


犬王(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









室町の京の都、猿楽の一座に生まれた異形の子、犬王。周囲に疎まれ、その顔は瓢箪(ひょうたん)の面で隠されていました。 ある日犬王は、平家の呪いで盲目になった琵琶法師の少年・友魚と出会います。名よりも先に、歌と舞を交わす二人。 友魚は琵琶の弦を弾き、犬王は足を踏み鳴らします。一瞬にして拡がる、二人だけの呼吸、二人だけの世界。 「ここから始まるんだ。俺たちは」 壮絶な運命すら楽しみ、力強い舞で自らの人生を切り拓く犬王。呪いの真相を求め、琵琶を掻き鳴らし異界と共振する友魚。乱世を生き抜くためのバディとなった二人は、お互いの才能を開花させ、唯一無二のエンターテイナーとして人々を熱狂させていきます。頂点を極めた二人を待ち受けるものとは? 歴史に隠された実在の能楽師=ポップスター・犬王と友魚から生まれた、時を超えた友情の物語でございます。





犬王(いぬおう、生年不詳 – 応永20年5月9日(1413年6月7日))は、観阿弥と同時期に活躍した近江猿楽日吉座の大夫でございます。猿楽能の名手として観世座の観阿弥・世阿弥と人気を二分した。阿弥号の「道阿弥」でも知られます。














Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Recently, on Spotify, I’m addicted to a program in which an entertainer named Manzai makes a 30-minute story with a single shot.

It’s really amazing to have a gein who makes you laugh by all means with just your ears and eyes.

Imagine that if you’re an entertainer, I’m sure this blog will be interesting, but I can’t do it as an amateur, so I’ll write a story that doesn’t have a punch line today.

I bought loquat the other day.

The movie “Inu-Oh” that I saw the next day had a loquat at the right time, so I thought it was something to do with it.


Inuou, a strange child born in the troupe of Sarugaku, the capital of Kyoto in Muromachi. He was estranged from his surroundings, and his face was hidden by a gourd. One day, Inu-Oh meets a boy named Tomoyo, a Biwa Hoshi who was blinded by the curse of the Heike. Two people who exchange songs and dances before their names. The friend fish plays the strings of the pipa, and the Inu-Oh stomps on his foot. A world of only two people, a breath of only two people that expands in an instant. “Starting here. We are.” The dog king who enjoys even a spectacular fate and opens up his own life with a powerful dance. A friend fish who seeks the truth of the curse, strumming the pier and resonating with the other world. As buddies to survive the turbulent world, the two will develop their talents and make people enthusiastic as the one and only entertainer. What awaits the two who have reached the top? It is a story of timeless friendship born from a real Noh performer = pop star Inuou and a friend fish hidden in history.

The voice actors will be Mirai Moriyama and the queen bee vocalist Av.

It is very interesting that Masaaki Yuasa portrayed the real Noh performer Inu-Oh, who fascinated people during the Muromachi period, as a pop star.

There are some amazing and shocking videos, so you may like or dislike them, but since it’s a musical animation, you can enjoy it as if you were watching a PV.

It seems that there were also events such as silent cheering screenings, and there are also events that can be enjoyed in the same way as the townspeople in the movie.

Inuou (Inuou, year of birth unknown-May 9, 20 (June 7, 1413)) is the great husband of Omi Sarugaku Hiyoshiza, who was active at the same time as Kan’ami. As a master of Sarugaku Noh, he divided his popularity with Kan’ami and Zeami in the Kanze theater. He is also known as “Michiami” on the Ami issue.

Although his birth year is unknown, it seems that he is the same generation as Kan’ami or a little younger than Kan’ami from the time of his activity.

He well embodied the artistic style of Omi Sarugaku, which is based on the style of Kabuki, as opposed to Yamato Sarugaku, which mainly imitates, and gained widespread popularity.

He suffered the disappointment of his patron Ashikaga Yoshimitsu at one point, but was later forgiven and received a letter from Yoshimitsu’s legal name “Doyoshi” and changed his Ami name “Inuami” to “Doami”. rice field. Until his last years, Yoshimitsu’s love did not decline, and when Emperor Go-Komatsu went to Kitayama Daiichi in 1408, he served as a spectator.

He also said that he always held a memorial service on the 19th, the anniversary of Kan’ami’s death, when he admired Kan’ami, the pioneer of Sarugaku Noh.

Zeami highly valued Inuou, and stated in “Sarugaku Dangi” that “Inuou did not fall to Nakagami at Kamisanka.” In the 20th century, Mikio Takemoto’s dissertation “Study of Tennyo Mai” proposed the theory that Zeami tried to enhance the dance by incorporating “Tenjo Mai”, which was the specialty of Inuou.


A dolphin swims toward the Heike ship with 1,000 and 2,000 tails, and Munemori, who was surprised by the hordes of dolphins, made the fortune-teller fortune-telling.
“If the dolphins turn back, Genji will be destroyed, and if you pass by as it is, your allies will be in danger.”

Inuou is in the play and the singing scene is powerful and very cool.


In this way, I think it’s good to learn in terms of being able to learn actual events in a musical and enjoyable way.

He also buys classical musical instruments such as loquats.

See you soon


愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』TEL052(734)844410:00-17:00 OPEN





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