


お食い初め(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)








































Hello everyone. This is Staff M.

How are you doing today, when it’s raining over the weekend and you’re feeling blue? In this blog, I will talk about the beginning of eating so that I can feel a little clearer (I just want to talk about recent events).


Actually, last week, I had a niece’s “beginning to eat”. It’s one of the events I’ve been looking forward to because it’s my first event.

To briefly explain the beginning of eating, the beginning of eating is a celebration of the 100th day after birth, which is also called “100th day celebration” or “100th day celebration”. It is a traditional event that has been held since the Heian period, and is held in the hope that the baby will grow up healthy, saying, “Don’t worry about eating for the rest of your life.”

At the beginning of eating, they use chopsticks to imitate eating fish for the first time, so they are also called “chopsticks alignment,” “chopsticks celebration,” and “mao beginning.” In this way, it is called in various ways depending on the region, but the meaning of celebrating and thanking the family for the successful growth of the baby for several months does not change.


The origin and origin of the beginning of eating goes back to the Heian period, and there is an event called “Momoka” that feeds babies with rice cakes, and this is said to be the beginning of eating. At first, it was held on the 50th day after birth, so it was said to be a “celebration of the fifty days”, and the rice cakes to be eaten were called “fifty days mochi”. The idea was to put rice cakes in heavy water and add a little of the rice cakes to the baby’s mouth. Eventually, the celebration of the fifty days became the hundredth day, and in the Kamakura period, rice cakes changed to fish meat, and it came to be called “Mao Hajime”. In the past, hygiene and nutrition were not good, and it was difficult to grow up safely, so ceremonies and celebrations were held at various milestones to pray for the growth of the baby. It is said that the tradition of celebrating with a festive set around 100 days after birth has been handed down to the present day.


The celebration set is based on the traditional Japanese menu “Ichiju Sansai”. Fish with tails such as sea bream, red rice, soup, simmered dishes, and pickles are on the menu. Also, around 100 days after birth, if you are an early child, milk teeth will start to grow, so prepare a “tooth-hardening stone” and hope that strong teeth will grow.


The contents of the menu have many characteristics in each region, and there are various things such as the addition of local specialties. In Hokkaido, it is common to cook red rice with sweet natto instead of azuki beans, and in Osaka etc., it is said that octopus is used instead of hardened stones because it is considered to be auspicious food because of the wordplay “Takou”. is. Depending on the area, other stones such as “umeboshi”, “chestnut fruit”, and “red and white rice cake” may be used, and in the Kyushu region, “Poppo” with a picture of Shochikuume and Tsurugame instead of lacquered tableware. They also use tableware called “zen”.


There are various forms of eating beginnings depending on the region, and that alone is interesting and interesting. This time, the niece’s festive set was standard, with menus such as sea bream, sekihan, soup, simmered dishes, and pickles, as well as tooth-hardening stones.


My niece usually drinks only milk, but on that day, when she brought red rice to her mouth, she opened it up and tried to eat it, which was very cute. The beginning of eating is different for each region, but there are various ways to celebrate depending on the country. Next time, I would like to find out about the beginning of eating in the world.










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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