


電気のありがたみに感謝です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


This morning it was too dark to get out of the futon, probably because of the rain. The sun is setting early in the evening. Here in Nagoya, sunrise is around 6:50 a.m. and sunset is around 4:40 p.m. When the weather is dim, I feel thankful for the bright lights that illuminate the room whenever and wherever I am.




Nowadays, electricity brightens up the night, but in the olden days, electricity was not such a convenient thing. From the Jomon period to around the Edo period, people lived without electricity. In the old days, there was no electricity, gas, or even lamps of any luxury. Once the sun set, it was almost always dark outside, and there would have been only the brightness of the moon. However, the moonlight in those days was much brighter than that of today, and it was even possible to walk on the street at night when the moon was out.


Candles were used for lighting in the past, but they are said to have been brought to Japan with the arrival of Buddhism, and were used in special places such as palaces and temples during the Nara and Heian periods. In those days, all candles were imported and inaccessible to the general public.


Before the widespread use of candles, people used “kerosene,” made from plant and animal oils, as fuel. This is read as “to-moshi-abura,” not “to-yu.

In the absence of kerosene, people used plant-based oils such as sesame oil, sesame oil, and rapeseed oil as fuel. Animal oil called “fish oil” such as sardine and whale oil was also used. Vegetable oil, which is said to have spread during the Edo period, was popular because it had little smell, but it was a very expensive product, costing three times the price of rice. Therefore, common people used fish oil, which was more than half the price of vegetable oil. Cheap fish oil had some disadvantages, such as smelling like fish and producing a lot of soot, but it was valuable to the common people.

Until 1879, when Edison put an incandescent light bulb to practical use using bamboo from Kyoto, “going to bed early and getting up early” to live with the sun must have been unavoidable.




As time went by, lighting fixtures also changed, but it is surprising that there were already candles in the Nara period. In the Edo period (1603-1867), when there were no major wars, Japan’s lighting culture flourished and various new lighting fixtures became popular. One of the lighting fixtures that came to color people’s lives with light was the “andon,” a type of paper lantern that resembles an andon.


Similar words to “andon” include “toro” and “chochin,” but what is the difference between them?


Lanterns were mainly used outside, and are what we now call streetlights. The word “lantern” means “basket” of “light,” and as the name implies, it is a tool used to surround a candle to keep it from being extinguished by the wind. Lanterns are made of various materials, including wood and metal, but those made of stone are called stone lanterns in particular.

While lanterns were installed outside, “andon” were mainly used indoors. They were lit by candles or cloth soaked in oil. Since they were used indoors, most were made of lightweight wood, and the area around the fire was covered with paper to protect it from the wind. Andon that were small enough to be left by a person’s bedside were called Ariake Andon.

Chochin, which are covered with paper like andon, have evolved to be portable. It is light and has a handle. They could be folded up when not in use for easy transportation.


We also have some nice andon in our store, but this is a long story, so I will tell you more next time.

See you next time.












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【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN




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