帝室技芸員と人間国宝 何が違うの?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




帝室技芸員と人間国宝 何が違うの?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






「帝室技芸員(ていしつぎげいいん)」?聞き慣れない言葉、何それ? という方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 かく言う私も、知りませんでした……。



1888年(明治21年)に帝室より「宮内省工芸員」が制定され、1890年(明治23年)にそれに変わる「帝室技芸員」制度が発足されました。最初に任命されたのは高村光雲(彫刻)、石川光明(彫刻)、柴田是真(漆工)、橋本雅邦(画家)、田崎早雲(画家)、森 寛斎(画家)、狩野永悳(画家)、伊達弥助(織物)、狩野夏雄(彫金)等がいました。













とはいえ、単に「人気があるから」というだけで任命されるものではなく、任命されるに不足ない優れた技術を持つ作家が厳選されていたことは、最後に任命が行われた1944年までの55年間に、絵画 45名、彫刻7名、工芸 24名、建築2名、写真1名、計 79名しかいないことを見れば明らかです。







Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Today, we will learn about “Imperial Household Artists.
A “Teisho Gijin” (Imperial Household Artistician)? What is this unfamiliar term? Some of you may be wondering, “What is it? I didn’t know it either. ……

Even if you say “Imperial Household Artists,” I have no idea what you are talking about: ……. It is not surprising that it is an awarding system that no longer exists today.
The Imperial Household Artists were a system of honoring artists and craftsmen that was administered by the Imperial Household (Imperial Household) from 1890 to 1947.
The purpose of the program was to protect and encourage artists of Japanese arts and crafts who had lost the patronage of the shogunate and clans and were in dire straits, while traditional Japanese culture was in a slump due to the Meiji Restoration. Under this system, Imperial Household Artists were selected for the position of Imperial Household Artists, an honorary position with duties such as producing works of art and crafts for the Imperial Household by imperial order and in consultation with the Director General of the Museums.
The number of museum curators was limited to 25, and they received imperial appointments and pensions. 79 curators were appointed until 1944, when the system was abolished.

As the name “Artist-in-Residence” implies, there were a wide range of artists appointed, including Japanese and Western painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, potters, lacquer workers, swordsmiths, and photographers, and it is said to be the forerunner of the current “Living National Treasure” system.

So what is a “Living National Treasure”?
The term “living national treasure” is a common name for a person who has been certified as an individual holder of an important intangible cultural property. It is not a physical object, but a person who possesses the “technique” that is considered a “cultural asset.
The “intangible cultural properties” are recognized in the performing arts such as gagaku, Noh, bunraku, kabuki, dance, and drama, and in the crafts such as ceramics, dyeing, lacquer, metalwork, and wood and bamboo crafts.

If there are “intangible” arts, there are naturally “tangible” arts as well. If there is an “intangible,” there is naturally a “tangible,” such as paintings, antiques, and architectural structures.
It seems that Japan is the only country that has such a system to protect its own artists, while other countries do not. Am I the only one who feels a bit proud?

It is said that the main purpose of the current Living National Treasures is to “protect traditional culture,” while the Imperial Household Artists were intended to “promote Japanese arts and crafts to foreign countries.
Nevertheless, it is clear from the fact that during the 55 years until 1944, when the last appointment was made, only 79 artists were appointed, including 45 painters, 7 sculptors, 24 craftsmen, 2 architects, and 1 photographer, rather than simply because they were “popular”. This is evident from the fact that there were only 79 artists in total.

Now that you have become a little more interested in the subject, let’s take a look at who are the “Imperial Household Artists” in the next issue of “Who are the Imperial Household Artists? I would like to learn more about the “Imperial Household Artists.

See you soon.














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