「ゲルハルト・リヒター展」で贅沢な時間を過ごしてきました。~豊田市美術館(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
また彼の作品は、そのものを見るとは単に視覚の問題ではなく、芸術の歴史、ホロコーストなどを経験した 20世紀ドイツの歴史、画家自身やその家族の記憶、そして私たちの固定概念や見ることへの欲望などが複雑に絡み合った営みといえましょうか、作品群を通じて今も直、そのメッセージが伝わって参ります。

Hello, this is Staff Y.
The other day I went to the “Gerhard Richter Exhibition” at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art under the clear autumn sky.
Gerhard Richter Exhibition” at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art.
Gerhard Richter, a master of contemporary art from Dresden, Germany, is one of the most important painters of the second half of the 20th century and a forefront explorer of the 21st century. This is the first solo exhibition of his work in Japan in 16 years.
~The exhibition will be held at the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo until October 2, 2022, and from October 15, 2022 to January 29, 2023, it will be held at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art in Aichi Prefecture, which is a rarity.
Richter is currently 90 years old and long-lived. This is his first solo exhibition in 16 years, and the exhibition features approximately 110 works from the collection of the Gerhard Richter Foundation, including everything from his early works to his latest drawings, which Richter has kept with him since he turned 90 in 2022. The exhibition is a consistent yet diverse look at the artist’s 60 years of work.
As this was my first time to see Richter’s work, I had not had enough time to study it beforehand, but I was impressed by the wide variety of methods of expression, including oil paintings, photographs, digital prints, glass, mirrors, and other materials used.
His works are abstract in appearance, so they could be considered fashionable contemporary art, and many young people are fans of his works. We must understand that he has been consistently pursuing to express the principle of seeing and perceiving things itself while moving between figurative and abstract expressions.
His works are not simply a matter of visual perception, but rather a complex intertwining of the history of art, 20th century German history of the Holocaust, memories of the artist and his family, and our fixed concepts and desires to see. The message is conveyed directly through the works.
The exhibition will also feature “Birkenau” (2014), the most important work of Richter’s recent years and the first time it has been shown in Japan, consisting of four large abstract paintings. The exhibition will be accompanied by four identical-size photographic reproductions of the paintings, as well as a large horizontal mirror (the Gray Mirror).
Birkenau, on view for the first time in Japan, is a hidden image on the lower level of the painting, which depicts a hidden photograph taken by a prisoner at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. He has attempted to tackle the subject of the Holocaust several times since the 1960s, but has been unable to find an appropriate way to express this serious issue, and finally completed this work in 2014. Richter said that he “felt himself free” from his own artistic agenda.
Hearing these words, we can see the work in a different light, as we reflect on the seriousness of the issues he has been dealing with over the years.
By the way, the Richter exhibition at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art has a completely different layout from the one in Tokyo, and it seems to be composed of additional works that will be exhibited at the Toyota venue as well.
The exhibition in Tokyo was very crowded, but here at the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, visitors can enjoy the luxury of confronting Richter’s works one-on-one in a spacious, quiet, and intimate setting. I also find that such a peaceful and tranquil space enhances Richter’s works even more.
I, too, spent a luxurious time sitting on a chair for the exhibition for a while.
Richter’s “Birkenau,” which I was able to view in such a luxurious setting, was both an accomplishment and a turning point for Richter. I am not sure if a vessel like mine could have received the message he had always wanted to convey, but it was a precious opportunity for me to spend such time up close and personal.
While I would like to get the message from the artist himself, I believe that each person’s appreciation of a painting is his or her own. Through this work, I was able to think about what the artist wanted to convey, as well as about myself, my surroundings, this era, and many other things.
It is up to you what you want to see and think through his works, but Richter’s works somehow seem to me to offer an entrance to such a moment in time.
If you have time, I hope you will visit this luxurious space, confront yourself, and receive Richter’s message that you can receive in front of his works.
Have a nice day.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN