


満開の桜を眺めると嬉しくなるDNAは受け継がれているのでしょうか。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)























平安時代の歌人である在原業平(ありわら の なりひら)が詠んだ桜にちなんだ歌を、一緒に復習いたしましょう。






















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

The long-awaited season for cherry blossoms is finally in full bloom.



Nagoya is finally in full bloom. How is the cherry blossoms in your area? I’m looking forward to the changing flowering front.


However, cherry blossoms, cherry blossom viewing, and the weather are also important points. While checking the weather forecast every day, I had to go to shoot today (I was worried about the weather), so I went to the Yamasaki River in Mizuho Ward, Nagoya City, which I told you the other day. rice field.


As I mentioned the other day, a 10-minute drive from the antique art Fukosha, the cherry blossoms on the Yamasaki River are famous nationwide cherry blossom spots that have been selected as one of the “100 Best Cherry Blossom Spots” by the Japan Cherry Blossom Association. Approximately 600 Yoshino cherry trees line the banks of 2.5 kilometers from Ishikawa Bridge to Ochiai Bridge, and there are many old trees with beautiful flowers, especially near the wooden and tasteful Kanae Kohashi. It is left behind and is one of the highlights in combination with the river surface.


Perhaps because the 2.6-kilometer row of cherry blossom trees continues through the quiet residential area of ​​Mizuho Ward, people in this area completely blend into their daily lives and live with love for such cherry blossoms. It’s an enviable area that makes me think it would be nice, and it’s also a row of cherry blossom trees that naturally welcomes and waits for people who visit only during the season like me.


Today we had a cherry blossom viewing for one person.



It’s good to be able to see the cherry blossoms by yourself and think about the cherry blossoms on your own, but in the end, I don’t think about anything every year and just dimly look at the cherry blossoms. However, if I can meet Sakura again in this way, I wonder if it is because of the DNA embedded in me, and only the “happy” switch will always enter this scene without any meaning. Is this just me?


No, I didn’t seem to be the only one. The song has been sung since the Heian period, when you can see that the DNA of cherry blossom lovers all over Japan has been passed down. Is this the work of DNA anymore?


Let’s review together the song associated with the cherry blossoms that Ariwara no Narihira, a poet of the Heian period, wrote.


“If you don’t have cherry blossoms in the world, the heart of spring will be better.”


This song is famous, isn’t it?

The meaning is that if there are no cherry blossoms in the world, you will not be worried about the flowers falling or regret, so you will feel relaxed in spring.


As you know, Ariwara no Narihira is a nobleman and poet in the early Heian period. He is famous as an unrivaled handsome playboy in Japanese history, but he also seems to have had a rare talent for waka poetry. He is the author of Hyakunin Isshu No. 17, and is famous as one of Rokkasen and Thirty-Six Kasen. “Ise Monogatari” is considered to be the model of the main character himself, and this song is also written in Ise Monogatari. Furthermore, it is also included in the Kokin Wakashū.


Since he was such a popular man, there are many songs that are obviously related to love, but this song has a slightly different taste and simply describes cherry blossoms.


However, behind that, while expressing that the spring season is calm, on the contrary, it is also a song that expresses the feelings of spring that make you feel fidgety and the attachment to the cherry blossoms that make you do so, so the point is cherry blossoms. I interpret it as if it was one of my favorite things like a lover.


In addition, the cherry blossoms bloom on a peaceful spring day, but they disperse in a blink of an eye, and the next year they are in full bloom and regenerate. I wonder if such a figure was projected on people’s reincarnation. Did Narihira feel the fragility in his joy as he dreamed of “regeneration” while thinking about dispersal? Did the repeated appearance of life match the feelings of the Japanese people through the cherry blossoms?


Narihira lived in the early Heian period in the 800s of the Christian era. The song itself was written about 1200 years ago, but it seems that the DNA that loves cherry blossoms all over Japan, which has continued from there, is definitely inherited throughout Japan this year as well.


Good luck











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