お片付けにもってこいの季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
With the arrival of the vernal equinox, it is time for spring to arrive in earnest. The vernal equinox is right in the middle of spring according to the calendar. It is said that “hot and cold weather lasts until the other side of the equinoxes,” and it is around this time that we finally get out of the three cold and four warm days that have been swept away by the wild fluctuations in temperature and into the warm spring weather. However, the thoughtful spring can suddenly turn cold until around the time of cherry blossom viewing, so don’t let your guard down.
Well, today is the 21st. Kakuozan Nittaiji Temple is the anniversary of Kobo. The temple grounds were lined with stores selling vegetables and other goods, and crowded with many people. The approach to the temple is also lined with many stores, and the stores selling dry foods and the railroad forget-me-nots market are so popular that crowds of people gather there. Kobo no Ennichi is held on the 21st of every month. As the weather is getting warmer, we hope you will add it to your list of places to visit in the future. When you go out, please be sure to stop by Fumikosha as well.
Turning to the 72nd solar term, the first sign of the 24th solar term, “Vernal Equinox,” is “Suzume Hajimete Sukuku (sparrows begin to nest). It is true that the birds have become much louder. This is the season when sparrows begin to build their nests.
The branches of the cherry trees in the store were still in bud until the other day, but when I came to work today, they were in full bloom.
I wonder if we will be able to see dandelion flowers in sunny places soon. Yellow, plump dandelions are a symbolic flower of spring. They bloom close to the ground, and their stems are straw-like and soft. They are easy for small children to see and also easy to fold by hand, making them a familiar flower from an early age.
Around the area where dandelions are in bloom, sparrows are also singing overhead. This is the moment when you feel like standing still and thinking, “Ah, it’s spring.
Daylight hours are getting longer day by day. The vernal equinox, along with the autumnal equinox, is said to be the day when daytime and nighttime are the same length. In reality, however, daytime seems to be a little longer than nighttime.
From now on, daytime will become longer and longer as we move toward the summer solstice. The summer solstice in 2025 is said to be on June 21. Will it be the season of short sleeves in no time? I shiver when I think of those summer days now…
However, I am happy to feel relaxed when the days are long. I don’t have to rush when I go for a walk in the afternoon. I am grateful that I can take my time to dry my laundry. I will finally be able to start cleaning up the house, which has been stalled during the winter.
I am also starting to get a handle on my family’s new life, a little at a time, with my nose itching, not sure if it’s pollen or dust. Cleaning up little by little is ideal, because if you expand an area all at once, you will never see the end. However, I would like to clean up all at once. The warm weather is a bit motivating.
The change of seasons also coincides with milestones in our lives. Even though we are busy, we want to turn our attention to nature a little and take on new challenges by basking in the power of spring! That’s how I feel.
See you soon. (Staff T)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN