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知らない言葉に出会うと思考が止まります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The ever-changing typhoon reports have an eeriness that is different from that of past typhoons, and I am afraid that we cannot make any predictions.

I know that some people in the area have already been affected by the typhoon, so please be careful.

The other day, we added a Sencha tray to our collection of tea trays. Made in China, it is small in size and lighter in weight than it looks, making it very easy to use.

When we asked the owner what material it was made of, he replied, “Mall. I asked the owner about the material, and he answered, “Mall. I said, “I see,” but the unfamiliar word “braid? I couldn’t get my head around the unfamiliar word, but I didn’t have time to think about it, so I just let it go.

This morning, I was looking at it with great interest. Two dragons were swimming, and they looked like blue dragons, one of the four sacred beasts of China. The blue dragon is the guardian deity of the east, west, south, north, and west, and is said to bring fortune and success in life because it protects the east, where the sun rises.

The dragon on this Sencha tray, however, has charming, rounded eyes and no deer horns, the symbol of the blue dragon, but it has a retro atmosphere that matches the intricate geometric pattern of the surrounding area.


Returning to the “maul,” one theory about its name is that it is related to a fabric made in the Mughal country of ancient India. Mughal was a corruption of the word “maul,” and because of its resemblance to the designs of textiles made there, the word “maul” came to be used to refer to objects made by hammering or carving patterns into the surface of an alloy, which is written in Chinese characters as “woolen weave. It is not easy to associate it with alloys from the Chinese characters.

In addition to the attractiveness of the design, you may be happy to know that it is processed from a single alloy sheet and is light and strong, and will be used for a long time.

As I was stunned the other day when I heard the word “mall,” there are still many words in the world that I am not familiar with. If you don’t know the word, your head will be filled with “shopping mall?” or “rugby tactical mall?” that I learned when I was a casual fan. or the “colorful wire malls” that I used to play with as a child? I used to play with them when I was a kid. marks, and you can’t go on from there because your thinking is stopped.

One of the advantages of learning a language seems to be that we can know and separate the differences between things. While learning a language and expanding your world, it also means that you can organize your mind, categorizing things by language, and develop the ability to judge whether things are good or bad, right or wrong.

Also, verbalizing worries and anger has the effect of clearing and calming the mind. It is said that 95% of human thoughts are processed in the unconscious mind, and that by verbalizing vague mental fuzziness objectively and concretely, we can make ourselves aware of it, which leads to stress relief. If there is no one to talk to, just writing it down on paper is said to be effective.

And to look at yourself objectively, you need to have a rich vocabulary.

When I think about it, I worry that small children are constantly bombarded with new words every day, and I wonder if they don’t feel stressed out. Everything in the world is full of unknowns. It seems like a tremendous task to start from this point and learn one by one, but I am sure they are full of energy to absorb new things. I am sure they are full of energy to absorb new things. Why? I was so exhausted that I was just trying to answer them appropriately, and I regretted it.

I am reminded of how I used to answer “What’s this? I am constantly asking myself “What’s this?” every day, and it is a great way to revitalize my brain cells, which are deteriorating.

See you next time.
















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10:00-18:00 OPEN






あの頃と同じで心配です・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















地下鉄 4 駅が浸水して不通になり、東海道新幹線や東海道本線も運行停止し、東名高速や国道1号が通行止めになるなどしたため、大量の帰宅困難者も発生。また、電気、ガス、電話などのライフライン被害も甚大でした。また、ナゴヤドームの浸水、免震建物の免震ピットへの浸水、水に浸かった大量の自動車の処理などが話題になりました。








Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It was raining hard in Nagoya just a few minutes ago, and then it started clearing up. We are at the mercy of a slow-moving typhoon, and we are constantly staring at the weather forecast. I am so concerned about the typhoon that I can’t even keep up with my blog, so please bear with me today as I reminisce.

I still get anxious when it rains hard. I remember the “Tokai Torrential Rain” that hit the Tokai region in 2000.

I thought, “This is not good.

I still vividly remember shivering with fear in my car, which had stopped moving even a millimeter, in the middle of a bridge where I could see the muddy water right below.


More than 20 years ago, it was late at night when I returned home from the company I was working for at the time. I think it was raining heavily, but at that time there were no warnings about coming home, just heavy rain. Perhaps we had not received any information about the heavy rain.

