毎週末の大谷翔平選手に救われる(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




毎週末の大谷翔平選手に救われる(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)











MBLのインタグラムに、大谷選手が搭載された際、彼の写真の後ろに、ド派手な〝SYO TIME〟の文字があるのですが、これは、〝show time〟(ショータイム)とかけたダジャレみたいなもので、エンゼルスのファンのTwitterの#(ハッシュタグ)にも使われてあります。彼の華麗なプレーがまるでショーのようだと、彼の活躍する際によく使われており、もはや、べーブルース以来のメジャーリーグスターになりそうなまでの彼の1投1打を、日本や、エンゼルスファンみならず世界中が注目しているんですね。



ところで、私の体感ですと、大谷選手、週末に観戦していると、よくHRを打っているなとうっすら思っていたのですが、どうやら本当だったようです。今朝の番組にて、大谷選手の週末土曜日の打率が.348、6本、15打点と、どの曜日よりダントツだったらしいとの結果がでておりました。私のぼんやりしたデータもまんざらでもなかったようです。週末に〝SYO TIME〟をきっちり入れてくるところも、またまた神がかっていますね。

にわかファンではありますが、怪我・故障に気を付けて、益々の活躍を楽しみに、応援させていただきますね。そして、大谷選手自身、楽しんで〝SYO TIME〟やっちゃってください。


Hello, this is Staff Y.


I’m afraid, but somehow I like watching sports. I don’t have any fans like this, and I’m not a supporter of any team, but I like it in general, and I like watching sports and putting myself in a space where everyone is having fun together. Shall we?

In the list of things I want to do, “Go abroad to watch and support the games in which Japanese players are participating” has been secretly included in the list for some time. Then, I feel that it is quite difficult.


Among them, Shohei Ohtani of the Angels who has been very active recently. The oversized home run of the Rise game the day before was really comfortable. After that, he did the bunt smartly and muttered, “Are you good at bunt?” The best part is the appearance of Otani, who is properly preparing the tools near the batter’s box. This gentlemanly attitude on the mound is also his wonderfulness. In the uneasy situation these days, I am the only one who can be obediently saved by the dreamlike activity of young people who challenged from Japan lol.

When Otani was installed on the MBL’s intergram, there was a flashy “SYO TIME” character behind his photo, which was called “show time”. It’s like a pun, and it’s also used by Angels fans on Twitter # (hashtag). His brilliant play is like a show, and it’s often used in his career, and his one-throw, one-shot until he’s about to become a major league star since the Bebruce. Not only Angels fans but all over the world are paying attention.

So far, Otani’s performance is batting average. 265, HR23, RBI 54, stolen base 10, and impressive results. From last year to this year, I think there were some difficult times due to injuries, but I think everyone really wants to ask, “What happened?” His activity this year is so miracle and godly.

By the way, in my experience, Otani, when I was watching the game on the weekend, I thought that I often hit HR, but it seems that it was true. In this morning’s program, Otani’s batting average on weekend Saturday. The result was 348, 6 RBIs, 15 RBIs, and it seems that it was the best day of the week. It seems that my vague data wasn’t too bad. The place where “SYO TIME” is put in exactly on the weekend is also godly.

I’m a big fan, but I’m looking forward to more and more activities, being careful of injuries and breakdowns, and I’m supporting them. And Otani himself, please enjoy yourself and do “SYO TIME”.













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10:00-17:00 OPEN



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