6月と言えば・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




6月と言えば・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

The daytime sun is very hot in Nagoya. I feel that many people on the streets are now wearing summer-like clothes. In the store, wind chimes, which make you feel the fresh breeze coming in, are showing their presence as if it is finally their turn to come out.


Today is the first day of June.

June is the time of year when cherries and plums are in season and hydrangeas are in beautiful bloom. Amidst all the fun of Father’s Day and bonuses, some of you may have noticed that this is the only month of the year without a national holiday. A calendar with weekdays full of black numbers doesn’t lift our spirits either.


However, when asked “What do you think of June? I am sure that most people think of “rainy season” and “rain” when asked “What do you think of June? Every year I get frustrated with laundry that never dries and depressed with wet feet, but since I bought a new umbrella the other day, I am actually looking forward to the rain.



Here is a trivia. Did you notice that “0% chance of precipitation” in the weather forecast is read as “ray percent,” not “zero percent”? Zero” means ‘nothing,’ but ‘ray’ means ‘very little,’ so a ‘0% chance of precipitation’ does not mean that it will never rain.


And “June Bride” comes to mind immediately.

June Bride” means ”June Bride. Many couples get married in June because of the legend that “brides who get married in June will be happy.

The origin of June Bride is believed to be in the West. There are various theories, but the most famous is that Juno (Juno in English), the wife of the Roman god Jupiter (Jupiter in Roman mythology) and protector of women’s marital life, protects the month of June. Juno is the patron goddess of women and the highest-ranking goddess in charge of marriage and childbirth. It was believed that brides who married in June, the month protected by the goddess, would enjoy a happy married life for the rest of their lives. The English word “June” is derived from “Juno,” the goddess who protects the month of June.


June also means “change of clothes. However, in schools these days, June 1 is not clearly designated as a change of clothes, and students are allowed to change their clothes according to their personal physical condition, so the month of June may not be so much associated with….


The custom of changing clothes was introduced from China in the Heian period (794-1185). It became a courtly custom to change clothes twice a year. Initially, it was called “koi” (changing clothes), but as the word “koi” came to be used as a title for female courtesans, it came to be called “koroshie (changing clothes)”.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), the number of types of kimono increased, and changes of clothes four times a year were prescribed in the samurai society according to the climate, which spread to the general population. When western-style clothing was introduced in the Meiji period (1868-1912), officials and military personnel began to wear uniforms, and the calendar was changed to the new calendar, so summer and winter clothing was changed twice a year.


Nowadays, thanks to rational storage, some families do not change their clothes. Also, with air conditioning in place, some may dress the same way all year round. However, changing clothes is actually a great opportunity to develop a sense of seasonality in clothing and to learn how to care for, manage, and organize clothes. Changing clothes is not just a chore, but an event in daily life, and by repeating it season after season, children will have a good opportunity to learn.


The rain will reduce the chances of going out, and the humidity will keep the dust at bay (laughs), so it may be a good time to clean up. You may unexpectedly find an item you thought you lost.

See you soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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