In those days, weather information did not arrive in real time. Reporters from the mass media went to the weather station to gather information, which was then broadcast on TV and radio. There were no smart phones, i-mode had started, and Google’s search service was launched in Japan at about the same time as the Tokai torrential rain. Therefore, ordinary people could only get disaster information from TV and radio.


At the time, I felt like I was stopped by people around me, but being young and optimistic that things would somehow work out, I did not think too much about it and headed for home. I was wondering whether I should turn back or not, but I let the car go with the flow of traffic, and after a while, the car stopped moving even a millimeter. I was right on top of the bridge, where the water level was at its maximum. I was in a hurry, but there was nothing I could do on the bridge. We ended up spending the night on the bridge in a state of anxiety. Although I was glad that I could return home safely without incident, I wanted to punch myself in the face at that time.

The cause of the flood was apparently that the road leading to the bridge was flooded, but since it was a straight road, many cars were stuck in traffic because they could not make a detour. At the time, I had never seen a hazard map (or maybe there was one), and I never dreamed that the road I used to commute to work would be flooded.



According to records, this torrential rain caused the Shinkawa River to burst its banks and over 60,000 houses in Nagoya, Shinkawa, Nishiwajima, Obu, Higashiura, and other cities were flooded.

Four subway stations were inundated and out of service, the Tokaido Shinkansen and Tokaido Main Line were out of service, and the Tomei Expressway and National Route 1 were closed, resulting in a large number of people having difficulty returning home. Damage to lifelines such as electricity, gas, and telephone lines was also extensive. In addition, the flooding of Nagoya Dome, the flooding of the seismic isolation pits of seismically isolated buildings, and the disposal of the large number of automobiles submerged in water became topics of discussion.


More than 20 years have passed since then. Despite all the horror we experienced, our memories are fading, and we cannot deny that we are on our guard. However, I have learned from those who were severely affected by the torrential rains that “at least make sure you have enough water for now,” and since then I have been stocking up on water and batteries, and every time a typhoon hits, I fill up my car with gasoline and my phone with batteries.

I am anxious to see what the typhoon will do, but I just pray that it will not get any more serious.



See you soon.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN






美しい夕焼けは台風の前触れでもありました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Yesterday evening, while I was at home, the sky in the east suddenly became brighter, and it quickly turned into an azure color.

I stopped my housework and gazed at the sky for a while.

Since the sunset was so vivid in the eastern sky, it must have been even more beautiful in the western sky.


When I think of sunsets, I somehow think of autumn, but in fact, I hear that summer is also a beautiful season for sunsets.

However, this is not the time to be admiring the sunsets. As you know, a big typhoon is approaching Japan. Before the typhoon arrives, there is more water vapor in the air, which makes the sunset look more beautiful.

The fact that the wavelength of light differs depending on its color seems to have something to do with it. The more water vapor in the air, the more blue light, which has a short wavelength, is scattered, and red light, which has a long wavelength, reaches the eye without being scattered, making the sky appear redder. The red light illuminates the clouds above from below, making the clouds glow red and creating a beautiful sunset.

According to the forecast, Typhoon No. 12 is expected to be quite powerful. It seems that the number of powerful typhoons is increasing, but it is not just my imagination. Recently, we often hear in the news that the rise in sea temperatures near Japan is related to the increase in the strength of typhoons.

Yesterday, I saw a TV program titled “Heat Wave Strikes,” and I thought it was a story about some foreign country where wildfires were frequent, but it was about Japan. I wonder if any of you have seen it.

I have no doubt about the heat of this summer, as I can feel it in my body, but even from a global perspective, the rate of increase in the water temperature in the seas around Japan over the past few years has been outstanding, and when confronted with this data, I feel even heavier.

I am surprised to find that Hokkaido has recently been experiencing temperatures that are higher than anything I have ever seen before. It was a long time ago, but when I went on a trip to Hokkaido, I remember one of the locals saying, “It’s so cool in summer that I never wear short sleeves for even two weeks. I remember that when I went to Hokkaido a long time ago.

Originally, the sea water temperature in northern Japan was low, and low-level clouds called “lower clouds” reflected sunlight and served as a sunshade, but the atmosphere has been disturbed by ocean heat waves, and the number of lower clouds has decreased. As a result, sunlight is falling directly onto the ocean surface, and the temperature is rising due to the greenhouse effect caused by the increase in water vapor.

