


狛犬、自由度が満載ですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The other day, I visited Yatsugatake, so I went to the “Ikuo Hirayama Silk Road Museum”. I decided to talk about it on another occasion, and the “guardian dog” that caught my eye was made of wood like the guardian dogs in our shop, so I was a little worried about this, so this is an issue to take home. I left the museum to try.


The reason why the guardian dogs caught my eye is that I am following a person who is taking pictures of guardian dogs at various shrines as a hobby on Instagram. I always watch the guardian dog with comments that look like a blowout, and I like guardian dogs that much.

The comment that makes me laugh with a sense of realism that makes me think “I’m definitely saying that way, lol.” Matches my ridiculous playfulness. However, I am very grateful for the guardian dogs and their comments.


There is no such thing as the facial expression and type of guardian dogs, the style of the author, etc., so when I visit a shrine, I just check the guardian dogs, but this time I was interested in the material.


That being said, my image of guardian dogs is that stone guardian dogs are enshrined to protect the shrine, but the tradition seems to have become mainstream since the Edo period.

Originally, guardian dogs protected God in the inner shrine inside the main shrine, but as time goes by, they are placed on the main shrine, and the meaning of protecting the main shrine is born. As time went on, it was placed in front of the main shrine, at the entrance of the precincts, etc. to protect the entire precincts, and it seems that it was made of stone from wood because it was exposed to the rain.


In addition, the roots of the guardian dogs themselves are various, such as public guardian dogs, samurai guardian dogs, Echizen guardian dogs, and private guardian dogs. Full of freedom as you can think. Also, even though it is made of stone, it has been weathered and its appearance has changed over time, so there are many points that I cannot help but fascinate.


For example, there is a guardian dog in the shop, but this guardian dog is also made of wood. It is a smart type with long legs, with some paint remaining. His legs are standing upright, and he doesn’t seem to be standing on his face, and his face is rather small, but his teeth are firm and his eyes are strong. Is it a gorgeous tail?


The same wooden guardian dog that I saw the other day has a slightly petite inner thigh shape. Her face had a nice nose as a charm point, and she said, “By the way, there is such a dog.” (excuse me.)


Even if you compare these two guardian dogs like this, I think that you can understand the degree of freedom to the extent that it is interesting, so when you go to the shrine, please say hello to the guardian dogs.


By the way, the points I always look at are the condition of the mouth, the condition of the nose, and the condition of the feet. Is it the flow of the coat and the comment?


Well then, good luck.









愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


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