simultaneously achieve modeling and decoration, and it is evident that Sosan made full use of plaster molds from his early period.


In 1917, he was appointed as a member of the Imperial Household Artists for his reputation that “Su Shan’s celadon porcelain was truly close to the celadon porcelain of the Sung dynasty in China.


The production of these works was a process that allowed no room for failure. I still have a strong impression of being absorbed by this pale blue celadon, perhaps because I was able to feel the spirit with which Suyama responded with his best techniques. I still cannot forget the pale blue color of these two works, which makes me want to keep searching for words to describe them.


I will leave you with my best wishes for the future.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



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