Returning to typhoons, typhoons in Japan were originally less powerful as they approached Japan because they stirred up cold water deep in the ocean, lowering the sea surface temperature, which in turn reduced water vapor.

In recent years, however, the warmth of the ocean has continued deep into the depths of the ocean, and even though the water is stirred up, the water temperature does not drop, and the typhoons seem to be making landfall in Japan without weakening in power.

We can only do what we can to prepare for typhoons because we are dealing with nature, but we can only hope that the damage will not be too great.


The rising temperatures caused by this ocean heat wave are also affecting our daily lives, causing a decline in the quality of rice and crop failures. It seems that the stock of rice has been decreasing in supermarkets recently. My family regularly has rice delivered to our house, but for the first time, the delivery was canceled due to lack of stock. We are a family of rice lovers, so we cannot hide our shock.

I believe it won’t happen, but the thought of not being able to eat rice is becoming more and more plausible and even frightening. Over the top…but that is how much we are a rice-loving family.

I am a shallow person, and there are many problems that I can’t realize until it really happens to me.

First of all, everyone, please be safe this week.


See you next time.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN






にっぽんど真ん中祭り、はじまっています。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I am worried about the typhoon, and I can feel the city is somehow in a state of confusion since this morning. Cars are not moving smoothly….

That’s because the “Nippon Doshinchu Festival” will be held from today, the 24th, to tomorrow, the 25th, at various locations in Nagoya City.


The Nippon Dancing Festival (a.k.a. “Domatsuri”) is one of the largest dance festivals in Japan, held every year in Nagoya in mid-summer, with approximately 200 teams from Japan and overseas performing dances of local color, and is open to all citizens.


The greatest feature of the festival is that each team expresses its local pride in its dance. Each team puts on a spectacular performance with gorgeous costumes to the rhythmically arranged music of the emotional local culture. As those who have been there to see the performance in real time can tell you, the power of the performance and the passion of the performers are simply amazing.


Yosakoi began as a postwar reconstruction effort and has evolved into a large-scale festival held in various parts of Japan, but it began with a style that did not have many rules. It is a festival that one cannot take one’s eyes off of every year to see what style it will evolve into in the future, and I am very curious to see how it will evolve this year, including the staging.


As this festival is held in Aichi Prefecture, I often hear people say, “I’m doing yosakoi. I often hear people say, “I’m doing yosakoi. The rate of Yosakoi is so high that we want to go and see it at least once, and to our surprise, Staff Y will participate again this year!


This festival is a contest, so every year there are smiles and tears as the teams battle it out to win a prize. The Yosakoi performers’ heroic performances on this once-a-year grand stage are so impressive that we, the viewers, find ourselves getting power from their performances.


I thought about it more and more, and I realized that it was my own mentality that made me somewhat restless from this morning. Anyway, if you have a chance, please come and see the “Domatsuri” in Nagoya in the summer.


Have a good day.













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10:00-18:00 OPEN





この暑さでも涼しげなお顔です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The high school baseball games at Koshien have come to an end. The semi-finals and finals were fierce battles, but unfortunately, I was unable to watch the games live due to work. The day before yesterday, I watched the nightly broadcast of “Netto Koshien,” and for some reason I repeatedly watched the video of the game-deciding back home run from center field. Yes, I always record Netto Koshien. I used to think that summer was over when Koshien was over, but with the heat of the summer these past few years, that is no longer the case.

In the Fuhkosha store, there is a person with a cool profile who does not seem to mind the heat.


It is an oil painting titled “Peach Color Chemise” by Seiji Togo. I am not familiar with painting, but I am amazed at the transparency of the oil painting. The pale peach color of the chemise, mouth, and earlobes gives a sense of warmth that further enhances the beauty of the painting. In the later works, the eyes become more downcast, the eyelashes are emphasized, and the eyes are no longer painted.

While I was admiring the beautiful hair, I suddenly had a thought that most of the portraits are of female models…. I wondered why there were so many self-portraits and portraits of men. As I was thinking absentmindedly, I suddenly remembered a lecture I took when I was a student.

The professor said, “Write down the artists and painters called masters that come to your mind. I wrote down Picasso, Van Gogh, Michelangelo, Monet, etc. as I thought of them.

