


遠い昔の試験の記憶を思い出すと…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) 
























Hello everyone. This is Staff Y.


It’s a beautiful sunny day here in Nagoya, but there is a cold wind that stings your cheeks. I’m not Staff M, but I thought it was still too early for spring clothes. Therefore, I checked the ume (plum) festival tour that I have been planning since the other day, and found that the blossoms were still in their third half. Since I have waited this long, I am thinking of getting in a little later, but it looks like the best time to see the ume blossoms will be in March.


By the way, I passed by a certain national university on my way to work today, and I noticed that there were some people standing around. Yes, it seems that today is the day of many national universities’ second examinations.


I have been sending cheers to my friend’s child by e-mail since this morning, and even I am getting somewhat nervous. Anyway, I am sure that both you and your child’s mother must be relieved that he/she was able to take the exam so far without any weather anxiety and without getting sick. I hope that the children will believe in what they have done so far and give it their all.




Although it has been decades since I last sat for an exam, I am sure there are many people who still recall memories of the joys and sorrows of the past at this time of the year. I, too, remember what I said to my friend the day before the exam, the color of the coat I wore on the day of the exam, and the sound of the delivery truck when I was waiting for the notification of acceptance or rejection by mail. I still remember the sound of the delivery bike I used to ride when I was young. (I mustn’t mention the result of the test…lol…)




This is just one example of how things fade away as we grow older, but when I look at young people as adults, I am dazzled by everything they do, including taking the examinations. For the young people in question, there may have been fun, pain, and frustration, but from an adult’s point of view, it all seems to be in the midst of a dazzling glitter.


The fact that you, the students in the midst of all this glitter, were able to stand on this stage of the examination is even more amazing than any of that, so please take pride in being able to stand here today and face the exam. Even though I am a total stranger to you, I will be cheering for you from afar.


Good bye, and have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN








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