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Last night was the second game of the opening series between the big league Dodgers and Cubs. I hope everyone was able to watch it.
I have enjoyed watching the opening game of the season in Japan, including Otani’s solo home run, the first of the season, and interviews with Japanese players. Last night, I watched the game without commentary in order to experience the realism and live atmosphere of watching the game in the Tokyo Dome. However, I still envied those who were able to watch the games at the Tokyo Dome.
I was never that interested in watching sports, but when I happened to visit a soccer game, I couldn’t forget that realistic and LIVE feeling, and I started to like to watch various sports in person. One study caught my attention.
One study found that people who watch sports have higher wellbeing than those who do not. This is probably related to the social aspect of watching sports (wellbeing is a state of mind) and how good a person feels, but people with high wellbeing tend to have better physical health and live longer than those with low wellbeing, People who watch sports live are said to feel their lives are more valuable.
Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University’s School of Psychology and Sports Sciences analyzed data from 7,209 adults aged 16 to 85 in England to determine the benefits of attending live sporting events of all types, The survey included questions about whether they had attended a sporting event in the past year.
They found that respondents who had attended a live sporting event within the past year were more likely than those who had not to report that they were satisfied with their lives and had a stronger sense that their lives were worthwhile. The researchers observed the same effect on loneliness and found that those who attended live sporting events were more satisfied with their lives, felt their lives were more valuable, and felt less lonely than those who did not.
Helen Keys, the lead author of the study, speculates that the social interaction inherent in sporting events may make people feel like they belong, and thus feel less lonely, but it is also possible that watching sports provides more opportunities for social interaction, which can help form a sense of belonging to a group and This may be one factor in helping to create a sense of belonging, alleviating loneliness, and increasing the level of wellbeing.
However, not everyone can go to the games and watch them in person.
Research has shown that people who watch sports on TV or online have fewer depressive symptoms than those who don’t, and that the more frequently people watch sports, the fewer depressive symptoms they experience. In short, it seems that people who watch sports tend to feel a higher sense of fulfillment in their lives than those who do not, whether they watch in person, on TV, or online.
All of these findings are correlational, and it is impossible to determine which factors influence the others, or whether they are both influenced by completely different factors (such as wealth or number of friends), but social identity theory and brain imaging studies also However, social identity theory and brain imaging studies have shown that watching sports may be the main factor that enhances wellbeing more than other factors. Difficulties aside, it seems that I too have been unknowingly enhancing my wellbeing, or rather, seeking it.
Whether you watch sports in person or from the comfort of your own home, as you enjoy the sense of presence and togetherness that your favorite sports and athletes bring to you, you are also unknowingly receiving psychological benefits. I think we should put aside the difficult things and just go with what is “fun”.
Have a good day (Staff Y)
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