And are there any women among the names I just wrote? The professor asked, “Are there any women among the names you just wrote? I remember I was surprised to find myself completely unaware that there were no women, although I guess it is not only in the art world. I think the lecture was about how it was mainly male painters who painted women and why female painters were not common before modern art.

To begin with, paint, a necessity for painting, was not something that used to come in a tube and come out when pushed out, but pigments such as minerals were obtained, grinded in a bowl, and blended with other materials to create colors. Therefore, knowledge of chemistry and mathematics was also necessary to make paints. Women at that time did not attend school, so they may not have had the opportunity to acquire knowledge about making paints.

I suddenly recalled my younger days when I realized that the world I was seeing was a small place, although various social factors may have been involved. By the way, the professor was a petite and lovely woman.

This is a picture of the orca that was brought down to the ground for the first time in 16 years in 2021. A relative of mine took this picture and distributed it to all the relatives to hang on the altar for good luck in money.

This was the third time the shachihoko was brought down to the ground after the war. The previous two were at the time of the Nagoya Castle Expo in 1984 and the Aichi Expo in 2005.

Since it is so special, we put it on display in a place that looks like a Shinto altar in our house.

It looks really powerful when seen on the ground. I would like to see it up close and personal.

See you next time.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN






今日は「金シャチの日」なんです。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Whenever I get into my car, he always tells me what day it is in the morning, and this morning he said, “Good morning, today is ‘Kinshachi Day’. This morning he said, “Good morning, today is ‘Kinschachi Day’. I couldn’t help but laugh this morning.


It is interesting that every day has some kind of anniversary, but today is “Kinshachi no Hi” (day of the golden killer whale). Following Staff H’s tweet about gold the other day, today I would like to tweet about “Kinshachi Day,” which is very Nagoya-like.


Once again, it seems that August 22 has been designated as “Kinshachi Day.

The origin of this day seems to be that the city emblem of Nagoya City is “8” and that the shape of a Shachihoko (a mythical mythical mythical fish-shaped spear) resembles a “2” and there are two of them, one on each side of the castle tower of Nagoya Castle. This is a perfect example of how well established the castle is.


The gold shachihoko of Nagoya Castle has had a tumultuous history, including being recast and stripped of its gold by the financially strapped Owari clan, the decision to tear down Nagoya Castle and its golden shachihoko during the Meiji period, and its destruction by air raids during the Pacific War in 1945, along with the castle tower. However, at the time of its construction, Nagoya Castle’s golden Shachihoko (ornamental ornaments) caught the eyes of many people, and was even admired by those traveling along the Tokaido Highway. Its fame spread throughout the country, so much so that a song was composed, “The fish don’t gather on the beach at Atsuta because of the shachihoko’s brilliance. It must have been a symbol of longing for the people who passed by on the Tokaido Highway.


Although the times have changed, I understand the sentiment. Am I the only one who always looks for the golden shachihoko when I pass by Nagoya Castle in my car? It puts me in a good mood somehow, so I am sure that the sight of people looking for and admiring the golden shachihoko is no different from people in the Edo period lol.


I always think it is really cool and well-balanced to see such a golden shachihoko on the roof with its tail fin gracefully pointing to the sky, basking in the sunlight and shining brightly.


The golden shachi are a pair of male and female, with the male on the north side of the castle tower and the female on the south side. The male is 2.621 m tall, weighs 1,272 kg, and has 112 scales. The female is 2.579 m tall, weighs 1,215 kg, and has 126 scales. I did not know that the weight and the number of scales are different between the male and female…. (Now you can have them brag about it at school or at work starting tomorrow lol.)


Needless to say, it is not gold-plated, but has a structure with gold plates attached to its surface, and it is said that 1,940 pieces of Keicho Oban (165g per piece, 68% grade) of gold were used for the Kinshachi when it was built. In terms of pure gold, this is equivalent to 220 kg of gold (although the building was later renovated several times). The amount of effort that went into the construction of Nagoya Castle is indicative of the power and political considerations that Tokugawa Ieyasu had for the castle.


The existing Kinschachi was reconstructed in 1959 with the cooperation of the Osaka Mint, and the gold plate weighs 88 kg (66 kg in terms of pure gold), including both male and female gold plates of 18k gold (75% purity). It is quite heavy, but it is also interesting to see how the 220kg gold shachi were raised on the mune at the time of the foundation of the shrine.


