「どうする家康」いよいよスタート。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




「どうする家康」いよいよスタート。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





















また、岡崎市では約40年ぶりに徳川家康公を主人公とした大河ドラマ「どうする家康」の放送開始に伴い「どうする家康 岡崎 大河ドラマ館」が開業。同施設および岡崎城を訪れるのに便利な「どうする岡崎 家康公きっぷ」を1月14日から発売されるとのこと。

徳川家の菩提寺である大樹寺をはじめ、岡崎市内の家康公ゆかりの地を巡るのに便利な東岡崎駅から大樹寺間の「周遊バスきっぷ」と、「大樹寺拝観割引券」がセットになった「どうする岡崎 家康公周遊きっぷ」も発売するとのことですので、ちょっと気になります。


そして、名古屋市では令和5年1月8日(日)から放送開始の大河ドラマ「どうする家康」の番組 PR を施した、なごや観光ルートバス『メーグル』のラッピングバスの運行を行っており、先日の地元局のニュースにもなっておりました。こちらのバス、名古屋城や徳川園などにも停車し、松潤と一緒に観光スポットを巡ることができます笑。









Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The new year has begun, and I have started to check out new dramas since the other day.

I am one of those people who check out new dramas anyway, and the new drama “Dousuru Ieyasu” starring Jun Matsumoto has finally started. His cute wife (Masumi Arimura) suddenly appeared and Yoshimoto Imagawa (Mansai Nomura), who had taken him in as a hostage, was “killed in action” in 45 minutes. I was surprised at how quickly the story unfolded, but since Mr. Matsumoto is so handsome, I thought it was okay. And above all, the local people, including myself, must be excited to see the castles and names of places in this region, which also has the effect of Mr. Matsumoto.


So, this year, too, the Taiga Drama effect is making things exciting here in Aichi Prefecture.

The drama and movie about the Warring States period always attracts a great deal of publicity and introduction of the places related to the drama and movie. Last year, Takuya Kimura’s appearance in Gifu to promote a movie had a great effect, as you may remember. I am a bit surprised since I think Ieyasu has appeared in many dramas of the Warring States period.


So, let me introduce a few local events related to the “What to do, Ieyasu” drama.


First, on January 8, 2023, the first broadcast date of “Dousuru Ieyasu,” an event called “Tokai Premiere Relay” was held in Okazaki City, where five people including Matsumoto Jun, Yamada Yuki, Sugino Harusuke, Arimura Masumi, and Omori Nao took the stage for a talk stage and public viewing. The number of people who attended the public viewing was 196 times higher than that of the previous year. The ratio of the number of people who attended was 196 times higher than the number of people who did not attend.


In Okazaki City, “Dousuru Ieyasu Okazaki Taiga Drama Kan” opened in conjunction with the start of the broadcast of “Dousuru Ieyasu,” the first Taiga Drama featuring Prince Tokugawa Ieyasu in 40 years. The “Dosiru Ieyasu Okazaki Ieyasu-ko Ticket,” which is convenient for visiting the facility and Okazaki Castle, will go on sale on January 14.

A “Dososaru Okazaki Ieyasu-ko Round Trip Ticket,” which includes a “round trip bus ticket” between Higashi-Okazaki Station and Daikiji Temple and a “discount ticket for Daikiji Temple,” will also be available.


Nagoya City is also operating the Nagoya sightseeing route bus “Meagle” wrapped with the PR of the Taiga Drama “Doukare Ieyasu” that will start airing on January 8, 2023 (Sunday), which was reported on the local news the other day. This bus also stops at Nagoya Castle and Tokugawa-en Garden, where you can visit tourist spots with Matsujun lol.


The good thing about the Taiga is that it will be aired for one year, so it is likely that we will be able to visit places and events related to the drama somewhere during the year.


So I am planning to visit somewhere too, so please check the blog of the Nagoya branch of Fumikosha Antiques for more information and reports from my hometown Aichi.


Have a good day.












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