帝室技芸員 高村光雲(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




帝室技芸員 高村光雲(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























1852年 江戸で生まれる

1863年 仏師・高村東雲に師事する

1877年 第一回国内勧業博覧会で龍紋賞を受賞

1886年 東京彫工会を設立する

1890年 「帝室技芸員」に任命される

1893年 シカゴ万国博覧会に『老猿』を出品する

1898年 上野公園『西郷隆盛像』の木型制作する

1899年 木彫レリーフ『江口の遊君(遊女)』を制作する

1919年 パリ万国博覧会に『山霊訶護』を出品する

1934年 逝去(満82歳)


















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It has been raining here in Nagoya since this morning. This typhoon is as fast as a human jogger, so you may feel typhoon fatigue, but there is already damage in Kyushu and other areas. I would like to express my condolences to those who have been affected by this typhoon, and I hope that those who are in the area where the typhoon will be coming soon will be prepared for it.


Now, I have been posting “Imperial Household Artists” series as soon as I forget about them. Today, I would like to write about “Koun Takamura,” so please bear with me for a moment.


Takamura Koun was a famous Buddhist priest and sculptor active from the Meiji to Taisho periods. One of his famous works, “Old Monkey,” is designated as a National Important Cultural Property.


There are other famous works, but here is a quiz. What is it?


The clue is that famous bronze statue that you all know. The answer is the statue of Takamori Saigo in Ueno Park, called “Saigo-san of Ueno” and still loved by people today.

As a side note, it is said that Saigo Takamori was a great averse to photographs, and that the statue was modeled after his younger brother Saigo Cudamichi and his cousin Oyama Iwao. In the end, there were no photographs of the statue, so I feel a little sympathy for the artist Takamura Koun’s hardship and embarrassment in this regard.


Also, Koun Takamura was the creator (in collaboration with other artists) of the statue of Masanari Kusunoki in the plaza in front of the Imperial Palace in Marunouchi, and although he may have had talent and hard work in his career, he seems to have been what is called a “possessor”.


Koun Takamura’s main biography is as follows

1852 Born in Edo, Tokyo

1863: Studied under the Buddhist priest Toun Takamura

1877 Awarded the Ryumon Prize at the first National Industrial Exhibition

1886 Founded the Tokyo Engraving Society

1890 Appointed as an “Artist to the Imperial Household

1893 Exhibited “Old Monkey” at the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago

1898 Produced the wooden model for the statue of Takamori Saigo at Ueno Park

1899 Produced the wood relief “Eguchi no Yuukin (prostitute)

1919 Exhibited “Sanrei Kago” at the Universal Exposition in Paris

Died in 1934 at the age of 82.


Koun Takamura was born the year before Perry’s arrival of the black ships at Uraga. He had originally planned to become a carpenter’s apprentice, but the day before he was to be sent on apprenticeship, he was introduced by his favorite barber to become the apprentice of a Buddhist priest, Takamura Toonun. He later became the adopted son of Etsu, Toonun’s sister, and took on the Takamura family name. At that time, art, including painting and sculpture, was enjoyed only by a limited number of wealthy people.


However, after the Meiji Restoration, the movement to abolish Buddhism left Buddhist monks without much work, and Koun himself had a difficult time making a living. However, even under such circumstances, Koun devoted himself to woodcarving, actively studying Western art and adopting realism to revive woodcarving, which was on the verge of decline, and played an important role in connecting the tradition of woodcarving techniques up to the Edo period to the modern age.


Later, in 1889, he worked at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and in 1890, he was appointed as an “Imperial Artist. Here it finally appears: “Imperial Household Artistician.

The “Imperial Household Artists” was a system operated by the Ministry of the Imperial Household in prewar Japan to honor artists and craftsmen, and was established to protect outstanding artists and craftsmen by honoring them with imperial honors, and to protect and promote Japanese arts and crafts. (The system was established to honor and protect outstanding artists and craftsmen from the Imperial Household and to protect and promote Japanese arts and crafts.

In other words, it was an “honorary position” for people of outstanding character and skill to be appointed, and they were given such duties as producing works of art and crafts for the Imperial Household by imperial order and consulting with the Director General of the Museum.


Koun’s family was poor and he would not have become a sculptor if he had not been introduced to it, and he would have had to work hard and be talented, but to have such an option appear in front of him and he chose it, is he indeed a “possessive” person? No, wait. He may have had the personality and skills to be a “person of talent” no matter which path he took…. Which is it?


This is the morning of the person who has nothing (Staff Y), thinking about such things while looking at Koun’s works.


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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