By the way, it is said that the ornament of shachi or or shachihachi on a mune ornament was meant to ward off fire as well as to add dignity and aesthetics, which is why there were many castles with orchids on their keep throughout Japan. The golden orchid originally appeared at Azuchi Castle, and was also placed on the keep of Osaka Castle, Fushimi Castle, Sunpu Castle, etc. However, all of them were damaged by fire or destroyed. However, all of them were lost due to fire or destruction, and the only one that can be seen today is the golden shachi at Nagoya Castle.


These days, the golden shachi has become a cute character in souvenirs and other items, but when you see the golden shachi still standing, shining brightly and towering over the buildings, even after such a long history, your perspective changes a little. The sight of the golden shachis standing tall and shining on the building’s ridgepole changes one’s perspective a little bit. I hope they will continue to be an object of admiration as they shine from the roof of Nagoya Castle, both in the past and in the future.


I hope that they will continue to be a source of admiration for Nagoya Castle.













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10:00-18:00 OPEN






やはり金色には特別感があるようです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Yesterday morning it was so cool that when I opened the window, I thought I was in a summer resort, but this morning it was the usual Nagoya summer heat. Whenever I feel the coolness of the outside air, even for a moment, the heat sinks in more than ever.

This morning, on the train to work, I saw an article about the “deterioration of Olympic gold medals. I am not sure if it is true or not, but it seems that some athletes have posted photos comparing their medals with the gold medals of the Tokyo Olympics. Personally, I could not distinguish them well. It seems that the medals are manufactured differently in each country.

The medals for the Tokyo Olympics are made using the “medal” technique, while the medals for the Paris Olympics are made using the “coin” method.

I don’t know the details of the difference, but it seems that the design and production methods are left up to the host country.

It is probably a once-in-a-lifetime gold medal for most of the athletes, and they expect that it will be passed down to their descendants and their achievements will be passed on to future generations. It seems natural to hope that they will continue to shine gold forever. It may be quite difficult….


Looking around the Fuhkosha, there are bronze statues of Ebisu-sama and Daikokuten-sama (cast metal), both shining in gold, by Hirakushi Denchu, one of the Imperial Artists in Charge. The gilded finish gives the statues a strong presence, and their two-length, rounded figures are charming and comforting to the viewer.


Hiragushi Denchu is famous for his colored wood carvings, and his “Kagami-jishi (mirror lion),” which depicts Kabuki actor Onoe Kikugoro VI dancing, took 22 years to complete and stands 2 meters high. In order to understand what the actual skeleton and muscles looked like under the layers of costume, the artist went to Onoe Kikugoro and created a “prototype naked figure of Kagami-jishi” in advance, showing him posed without costume. It seems that he was trying to grasp every detail of what was inside the costume. On the other hand, Ebisu-sama and Daikoku-sama in the store are quite deformed, which makes us wonder what is going on in the mind of an artist.


Returning to gold leaf, more than 98% of Japan’s gold leaf is made in Kanazawa, where 2 grams of gold can be stretched to the size of a tatami mat. It is unknown when gold leaf was first produced in Japan, but gilded accessories from the Kofun period have been found. It is said that the technique of gold leaf making, which was introduced from China along with the arrival of Buddhism, developed uniquely in Japan.

It is not known when gold leaf was first produced in Kanazawa, but it is said that in 1593, Maeda Toshiie of the Kaga Clan was asked by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to welcome a delegation from Ming Dynasty China, and Toshiie ordered the production of gold and silver leaf in Kaga and Noto to decorate lances and other objects for decoration.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who was known for his love of gold, favored the use of gold leaf for furnishings, and it is said that the feudal lords also used gold leaf for roof tiles and interior decorations as a symbol of their power.

During the reign of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the production of gold and silver leaf was strictly prohibited outside of Kyoto due to a “ban on foiling” issued to strengthen the economy. However, the Kaga Clan secretly continued to produce gold and silver leaf, and with the limited materials available, the technique was refined and passed on as a traditional craft technique that still fascinates us today, such as Wajima-nuri, Yamanaka-nuri, and Kaga maki-e (maki-e lacquerware).


