広重の世界に浸ってまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




広重の世界に浸ってまいりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

I dropped by the usual art museum again on my way by. It is easy to visit the museum because it is directly connected to the station in this extremely hot summer, but the posters of this museum are always full of power, and I am always drawn into the museum. The theme of this year’s exhibition was Hiroshige Utagawa Hiroshige, an ukiyoe artist of the Edo period, and his “Hiroshige: The Ultimate in Printmaking. I had never seen Ukiyo-e with my own eyes, so there was no way I could miss this opportunity.

However, since it was an impromptu visit, I didn’t have much time to spare, and what was supposed to be a quick peek turned out to be more than a quick one, with nearly 340 works on display. While exhibitions of Katsushika Hokusai, who was active in the same period, are held somewhere every few years, it seems that large-scale and comprehensive exhibitions of Hiroshige’s works are rarely held, so visitors can enjoy the charm of Hiroshige’s works from his early years to his later years, including rare first prints.

It seems that different works will be exhibited in the latter half of the exhibition, so if you have a chance, I would like to take the time to view them again.

I had just watched the TV drama “Hiroshige Buruu” starring Sadawo Abe the other day, and when I heard the name Hiroshige, I couldn’t help but think of Sadawo Abe, but I was able to get rid of it when I saw the first picture of Hiroshige drawn by Toyokuni Utagawa III.

As the title of the drama suggests, Hiroshige’s blue is called “Hiroshige blue,” which refers to a clear and vivid blue. In fact, this blue is a scientifically synthesized pigment that was accidentally discovered by a dyer in Berlin, Germany, who made a mistake in mixing raw materials, and was imported to Japan in 1747. Berlin indigo, named after the place where it was discovered, eventually became known as “Vero indigo.

The people of the Edo period were amazed at this unprecedentedly vivid blue, and ukiyoe paintings by Hiroshige and Hokusai, which were printed with this Bero-Ai, became very popular.

Hokusai’s “Kanagawa Okinamiura,” which is also the design for the new 1,000-yen bill, is said to have been created with this vivid shade of blue to create the power of the waves.

Until then, most of the blues used in Ukiyo-e were derived from plants, which fade rapidly, and mineral pigments, which produce a bright blue color, were too expensive to use in Ukiyo-e for the general public.

The blue of Hiroshige and Hokusai’s Ukiyo-e, called “Japan blue,” astonished the world, but that blue was born in Berlin.


When I visited the exhibition, I was fascinated by the variety of Hiroshige’s blue. From the morning scene in the light of dawn to the depths of dusk, the shades of blue are delicately depicted.

The red and white of the snow on the kimono obi and lanterns were also impressive. From an amateur’s point of view, the compositions were interesting, and one never got tired of looking at the many works. Although the tour was a bit rushed, I was able to fully immerse myself in the scenery of Edo.

Reading glasses (or reading glasses?) are required to enjoy Hiroshige’s lively portraits, which are characteristic of his paintings. reading glasses are necessary to enjoy Hiroshige’s lively portraits, which are characteristic of his paintings. The paintings are very detailed. Even figures who seem to be silent or only in the back are telling a story, which stirs the viewer’s imagination.

Speaking of Hiroshige, only “53 Stages of the Tokaido” came to mind, but he also painted “69 Stages of the Kiso Kaido. This one I was allowed to photograph.

I think it is difficult to convey the beauty of the colors in my photographs.

He also left many works such as flower-and-bird paintings, beautiful women paintings, caricatures, pictures of actors, and picture envelopes. I purchased several postcards.

This picture of a beautiful woman has movement, and don’t you feel the wind blowing through the darkness of the evening?

This fan painting, named “Autumn Flowers on the Moon,” is said to be the only one of its kind in the world. It is very cool with flowers and grasses such as Japanese pampas grass and gynostemma against the full moon.

I left the exhibition feeling regretful that I could not spend more time viewing the works, imagining the extreme heat outside.

See you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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