お花(芍薬)をいただきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




お花(芍薬)をいただきました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















そしてですね、日本にも虜になった絵師が。葛飾北斎の「芍薬 カナアリ」という作品に、カナアリ(カナリア)と共に芍薬が描かれております。こちらの芍薬は、オランダ芍薬のようだということで、花弁割とシンプルですが、大胆な花弁を表現したかったのでしょうか、画面いっぱいに描かれております。



















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Until just the other day, I was writing only blogs like chasing cherry blossoms, but the other day, I received a “peony” from an acquaintance. If you are chasing seasonal flowers like this, the season will continue to advance lol.


I used to display it in the store last year, but this year I want to love it with as many people as possible, so I am displaying it in the store. When I received it last night, it was a bud like a ping-pong ball, but this morning the buds have loosened, and it seems that the sleeping petals are finally awakening in the light. The petals are so overflowing that I think they fit well in those buds, and the open flowers are about the size of an open palm.

The appearance of this bold and bewitching flower in full bloom is truly captivating. Every year I think that I am the “queen of flowers”.


By the way, this peony that I received yesterday is received from the same person every year, but in fact, that person is also said to be obtained from an acquaintance. Are you a flower profession? When I asked, it was completely home-grown. However, this is beyond the realm of home cultivation … I’m sure you’re cultivating a lot because you can share it with me like this. It’s a little strange, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, “Thank you. It’s very beautiful this year.”


Peony, in fact, was introduced to Japan as a medicinal herb before the Heian period, but after that, many horticultural varieties were made for ornamental purposes, and they are called “Washakuyaku”. Many of the “Japanese peony” have relatively simple and neat flower shapes, such as single-flowered and old-fashioned flowers. It is also cultivated in Europe, and its variety is called Western peony, which seems to be characterized by a large number of valves such as Temari blooms and rose blooms and a strong scent. Recently, new varieties have been bred by crossing both, and many peony varieties have been seen, such as hybrids with buttons, so keep an eye on the peony these days.


Since it is such a peony, it seems that there were of course people who were captivated by it for a long time.

Such thoughts remain in the canvas, and they also remain in famous works such as Van Gogh’s “Peony Rose Vase” and Manet’s “Peony Vase”. You probably wanted to keep that bewitching appearance. The peony of both works is a type with many gorgeous petals. You can feel the captivity from the overflowing vase.


And, well, there is a painter who was captivated by Japan. In the work “Canary and Peony” by Katsushika Hokusai, the peony is drawn together with the canary. This peony is like a Dutch peony, so it is as simple as a petal split, but maybe you wanted to express a bold petal, it is drawn on the full screen.


It seems that it wasn’t just my acquaintance and the person who raised the peony that was so captivated by the peony … It seems that everyone is captivated by all ages and countries.


When I wrote the blog, the petals were blooming more and more.

I can’t take my eyes off.


Well then, good luck.


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