


ご趣味は…?②(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 覚王山 骨董買取致します 古美術 風光舎名古屋店)





















そんな歌が日常生活に根付いていた日本人ですが、西洋化の波と共に、民衆の歌のほとんどが姿を消してしまいました。そしていつしか歌は「プロ」のもので、そのレベル以下のものはカラオケでプロの歌真似をしていればいい、という風潮に変わってきたようです。そのカラオケも、今や緊急事態宣言で閉鎖され、日本人からは歌が完全に奪われてしまっています。でも、本来日本人のDNAの中に刻まれている歌が大好きという部分は、どうやっても消せない気がします。歌うことで元気になり、笑顔になり、楽しくなる。生きる気力も湧いてくるし、辛いことも忘れられる。しかも、歌うのには道具もなにもいらないのです。また、歌は一人で歌っても楽しいし、二人で歌ってもハーモニーが楽しめる、たくさんで歌ったら、その声の力に心が震えるような体験もできます。歌うことは、メリットしか思いつきませんね。(笑) でも、それくらい素晴らしい。だから、人は歌うんでしょうね。









Hello everyone. It is staff m.

In the previous blog, I talked about creating a hobby gospel team and starting practicing at zoom.

By the way, this time too, I would like to talk a little about my hobby, gospel. If you don’t mind, please go out with me.


First of all, what is gospel? from.

Gospel is an English word that means the gospel (the teaching of Christ) or the Gospel, and is said to mean a book that describes the words of Jesus Christ and the life of Jesus Christ. However, gospel here refers to gospel music, which is a genre of music that originated in the United States. Gospel is a style of music that originated from the spirituals sung when blacks were slaves.


At that time, blacks traveled from Africa to the United States as slaves, were not treated as humans, and were forced to work in harsh environments. Under that slavery, blacks knew the Bible, and the words “freedom” and “liberation” that appeared there became their hope of “liberation from slavery.” Blacks began to steal the eyes of their masters at night and gather quietly to create a place where they could sing and dance on their own. This rally, with no buildings, was called the “Invisible Church,” and for them it seems that they have become not only a religious role, but also a local community that endures tragic circumstances and supports each other.

Gospel music was created in this way, based on singing and dancing, hoping for relief from the suffering of slavery. This gospel is still popular, not because it’s hard or painful to live in different times and situations, and it feels like a soul that grabs the hearts of people who want to be freed from something. Is not it. The great proof is that people all over the world are singing high, regardless of race, nationality, or even religion.


So why did the people who applied for the gospel team I recruited this time want to sing gospel? This is my interpretation, but when I recruited, I emphasized “Let’s release myself by singing!”. This may be especially true in today’s world, but it’s like a darkness where you don’t know when it will dawn. Everyone is forced to put up with various aspects of their daily lives. Especially for women … The number of suicides is increasing due to the influence of the corona, but many of you may have seen the sad news that the suicide rate of women has risen significantly. For that reason, I wanted to free women as much as possible. Gospel came up as a way to do this. Although the times are different, gospel with a history of supporting each other by singing even in difficult situations, forgetting the pain, and keeping the heart, may fit into the current situation.

Another reason is that Japanese people love singing. A long time ago, Westerners who visited Japan were surprised to find “songs” in every corner of Japanese life. It seems that the country was rich in songs such as “folk songs,” “work songs,” and “celebration songs.” I have heard such a story. When I went to Nagoya Castle, I was surprised that the stones in the stone wall for building the castle were so big that I was curious about how I carried them and asked. Then, since they were old people who didn’t have cars, they had no choice but to use human power, but at that time, it seems that everyone sang and carried them together. It seems that singing gave rise to the immeasurable power of human beings, and could carry large stones that seemed impossible to carry. It seems that the song has a mysterious power.

Such songs have taken root in everyday life, but with the wave of westernization, most of the popular songs have disappeared. And it seems that the trend has changed to the trend that songs are “professional” songs, and those below that level should just imitate professional songs at karaoke. The karaoke has now been closed due to a state of emergency, and the songs have been completely deprived of the Japanese. However, I feel that I can’t erase the part that I love the songs that are originally engraved in the DNA of Japanese people. Singing makes you feel better, smiles, and makes you happy. The energy to live will spring up, and the pain will be forgotten. What’s more, you don’t need any tools to sing. Also, singing alone is fun, and you can enjoy harmony even if you sing together. If you sing a lot, you can experience the power of your voice. Singing can only come up with merits. (Laughs) But that’s wonderful. That’s why people will sing.

I decided to sing gospel because of this situation. I want to overcome difficult situations by singing. If you are prepared and move, the results will come naturally. So I’m sure this gospel will work too.

I would also like to write a status report. At that time, please do not be disciplined and keep in touch.


(Staff m)













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL;  052(734)8444

MAIL;   fuukousya@gmail.com

10:00-17:00 OPEN



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