栗の美味しい季節を堪能しております(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




栗の美味しい季節を堪能しております(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog by Staff T, it’s the season when delicious foods are lined up in stores, and it’s time to enjoy eating.


My favorite autumn delicacies are chestnuts and ginkgo nuts. When I first saw ginkgo nuts in Sobue, I was surprised at how big they were. Ginnan nuts are easy to eat, but chestnuts are wrapped in hard skin and are quite tough. I want to eat chestnut rice! I am almost afraid to pretend not to hear it when I think of the time and effort required to make it.


One of the most luxurious and appreciated sweets that you can enjoy the taste of chestnuts themselves during this season is “Kurikinton” (chestnut kinton). The other day, I was delighted to receive chestnut kinton from Nakatsugawa Suya.


Kurikinton is a typical autumn delicacy in Gifu Prefecture, and in September, chestnut kinton is lined up at wagashi stores in Nakatsugawa City, Ena City, Yaotsu Town, and other areas. According to those who love kuri-kinton, the taste and texture varies depending on the store, such as moist or crunchy. Because it is a simple confection made with only steamed chestnuts and sugar, with no added water, it is said that it requires the skill of a confectioner to bring out the same flavor over the years, taking into consideration differences in harvest times and the condition of the chestnuts.


Is the picture on the pastry box a depiction of the old store? The large signboard made of Kiso hinoki (Japanese cypress) that hangs in the current Nakatsugawa Suya store has the two characters “Suya” in hiragana, which are said to be characters picked up from the calligraphy of Ryokan.


It is said that the shop was founded in the Genroku era (1688-1704) by Kyuzo Akai, a samurai who came down from Edo and settled in this inn town, and opened a vinegar store under the name of “Juhachiya. Mino Nakatsugawa was an old post town that served as the entrance to the Kiso Road, with the old Nakasendo road passing through the town. Vinegar from Nakatsugawa-juku was famous on the Nakasendo.

It is said that “Suya,” which is now the name of the store, is derived from “Vinegar Shop. It is said that the 7th generation started making wagashi (Japanese confectionery), and although it is not certain what prompted the transition from a vinegar shop to a wagashi shop, it is likely that the trend of the times was that “a tea store is the place to be in an inn town! I assume that it was the trend of the times.

Chestnut dumplings were originally made as a snack for families in this region, and the fact that they were marketed as a product shows the business acumen of the seventh generation. No doubt, travelers who were tired of walking along the Nakasendo route were comforted by this sweet chestnut pastry. Even without social networking services, the reputation of the sweets spread from person to person, and today we can still enjoy them as sweets that remind us of the autumn season. I am grateful for that.


By the way, is the chestnut a fruit? The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries classifies herbaceous plants that are planted and harvested within one year as “vegetables” and plants that are cultivated for more than two years and whose fruits are edible as “fruit trees.

Melons, strawberries, and watermelons, which are often called “fruits,” are classified as “vegetables,” while plums and chestnuts are classified as “fruit trees.

And surprisingly, the pulp of the chestnut is not the cream-colored part that we eat as a delicious and tasty treat. The hard part of the chestnut under the stigma is called the devil’s skin, and the part further down is called the astringent skin, and the part we enjoy is the seed.

The part we enjoy is the seed. As for the pulp, the hard skin is the pulp. The world of plants is very deep.


There is a store called “Ena Suya” in Nagoya, which is a branch of “Nakatsugawa Suya”. You can enjoy a chestnut parfait from October 1 every year. I am not good at parfaits, and the last part of the parfait is a painful experience for me, but I finish the chestnut parfait of Ena Suya in no time at all.

However, I have not had the chance to try it in the past few years, so I took a peek at their blog and found that the price had gone up a bit, probably because of the current times. It takes a lot of energy to eat good food, but I would like to try it this year.


See you next time.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







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