「カレンダーの日」には意外な事実(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取 古美術風光舎 名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




「カレンダーの日」には意外な事実(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具 高価買取 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)



Hello everyone. It is staff m.

Today’s Nagoya was warm all day long, and I didn’t even need a coat when I was walking outside.
How was it in your area?


By the way, continuing from my last blog, “Today is what day series”.
What day do you think December 3rd is?


Actually, it’s a “calendar day”.
In November 1872, the government suddenly announced that the lunisolar calendar used in Japan would be changed to the mainstream solar calendar in the world.

“The 5th year of the Meiji era will end on the 2nd of December, and the 3rd of the 5th year of the Meiji era will be the 1st of January of the 6th year of the Meiji era.”
Therefore, it is named after December 3, 1872, which was advanced to January 1, 1872.
It seems that this anniversary has been established.


Of course, there was also a reason that December 3rd of the lunar calendar just hit “New Year’s Day” in the solar calendar.
Even so, December 1897 is only two days away!
What’s more, I was surprised to announce such a serious thing a month ago!


Here, I would like to explain a little about the “Lunar calendar” and the “solar calendar”. Both are different types of calendars, but the “standards used to determine the calendar” are different. The lunar calendar is based on the moon, and the solar calendar is based on the sun.


The lunar calendar used in the Japanese lunar calendar is a calendar that counts the period from one full moon to the next full moon as one month. The lunar calendar, which shows how many days today is by looking at the moon, was easy to understand and convenient, but it had a serious drawback that the number of days in a month was halfway to 29.53 days, and the calendar and seasons were out of sync. .. At that time, this inconvenience was solved by making the moon 29th and 30th.


The season of spring, summer, autumn and winter is determined by the positional relationship between the sun and the earth. In the lunar calendar, one year is 29.53 days x 12 = 354 days, and the calendar shifts by 11 days every year, so the calendar and seasons will eventually reverse.


Therefore, in Japan, the calendar called “Lunisolar calendar” has been used for a long time. This was a calendar that made one year 13 months by adding a “leap month” once every few years in order to cover the disadvantages of the lunar calendar being out of sync.


However, this “leap month” was a serious problem for a country that was in a position to pay salaries to officials (bureaucrats). In September 1884, the year before the calendar was switched, the salary of officials was changed from “annual salary system” to “monthly salary system”, which was a big blow to the finances.


It’s not surprising that the government is annoyed because you usually have to pay 12 months a year for 13 months, which is one month more in a leap month. In the 5th year of the Meiji era, when the change in the calendar was suddenly announced, the leap year in which the leap month entered was just approaching next year.


It goes without saying that this sudden change in the calendar caused great confusion in the world. Preparations for the year-end and New Year holidays such as “Lunar New Year Fair” were not in time, and I was extremely confused. The calendar of the 6th year of the Meiji era with leap months, which had already been completed and shipped, was returned in large quantities. You can hear the screaming of the trader.

Even after the change to the new calendar, it seems that there was a series of misunderstandings of promises due to this change in the calendar, causing confusion here and there.

The reason why the solar calendar was adopted in Japan is ostensibly “the solar calendar, which is the mainstream overseas, was adopted because diplomatic relations between Japan and other countries became active.” However, in reality, it seems that there were not a few circumstances for adults.


And I was surprised that the fact that the lunar calendar was switched to the solar calendar 149 years ago was surprisingly recent.














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