映画トップガンマーヴェリック(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

Hello everyone, this is Staff N.
May is the last day, and from tomorrow it will be June.
Have you seen the movie “Top Gun: Maverick”?
I can’t say much about it in case it’s a spoiler, but … it was insanely interesting.
It’s been a while since I met a movie with a great immersive feeling, and it made me very excited.
The top gun starring Tom Cruise, which was screened more than 30 years ago, is a well-known masterpiece, but the sequel is this “Top Gun: Maverick”.
I think you all know the previous synopsis without explaining it.
This time, Maverick, formerly known as a genius pilot, will return to the US Navy’s elite aviator training school as an instructor. Some of the students are the sons of a pilot who once teamed up and died during training. Chasing after his father’s back, he has a grudge against Maverick. Meanwhile, I will challenge the mission.
I went to see it with my companion, so I didn’t expect much because it was a sequel to be honest.
Now I can say, I definitely recommend watching it in the cinema and at IMAX.
I thought that breathing, face and luck were really real, but it seems that he was actually in a fighter plane.
In order to be able to withstand the gravity applied to the pilot himself during maneuvering, the performers started by riding a small propeller plane, then aerobatic plane, and then a jet plane.
By the way, in the previous work, the actors boarded the F-14 fighter and went to shoot, but the actors other than Tom Cruise seemed to be unable to use the video because they either fainted or spit.
I saw the making video on YouTube, and it was awesome because I was shooting to the point of fainting.
It seems that it was a simulated experience in the movie that asked “how to send the audience to the cockpit of the fighter”.
As the director and Tom Cruise expected, I think N was leaning with the actor on the plane (laughs).
And what surprised me most was the appearance of the World War II airplane called “P-51” at the beginning and end, and it seems that it is Tom Cruise’s private plane.
Was there a conversation such as “If it’s real, it’s in my house, use it?”
The scale was too big and I laughed.
I wonder what kind of treasure is in Tom Cruise’s house.
It seems that plastic models are also selling due to the Top Gun effect.
I don’t know if I can buy an airplane, but I will buy photos during the war and old ones.
See you soon