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I haven’t heard from you all.

It is staff Ⅿ. I’m a little nervous because I’ll be writing a blog for the first time in about a week.

I wrote a lot about cherry blossoms from my blog a while ago, but the long-awaited cherry blossoms are finally in full bloom, and this weekend seems to be the peak!

It seems that this year is in full bloom earlier than normal, and it will start to disperse little by little from next week. In a blink of an eye … If you haven’t seen the cherry blossoms yet, why don’t you go before the weather breaks?


Now, as for the main subject, what day is April 1st today … Yes, it’s “April Fool’s Day”.

April Fool’s Day is once a year, “a day when you can lie.” Originally, you shouldn’t lie, but “April Fool’s Day” is the only day when it is allowed. When I was young, I remember telling a lot of small lies and having fun with my friends and family.


Do you know anything other than April Fool’s Day being “April 1st” and “a day when you can lie”? I didn’t know the details either, and I was just excited to think about the lies that would be on April Fool’s Day. (Lol) So, today I would like to write a blog and learn about the origin of April Fool’s Day and how to spend each country together.

Actually, although there are various theories about the origin and origin of April Fool’s Day, it is not clear, and the most influential theory among the various theories is that of French origin. In Europe, the spring festival was once held from March 25th to April 1st, starting from March 25th.

However, in 1564, by the agreement of Charles IX, the King of France at that time, the “Gregorian calendar” with January 1st as the beginning of the new year was adopted in France. The people who destroyed the traditional culture rebelled against it. It is said that the festival started on April 1st as “False New Year” with the meaning of protest, and the festival continued to the present day and became “April Fool’s Day”.

This April Fool’s custom was introduced to Japan in the Taisho era. As a Western custom, it was introduced in newspapers and spread nationwide as “April Fool’s Day”, which is a literal translation of April Fool’s Day.

That’s about the origin of April Fool’s Day, but in fact April Fool’s Day has rules, did you know? It seems that this rule is “You can lie until the morning”. In Japan, it became a hot topic through SNS and so on. This rule has the purpose of “let’s get rid of the story properly in the afternoon”.

It can be said that the rule became famous from the consciousness that April Fool’s Day will end with a laugh.


April Fool’s rules vary from country to country. Among the various rules, the one thing they have in common is “don’t lie to hurt people” and “don’t let them believe in lies”. Originally, April Fool’s Day is a day whose purpose is to “lie and laugh together.”

Therefore, it is an April Fool’s rule violation to tell a lie that hurt someone. However, contrary to this rule, it is said that there is a rule in England that “April Fool’s Day is a serious lie”. Therefore, even if it is difficult to tell whether it is a lie or a truth, we will send it seriously. As a result, many of the people actually receive the lie of April Fool’s Day, and it seems that criticism may be flooded.


Besides, France still has its own rules. There used to be a custom of throwing herring into the sea to catch herring because there was a fisherman who had no harvest on April 1st, the last day of the fishing season. Because of this custom, April Fool’s Day came to be described as “April fish” in France, and now “paper with a picture of fish” is secretly pasted on the back of the other party.

One of the characteristics of April Fool’s Day in France is that fish-shaped sweets are lined up at supermarkets and confectionery stores.


As you can see, each country has its own rules and customs for April Fool’s Day, but what all countries have in common is that they do not hurt people and tell lies that they can smile. If this is the case, you can enjoy April Fool’s Day without feeling guilty.

Normally, it’s not good to lie, but it’s not bad to lie to make someone happy only on this day.

But moderately ~.











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