神無月の出雲大社(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董・古道具買取いたします 古美術風光舎 名古屋店)

Hello everyone.
Today, I would like to write about what the staff, who loves shrines, felt at Tsushima Shrine in the continuation of the blog the other day.
When I go to worship at Tsushima Shrine, I don’t always feel any sign of it.
“Oh, I wonder if God is away today.”
I was wondering.
But that should be the case.
I went to visit on November 12th.
The gods must have been after leaving for the land of Izumo.
From October 10th to 17th of the lunar calendar, the Shinto festival is held at Izumo Taisha Shrine in Izumo.
Applying this period of the lunar calendar to the current calendar, November 14th to 21st corresponds to this period.
During that time, the gods from all over the country gather once a year at Izumo Taisha Shrine, where the “Okuninushi Okami”, who is in charge of the invisible “Shinto ritual”, is present.
It is derived from the fact that a conference called “Kamihakari” is held to connect people’s “happiness”.
I’ve heard that I’m leaving shrines around the world a couple of days ago for the meeting.
So I was convinced that I didn’t feel anything at Tsushima Shrine.
According to the homepage of Izumo Taisha,
“November 14, 3rd year of Reiwa, 7:00 pm
“Izumo Shinto” where gods from all over the country gather at Izumo Taisha Shrine.
At Inasa Beach, about 1 km west of Izumo Taisha, an ancient-style “Kamimukae Shinto ritual” is held to welcome gods from all over the country.
After this mysterious ritual, the gods who arrived will be delighted to Izumo Taisha, led by the messenger god “Ryuja God”.
Then, at the hall of worship (usually the Kagura hall), a sacred festival of worship is served.
November 15, 3rd year of Reiwa 9:00 am
November 19, 3rd year of Reiwa (Kamiari Festival / Matchmaking Festival) 10:00 am
November 21, 3rd year of Reiwa (Kamiari Festival / Matchmaking Festival) 10:00 am
“Okuninushi Okami”, who is the deity of the Izumo Taisha Shrine, is a god who manages invisible “shinto rituals” and is widely known as a god who connects people’s “happiness”. is known.
At the “Kamisai”, you can preside over the “Kamihakari”, a meeting of the gods who gathered together.
During the “God Existence” period, the worship of the “Dragon Snake God” who will lead the gods will be held.
4:00 pm on November 21, 3rd year of Reiwa
The meeting “Shinkai”, which connects people’s “happiness”, was also congratulated on November 21, 4:00 pm.
The “Karasade Festival” is held in the hall of worship, where we pray for gratitude to the gods who have gathered from all over the country and send the departure from Izumo Taisha.
The gods will be relocated to the hall of worship from the nineteen shrines in the east and west of the inn, and the festival will be served.
The gods can stand at Izumo Taisha with a loud voice saying “Stand up!” 』\
There was.
Once a year, gods from all over the world gather to hold a meeting about the wishes of their sons and discuss “let’s connect this edge with this edge”.
Therefore, if I would like to say the month when the wishes at the shrine are most likely to come true, it would be the month before Kannazuki.
The gods are the most memorable.
The gods who will be returned to various places on the 21st with the result of having been put to the meeting in this way.
If you visit the shrine around the 24th while thinking about such things, you may feel that the air has changed.
If all of you have come true to your request, I think it means that the GO sign was given as a result of the Izumo meeting. !!
I look forward to it too!
(Staff m)
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
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