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花粉に立ち向かうみなさま。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











































This is Staff Y.


Dear hay fever sufferers, how are you doing this pollen top season, which is not okay? It is really annoying that there is nothing we can do about it this season…. There is a constant stream of news about new pollen-related drugs and countermeasure goods, but the fact that there is no definitive solution is again frustrating.




According to a survey by the Ministry of the Environment, the amount of pollen produced by male cedar flowers this year is the highest in the Kanto, Hokuriku, Kinki, and Chugoku regions in the past 10 years, and the amount of pollen dispersed this spring is expected to be extremely high.


I am an old, slow-evolved person, but for some reason I have not yet developed hay fever, which is a modern disease, but I am sure that I will develop it someday.


Although this is unpleasant information, I did a little research on the history of hay fever and was a bit surprised.

As I mentioned earlier, hay fever is considered a modern disease, but it was a “rare” disease until the 19th century, which is only a short time ago in human history. There are various theories about the origin of hay fever, but there is an ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, who left a record of a supposed hay fever, and hay fever used to be a very rare disease.


In 1819, John Bostock, a London physician, wrote a research paper on hay fever, a seasonal condition that rarely occurs in early summer, and recorded symptoms such as acute itchy eyes and sneezing with great intensity, which are thought to be symptoms of hay fever. It seems that hay fever patients hardly existed in the past, because people with such symptoms were so rare that it took nine years to collect 28 patients to write a paper on these symptoms.


The first case of hay fever in Japan was diagnosed in 1961. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, but allergic symptoms themselves did not begin to increase rapidly until the 1960s. It is not easy to prove a clear cause-and-effect relationship, but circumstantial evidence suggests that the period coincided with the change to a petroleum-centered society.


During this period, the petrochemical industry developed and various materials that had not existed before, such as plastics, appeared on the market, and the number of automobiles running on gasoline increased dramatically. Some studies have shown that allergens in pollen burst into pieces and easily enter the body due to air pollution particles, so circumstantial evidence suggests that hay fever may be closely related to air pollution.


As you know, cedar and cypress are the most common causes of hay fever, and the government encouraged the planting of cedar trees because cedar grows faster than cypress and other trees. If you drive a little further into the countryside, you will see that the planted cedar and cypress trees have grown really big, and I had no idea that they would cause such a modern disease.

Although there are some policies such as breeding, it is likely that the generation after the 2070s will be able to live in a world with less cedar pollen, and I wonder if the battle with pollen will continue for as long as I live….


According to a survey by Weathernews, Yamanashi Prefecture has the highest percentage of cedar pollen allergy sufferers. According to a survey by Weathernews, Yamanashi Prefecture has the highest percentage of hay fever sufferers.

According to observations by Weathernews’ Pollen Robot pollen monitors installed throughout Japan, areas with high pollen counts and areas with high awareness of pollen allergy coincide. Incidentally, in the Kansai region, Nara Prefecture comes in at the top of the list with the sixth highest incidence rate in Japan, but Nara Prefecture is also famous for its Yoshino cedar trees, isn’t it?


Then, there are definitely people who would like to move to the area only during the hay fever season, and according to some people, the best places to do so are Okinawa and Hokkaido. Of course, this is because there are no cedars growing there. Indeed, the incidence of cedar pollen allergy in Aomori and Kagoshima prefectures is 45th and 44th respectively, so it seems that you can escape from cedar pollen if you go to the extreme south or north. If you can work in a workstation, you may be able to avoid cedar pollen, but you must be on your guard.


Even if you can avoid the cedar pollen, the number of patients suffering from hay fever due to birch pollen is increasing in Hokkaido in early spring, and in Okinawa, there are patients who become allergic to the pollen from the Ryukyu pine tree in this season.

Yes, it seems that people are allergic not only to cedar pollen but also to cypress pollen and house dust, so cedar is not the only bad guy after all….


By the way, the percentage of people with hay fever varies depending on the method of measurement, but it seems to range from about 30% when looking at the percentage of people who have been diagnosed by a doctor, to 50% when looking at those who are aware of their self-reported hay fever symptoms.

The latest survey by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2019, while stating that “the exact details are not known,” announced a figure of 38.8% for cedar pollinosis, which means that about 40% of the population suffers from hay fever. In the previous survey in 2008, the figure was 26.5%, so the number of patients has increased about 1.5 times in the past 10 years.


The bad thing about hay fever is that it can suddenly appear one day, so that only those who had been bragging to people around them that they would not suffer from hay fever the year before can develop it the following year. I have a feeling that one day my allergy tank will be full and overflowing, but I thought I would review hay fever today to have some knowledge in preparation for the right day. However, I am very sorry if anyone’s nose is starting to get itchy….


Have a good day.















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