緑、何色あるのか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




緑、何色あるのか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It has been raining continuously. I wonder if it is not only because of the rain but also because of the heat, and there have been reports in the news of worries about crops such as cherries not growing beautifully, vegetables growing too big, and so on.


The other day, I wondered how the rice was doing…so I took a side trip to the shopping and passed by the Mikanda of “Hinokami Anemi Shrine”.


I was wondering what Ina was like…so I took a shopping detour and walked by the Mikanda of the “Hinokami Anemi Shrine”.

According to the legend, the shrine was founded in 195 AD. This shrine is dedicated to Miyasuhime-no-mikoto, the wife of Yamatotakeru no Mikoto, who used to live here. In fact, the Kusanagi Sword, one of the three sacred weapons, was originally enshrined at this shrine, and after the death of Takemikoto, his wife Miyasumahime no Mikoto moved the Kusanagi Sword from this shrine to Atsuta and enshrined it there, which is said to be the beginning of Atsuta Shrine.

In short, the shrine seems to have existed before Atsuta Shrine was built. Although it is now a subordinate shrine of Atsuta Shrine, it is well known as the guardian deity of Odaka-cho, Midori Ward, Nagoya City, and still retains the appearance of the rich forest it once had.


And sometimes we pass by this “Odaka Saida,” the Mikanda of the Hyokami Ane no Mikami Shrine. The rice harvest is offered to the main shrine of Atsuta Jingu and other shrines for their annual festivals.

I once went to see the Ojinden at Ise Jingu Shrine because I was curious about it, but the location of the Ojinden is not so conspicuously marked, so it is quite difficult for a stranger to find the place.

But once you get there, you will be impressed with the feeling of “There it is! and you feel as if you have discovered an unexplored region. As is the case with both of the Mikanda, I am even more impressed as I bathe in the clear wind blowing through the area, but I guess not many people come to see the Mikanda.


The “Ohtaka Saida” of the Hikami-no-Mikoto Shrine is said to hold a traditional rice planting ceremony on the fourth Sunday of June every year, where people wear matching costumes and perform a rice planting dance to the accompaniment of a rice planting song. It would not be true to say that I am a true Mikanda enthusiast if I have never observed the event, but here is a picture of the rice plants after planting that I passed by yesterday.



It seems to be growing well. The cloudy sky, the forest of the shrine, and the young greens of the growing rice plants are all very attractive. I wondered if the green color, which becomes even more diverse this time of year, would look good even without clear skies… I was taking pictures while feeling the green and the wind.


The green color changes with the seasons, time, and weather throughout the year, but the exuberant green of this time of year is beautiful with its power. I wanted to take some of that enthusiasm and green became the theme color for the day.


Wishing you a bountiful rice harvest this year as well…Have a good day.
















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