



伊藤園は受注生産の高級品として『瓶 お~いお茶 玉露』を平成27年(2015年)に発売。
パリ万国博覧会 (1889年)に日本茶出品と茶店を開設し話題となりましたが、明治41年(1908年)にアメリカが輸入茶に高率な関税を課したことで日本茶は危機的状況を迎え、同時に、19世紀半ばにイギリスがインドなど植民地での茶の栽培を成功させたことで紅茶が主流になっていき、そのイギリス植民地産紅茶がアメリカ市場へも進出し、日本茶の輸出量は減少していきました。
第一次世界大戦勃発でイギリス植民地産紅茶の代替として日本茶の需要が高まり、大正6年(1917年)には最大の輸出量を記録し、アメリカ向けにその80%が輸出されたが、戦後アメリカ市場から閉め出されて再び低迷、ニューヨーク万国博覧会 (1939年)で日本茶を積極的に宣伝するなどしたが、第二次大戦で生産量そのものも減少し、戦後は緑茶の輸入自由化により初めて輸出量が輸入量を下回る結果となりました。

Hello everyone, this is Staff N.
The rainy season has come and the humidity is a concern.
Yesterday, the humidity in the room was 83% when I measured it with the app.
I tell him every year that I want to put a dehumidifier, but for some reason he doesn’t do it stubbornly.
We are doing our best with frozen PET bottles and baking soda.
By the way, the other day, I went to a Japanese tea cafe in Handa City.
I accompanied my companion’s errand, but since I came to Handa, I would like to do something and go home.
So, when I looked it up, I found a cafe with an atmosphere.
It’s in the back, so you won’t notice it unless you look it up.
Two groups were lined up, and even though it was one hour before the store closed, there was a close sign.
At this time, I thought it would be early to close, but it seems that it will take time to prepare carefully one by one.
It looks like a cafe remodeled from the original storehouse and has a high ceiling and is spacious.
The customer was quiet, probably because the voice echoed.
I decided to make a tea that I wouldn’t normally drink, so I ordered the highest “heavenly honor”.
It’s a style of pouring by myself, but the clerk first explains.
From the big pot, first put it in the teacup in front of you, put it in a teapot, measure it with a 40-second timer, and wait.
The first cup was just a little hot water, but it was extremely sweet and delicious.
You can enjoy about 3 cups of tea.
The Japanese sweets that came with me were also delicious.
Hojicha with my companion comes with different Japanese sweets, so it may be different depending on the tea.
Japanese tea was the main product, but we also ordered it because all the other customers were eating shaved ice.
He flattened a large amount of ice while fighting hypersensitivity.
There is azuki beans in the middle, so you can eat it without getting tired.
So today I searched for Japanese tea.
Japanese tea is a term used in everyday conversation, meaning “Japanese tea”, that is, “tea made in Japan” or “a type of tea that is often drunk in Japan”. ..
Green tea is a general term for non-fermented tea made without fermenting tea plants, and Japanese tea is not green tea.
Also, it is not a term defined as a botanical classification of tea.
Most Japanese tea is green tea, which is unfermented tea, but a small part of it is fermented tea that is similar to black tea, which is Chinese tea, and is called pickled tea. There are many in Shikoku such as Awabancha in Tokushima Prefecture, Goishicha in Kochi Prefecture, and Ishizuchi Black Tea in Ehime Prefecture. Other than Shikoku, Gentoku tea from Okayama prefecture, Batabata tea from Toyama prefecture, etc.
Non-fermented tea is a manufacturing method that stops fermentation by heating at an early stage, and there are different types depending on the heating method.
Green tea in Japan is steamed to stop oxidation and fermentation, then knead (some are not kneaded) and then dried.
Steamed tea is a characteristic of Japanese green tea and is a rare method of heating tea leaves in the world.
Globally, green tea is generally heat-treated by roasting in a kettle, and is mainly used in Chinese tea.
Japanese tea that uses this method is called Kamairicha.
Ureshinocha and Guricha from Kyushu are famous as Kamairicha.
Green tea in Japanese tea can be broadly classified into matcha (ground tea) in the tea ceremony established by the Middle Ages and other broadly defined “sencha” that is used without grinding tea leaves.
In the narrow sense, “sencha” means intermediate green tea, which is positioned between gyokuro (luxury) and bancha (low-grade).
In addition to the original purpose of tea, there is also a classification of tea that has been rejected in processes such as sorting, that is, Kukicha, Mecha, Konacha, and raw tea for tea bags.
Academically, green tea is almost synonymous with unfermented tea, but when we say green tea in Japan, it simply means green tea, or sencha (in a broad sense), which is the most commonly made in Japan. In other words, in addition to sencha (narrow sense), it refers to gyokuro, bancha, hojicha, genmaicha, etc. in general.
In a broader sense, it may also include matcha.
In Japan, about 40% of Japan’s production is cultivated in Shizuoka Prefecture (Makinohara Plateau, foot of Mt. Fuji, Abe River, Tenryu River, Oi River, etc.).
Since it is cultivated a lot on mountain slopes and fertile plateaus, it is difficult to introduce a large passenger plucking machine, which is a heavy burden for producers who are short of succession and aging, and demand for “leaf tea” brewed in teapots. Due to the slump in tea, the production volume and tea cultivation area continue to decrease year by year because it no longer meets the needs of Shizuoka tea, which sells quality.
Therefore, since 1959, when the public record of production remains, Shizuoka Prefecture, which is the number one in Japan, is narrowing the gap with Kagoshima Prefecture, which is the second largest in Japan year by year. In terms of output, Kagoshima Prefecture was overtaken in the first year of Reiwa (2019) to become the number one in Japan, and Shizuoka Prefecture fell from the top position that had continued for 49 years since 1970.