By the way, you sometimes find gold leaf in sweets and drinks. It looks very glamorous, but is it safe to eat? I have a faint feeling of uneasiness when I eat them. There are edible gold leaves that contain starch, but those in flake or very thin sheet form are said to be pure gold leaf. Basically, gold is not absorbed by the body, and there seems to be no problem in eating it, partly because it is stretched very thin. Gold leaf is also used in cosmetics for its blood circulation promoting and antioxidant properties, and there are even gold face pack sheets! Why don’t you try using it when you have a special occasion?


See you next time.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN








ご近所でなにやらあるようですが・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Thanks to the rain that fell in the morning, Nagoya is cooler than it has been in a while. The first thing I said when I opened the window in the morning was “It’s cool! I was so happy to hear that.

The consecutive hot days in Nagoya finally stopped after 25 days. It was a long time… It is truly a blessing.

It would be great if the season would continue to progress toward autumn…. These days, just the right season is too short, as if there is only winter and summer.



Now, after taking a summer vacation, I came to work at Fumikosha for the first time in a while, and found something noisy around Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine.

On the way up to Shiroyama Hachiman-gu Shrine, there is an old church-like or monastery-like structure that suddenly rises above the cliff, and around that area, trucks and heavy machinery are moving in, creating a big scene.

This building has been used in the past for the filming of the hospital scene in “Father of the Galactic Railroad,” so I was curious to know if they were filming something this time as well. I was tickled to see it again.



The building is not a shrine, a temple, or a gothic building, but a building with an unusual style centering on a pagoda. It is called “Kyu Showa Juku-do,” and although it is located very close to Hirokoji-dori, it is almost invisible from Hirokoji because it is blocked by trees and buildings. The building was built in the early Showa period (early 20th century) and stands out for its retro atmosphere and octagonal tower. It is now off-limits and can only be viewed from the outside.




The “Old Showa Juku-do” was built in 1929 by Aichi Prefecture to contribute to social education for young people, with architect Kisho Kurokawa’s father, Miki Kurokawa, participating in the design.

In 1943, the building was seized by the former Japanese Army and used as the headquarters of the Army’s Tokai Army during the war. After the war, the building was used as the Nagoya University School of Medicine’s basic medical school, the Aichi Prefectural Institute of Education and Culture, and the Chikusa Ward Office temporary government building, before being used as the research building of the Aichi-Gakuin University Graduate School of Dentistry.

Currently, the building is managed by Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine, which was disposed of by Aichi Prefecture in 1967.




In the past, demolition of the building has been considered, but so far there are no concrete plans for its demolition. However, it will soon be 100 years old. Nowadays, old townscapes are decreasing rapidly, and I would like to see such buildings preserved for the sake of Japanese movies, if not in the near future, but it is not that simple.


Now, who in the world is coming to film here? I want to see it at a glance even if I have to crawl to see it! Is it that person you would like to see at first hand? I’m assuming that they are filming, but when I imagine it, I get a little excited. If they are filming, they will be on high alert, so you won’t be able to catch a glimpse of them, so please don’t hold your breath for further updates (laughs).


So, I’ll see you later.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN








暑さはまだまだ続きますが。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













ところでお盆は終わってしまったのですが、皆様の地区は「精霊馬・精霊牛」でご先祖様を迎える風習はありでしょうか。ご存じかと思いますが精霊馬とはご先祖様が家に帰るための乗りものなのですが、お盆になると盆棚に ナスやキュウリで作った精霊馬、精霊牛を飾ります。キュウリが「精霊馬」・ナスが「精霊牛」なのですが、お迎えは馬で早くご先祖様をお迎えして、帰りは牛でゆっくりと帰っていただくといった意味合いのようです。











Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It is really hot here….

I had a short summer vacation, but the heat is still intense, and it feels as if the season has not changed at all, but I have no motivation to do anything. It is almost time for me to miss the feeling of autumn.

Today, some of you may be on your way back home for the summer, but how was your summer vacation? My summer vacation was pretty normal, watching the Olympics, cheering on the athletes in front of the TV, visiting graves in the heat, and so on.

