


今朝は温かい珈琲をいれてみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This morning, I feel like making a cup of hot coffee for the first time in a while.


It is generally said that the temperature at which you feel like drinking hot coffee is when the minimum temperature falls below 17℃, and when the maximum temperature reaches around 22-23℃, it is said that this time in October is the standard time to switch between hot and iced coffee. This time in October is said to be the time when the vending machines switch between cold and hot drinks. It seems that my sense of hot beverage sensor was about the same as the general public.


I was making a cup of warm coffee with this in mind, and I remembered that the coffee I drank the other day in Hita was delicious. It was a take-out coffee that I bought on the spot at a certain cafe, but it was surprisingly tasty and free of any unwanted flavors. I don’t know if the beans are good, the water is good, or the way it is ground and brewed… I have no idea, but it didn’t stick in my throat, and it had a taste that didn’t make me feel like the original flavor of the coffee had been lost due to the strange taste! Even I, with my poor taste buds, could tell that this was different!


By the way, in my blog the other day, I mentioned soft water and hard water, and it is said that coffee made with low hardness water (soft water) tends to have a lighter consistency, while coffee made with high hardness water (hard water) tends to have a higher consistency. Hard water tends to have a so-called over-extracted flavor, in which more of the ingredients are extracted. I imagine that hard water, which contains more minerals, is more difficult to dissolve ingredients (due to osmotic pressure).


The main reason why there is such a difference in taste between soft and hard water is related to the mineral content (magnesium and calcium ions). Magnesium and calcium ions easily cause transformations and reactions when they combine with the flavor components of coffee, and this can have various effects, such as hindering the extraction of coffee components, or conversely, extracting more bitter and astringent components. Hard water with a high mineral content is more likely to produce a change in the extracted taste.


Conversely, coffee made with ultra-soft water seems to lack in taste and aroma, and the influence of minerals seems to be extremely small, making it impossible to fully extract the ingredients. Therefore, it is said that the water suitable for coffee extraction is water with moderate minerals (soft water).


Incidentally, the water I drank the other day in Hita varies slightly depending on the water purification plant, but it was generally soft water that is easy for Japanese people to drink. I think there is probably a lot of difference in mood due to the exuberance of the scenery and atmosphere of the destination, soft water, hard water, mineral composition, once put aside, it is certain that it became an unforgettable cup of coffee. I would like to go back for another cup.


Have a good day.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN







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