Speaking of tea, I was surprised because I had a strong image of Shizuoka.
Kagoshima Prefecture, which has the second largest production volume, was originally popularized for black tea exports due to its warm climate, except for some brands such as Chiran tea.
I couldn’t compete with cheap overseas products, and I was forced into a difficult situation, so I switched to green tea in the 1960s.
After the liberalization of imports, the name did not penetrate because it was mainly produced for blending low-priced products from outside the prefecture such as Shizuoka prefecture.
Since the 2000s, we will focus on PET bottled beverages, whose demand is expanding, and mass-produce by mechanization that makes use of harvesting and flat land multiple times a year, establish an efficient production system by the public and private sectors, and put into practical use of smart agriculture. We are increasing the production volume and cultivation area year by year.
The third largest production volume is Mie prefecture, the fourth is Miyazaki prefecture, and Uji tea (Kyoto prefecture), which has been famous since the Muromachi era, Sayama tea (Saitama prefecture), which is familiar to the common people of Edo, is of high quality. There is Yame tea (Fukuoka prefecture), which has made a name for itself in the production of gyokuro.
When displaying the brand of origin, we set conditions such as containing 50% or more of the raw materials produced in the prefecture to maintain the brand.
Currently, one variety of “Yabukita” accounts for 90% of the tea plants cultivated all over Japan. Recently, the number of tea farmers who are active in cultivating new varieties such as “Okumidori”, “Samidori” and “Tsuyuhikari” is increasing, and especially in Kagoshima prefecture, various tea tree cultivation is active.
In Aichi prefecture, the yield of fresh leaves is 4460 tons and the production of crude tea is 908 tons. In addition to Shinshiro, the prefecture’s largest producer, Nishio City (Nishio, Kira) is one of the largest producers of Tencha.
Tea was introduced from China to Japan during the Heian period. At the beginning of the Kamakura period, the monk Eisai presented “Coffee Yosei-ki” to the shogun Minamoto no Sanetomo, and drinking tea spread not only to temple monks and officials but also to samurai and even wealthy merchants. Not only drinking for hydration and maintaining health, but also establishing a tea ceremony as a culture. In the Edo period, tea was also drunk by tradesmen and farmers.
Until the beginning of Heisei, Japanese tea was usually made by pouring hot water into a teapot containing tea leaves at home or at work.
At coffee shops and sweets shops, it was sometimes sold as an independent menu that required a price, but at many restaurants, it was provided free of charge with water to make it easier to eat.
Beverages compete with coffee, black tea, and other soft drinks, and with the advent and widespread use of cans and PET bottles such as Itoen’s “Oi Ocha,” Japanese tea has no tools or time to make tea. You can now drink.
Since these products are extracted so that they are delicious whether they are hot or cold, the habit of drinking green tea alongside barley tea in the hot summer has become established, and even today, many Japanese teas are drunk.
Japanese tea has long had differences in quality and price depending on the tea leaf production area and cultivation / processing / extraction techniques.
In recent years, attention has been increasing to high-class Japanese tea.
Itoen released “Bottle Oi Ocha Gyokuro” as a made-to-order luxury product in 2015.
Royal Blue Tea Co., Ltd. (Chigasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) sells green tea in glass bottles for several hundred thousand yen each.
The first Japanese tea was exported from Hirado to Europe by the Dutch East India Company in 1610 in the early Edo period, and the first tea advertisement was published in a London newspaper in 1660. We are doing it.
The Treaty of Amity and Commerce between Japan and the United States, which is an unequal treaty, was signed in 1858, and the export of Japanese tea began with the opening of Yokohama, Nagasaki, and Hakodate the following year.
In 1867, the Pacific route connecting San Francisco with Hong Kong and Japan was opened, and in the Meiji era, exports increased sharply and tea prices soared.
The main export destinations are the United Kingdom and the United States, which exported more than 60% of the production until the end of the Meiji era. Since it could only be sold to Japan, it was not a big profit, and inferior tea was rampant. In 1883, the United States entered into an import ban on Japanese tea, and exports fell sharply.
Japanese tea was exhibited and a tea shop was opened at the Paris World Exposition (1889), and it became a hot topic. At the same time, as the United Kingdom succeeded in cultivating tea in colonies such as India in the middle of the 19th century, black tea became mainstream, and the British colonial tea entered the American market, and Japanese tea. Export volume has been declining.
With the outbreak of World War I, the demand for Japanese tea as an alternative to British colonial tea increased, and in 1917 it recorded the largest export volume, 80% of which was exported to the United States. After the war, it was shut out from the American market and was sluggish again, and it actively promoted Japanese tea at the New York World War II (1939), but the production itself decreased in World War II, and the import liberalization of green tea after the war. For the first time, the export volume fell below the import volume.
Entering the 21st century, Japanese tea, including luxury goods, is becoming a favorite drink overseas due to the global health consciousness and the Japanese food boom.
The export value of green tea, which is the center of Japanese tea, reached a record high of about 11.5 billion yen in 2016, nearly triple the value of 10 years ago.
The number of Western-style cafes that serve Japanese tea is increasing, and there are also high-end Japanese tea specialty stores where you can stick to the tea leaves you use on a farm-by-farm basis or put them in by hand drip.
It’s exactly the store I went to this time.
Recently, the number of specialty stores is increasing.
It’s wonderful that you can easily enjoy the finest tea leaves at a cafe without knowing more about Japanese tea.
In order to enjoy the finest tea leaves, you have to drink with proper tableware.
I have become more interested in antique art.
It may be a good idea to have a tea party by yourself, sticking to your teapot and plates at home time.
How about an elegant time with a cup of antique art Fukosha?
See you soon
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
10:00-17:00 OPEN