By the way, the Obon season is over, but do you have a custom of welcoming ancestors with “spirit horses and cows” in your area? As you may know, the Seirei Ma is a vehicle used by ancestors to return home, and during Obon, Seirei Ma and Seirei Uyu made of eggplant and cucumber are displayed on the Bon Festival shelf. The cucumber is the “spirit horse” and the eggplant is the “spirit cow.” The horse is used to welcome the ancestors early, and the cow is used for the slow return home. This is a custom that did not exist in the area where I grew up,

I have been admiring, or rather laughing, at the recent customization of the spirit horses and cows. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of them, but you should check them out because they have been customized to look like supercars, motors, and various characters. I would like you to check it out.
I don’t know what my ancestors would think, but I was thinking that I would be willing to drive a super car type…if it was a super car type. If you are interested, please search for it.

Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN








暑い時期にはあえて温かい飲み物も摂取しましょう(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

It has been very hot here in Nagoya. How did you spend your Obon vacation?

Fukosha will be holding an in-home appraisal tomorrow, August 18 (Sun.) from 10:00 a.m. at the store.

Large items and items that are difficult to bring in will be appraised by photo.

There is parking space for one car in front of the store, so please stop by at your convenient time.

We look forward to seeing you.


Now, I am waiting for the Paralympics to be held at the end of the month, and am spending my time in the extreme heat cheered up by the high school baseball players at the Koshien Stadium.

It is so hot outside that I don’t have the courage to go out and stay in my air-conditioned room every day, but if I am not careful, it seems that I need to pay attention to my sensitivity to the cold even in summer. The difference in temperature between indoors and outdoors disturbs the autonomic nervous system, too much cold food and drink, and summer vegetables that cool the body can cool the internal organs, resulting in so-called hidden sensitivity to cold, which can cause stiff shoulders, headaches, lowered immunity, and a variety of other physical ailments.

I heard that it is effective to consciously consume warm food to cool the internal organs, so today, for the first time in a while, I brought a warm cup of tea in my water bottle. In an air-conditioned room, I feel relieved and relaxed when I take something warm into my body. I guess that is what my body needs.

In Japan, there is an iron kettle as a tool to make tea tasty. We have an iron kettle in our store that has been carefully handled for many years.

The rounded shape of the tetsubin is lovely, and the design features the auspicious motif of bamboo grass leaves. Bamboos and bamboo leaves are said to represent “immortality” and “longevity” because they grow straight and vigorously and do not wither in winter.

The tetsubin has two sides: the front side is when the spout is on the right side. The front side of the tetsubin is the side that is visible to guests when the tetsubin is held in the right hand, and is decorated with designs and characters, while the back side has a simple design. The tetsubin from Fukosha also has a slightly larger number of bamboo leaves on the front side.

The history of tetsubin tetsubin is long, and their prototype is said to have been created at about the same time as the kettles used in the chanoyu tea ceremony. The name of the kettle at that time was “te-tori kettle” because a handle was attached to the kettle of chanoyu. It seems that those with three legs on the bottom were used for medicinal purposes.

The small picks (knobs) on the lid handles are said to have various shapes, including plum, pine nut, and gourd shapes, as well as silver and jade.

There are also various types of shoulders, including round shoulders like those of Fukosha’s tetsubin, angular katatsuki shoulders, and gently sloping nadekata shoulders. Personally, I think round shoulders are cute.

The handle part is called “Tsuru,” and there are also “Fukuro-gen,” which is hollow inside so that the string part does not get hot even when the water boils. I am not good at holding hot things, so this is a nice touch.

The hail pattern on the body is well-known, but there are also some Kansai tetsubin with gorgeous three-dimensional patterns and decorations. Some of them are decorated with surprisingly three-dimensional patterns, as shown in the photo.

Here in the Tokai region, Kuwana tetsubin from Mie Prefecture is said to be famous. I had never heard of it.


The history of casting in Kuwana dates back to the Azuchi-Momoyama period, when Honda Tadakatsu, who became lord of the Kuwana domain, began manufacturing guns. The sand found on the beach was suitable for casting, and the manufacture of cast iron guns, lanterns, farming tools, pots, and other items flourished in Kuwana.

I had never heard of Kuwana Tetsubin, but a few years ago, “magic frying pans” made in Kuwana were the talk of the town. I was curious about it, and when I looked it up, I found that it was an extremely popular product with a two-year waiting list to receive it. It was a very popular product. It was rumored to cook meats and other foods incredibly well, and it is human nature to want to try it if you can’t get it. I thought about ordering it, but I couldn’t stand the long waiting time and gave up. Is it still hard to get? I’m getting curious.

Well, I’ll see you next time.







骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




