


知らない言葉に出会うと思考が止まります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The ever-changing typhoon reports have an eeriness that is different from that of past typhoons, and I am afraid that we cannot make any predictions.

I know that some people in the area have already been affected by the typhoon, so please be careful.

The other day, we added a Sencha tray to our collection of tea trays. Made in China, it is small in size and lighter in weight than it looks, making it very easy to use.

When we asked the owner what material it was made of, he replied, “Mall. I asked the owner about the material, and he answered, “Mall. I said, “I see,” but the unfamiliar word “braid? I couldn’t get my head around the unfamiliar word, but I didn’t have time to think about it, so I just let it go.

This morning, I was looking at it with great interest. Two dragons were swimming, and they looked like blue dragons, one of the four sacred beasts of China. The blue dragon is the guardian deity of the east, west, south, north, and west, and is said to bring fortune and success in life because it protects the east, where the sun rises.

The dragon on this Sencha tray, however, has charming, rounded eyes and no deer horns, the symbol of the blue dragon, but it has a retro atmosphere that matches the intricate geometric pattern of the surrounding area.


Returning to the “maul,” one theory about its name is that it is related to a fabric made in the Mughal country of ancient India. Mughal was a corruption of the word “maul,” and because of its resemblance to the designs of textiles made there, the word “maul” came to be used to refer to objects made by hammering or carving patterns into the surface of an alloy, which is written in Chinese characters as “woolen weave. It is not easy to associate it with alloys from the Chinese characters.

In addition to the attractiveness of the design, you may be happy to know that it is processed from a single alloy sheet and is light and strong, and will be used for a long time.

As I was stunned the other day when I heard the word “mall,” there are still many words in the world that I am not familiar with. If you don’t know the word, your head will be filled with “shopping mall?” or “rugby tactical mall?” that I learned when I was a casual fan. or the “colorful wire malls” that I used to play with as a child? I used to play with them when I was a kid. marks, and you can’t go on from there because your thinking is stopped.

One of the advantages of learning a language seems to be that we can know and separate the differences between things. While learning a language and expanding your world, it also means that you can organize your mind, categorizing things by language, and develop the ability to judge whether things are good or bad, right or wrong.

Also, verbalizing worries and anger has the effect of clearing and calming the mind. It is said that 95% of human thoughts are processed in the unconscious mind, and that by verbalizing vague mental fuzziness objectively and concretely, we can make ourselves aware of it, which leads to stress relief. If there is no one to talk to, just writing it down on paper is said to be effective.

And to look at yourself objectively, you need to have a rich vocabulary.

When I think about it, I worry that small children are constantly bombarded with new words every day, and I wonder if they don’t feel stressed out. Everything in the world is full of unknowns. It seems like a tremendous task to start from this point and learn one by one, but I am sure they are full of energy to absorb new things. I am sure they are full of energy to absorb new things. Why? I was so exhausted that I was just trying to answer them appropriately, and I regretted it.

I am reminded of how I used to answer “What’s this? I am constantly asking myself “What’s this?” every day, and it is a great way to revitalize my brain cells, which are deteriorating.

See you next time.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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