


あの頃と同じで心配です・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















地下鉄 4 駅が浸水して不通になり、東海道新幹線や東海道本線も運行停止し、東名高速や国道1号が通行止めになるなどしたため、大量の帰宅困難者も発生。また、電気、ガス、電話などのライフライン被害も甚大でした。また、ナゴヤドームの浸水、免震建物の免震ピットへの浸水、水に浸かった大量の自動車の処理などが話題になりました。








Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

It was raining hard in Nagoya just a few minutes ago, and then it started clearing up. We are at the mercy of a slow-moving typhoon, and we are constantly staring at the weather forecast. I am so concerned about the typhoon that I can’t even keep up with my blog, so please bear with me today as I reminisce.

I still get anxious when it rains hard. I remember the “Tokai Torrential Rain” that hit the Tokai region in 2000.

I thought, “This is not good.

I still vividly remember shivering with fear in my car, which had stopped moving even a millimeter, in the middle of a bridge where I could see the muddy water right below.


More than 20 years ago, it was late at night when I returned home from the company I was working for at the time. I think it was raining heavily, but at that time there were no warnings about coming home, just heavy rain. Perhaps we had not received any information about the heavy rain.

In those days, weather information did not arrive in real time. Reporters from the mass media went to the weather station to gather information, which was then broadcast on TV and radio. There were no smart phones, i-mode had started, and Google’s search service was launched in Japan at about the same time as the Tokai torrential rain. Therefore, ordinary people could only get disaster information from TV and radio.


At the time, I felt like I was stopped by people around me, but being young and optimistic that things would somehow work out, I did not think too much about it and headed for home. I was wondering whether I should turn back or not, but I let the car go with the flow of traffic, and after a while, the car stopped moving even a millimeter. I was right on top of the bridge, where the water level was at its maximum. I was in a hurry, but there was nothing I could do on the bridge. We ended up spending the night on the bridge in a state of anxiety. Although I was glad that I could return home safely without incident, I wanted to punch myself in the face at that time.

The cause of the flood was apparently that the road leading to the bridge was flooded, but since it was a straight road, many cars were stuck in traffic because they could not make a detour. At the time, I had never seen a hazard map (or maybe there was one), and I never dreamed that the road I used to commute to work would be flooded.



According to records, this torrential rain caused the Shinkawa River to burst its banks and over 60,000 houses in Nagoya, Shinkawa, Nishiwajima, Obu, Higashiura, and other cities were flooded.

Four subway stations were inundated and out of service, the Tokaido Shinkansen and Tokaido Main Line were out of service, and the Tomei Expressway and National Route 1 were closed, resulting in a large number of people having difficulty returning home. Damage to lifelines such as electricity, gas, and telephone lines was also extensive. In addition, the flooding of Nagoya Dome, the flooding of the seismic isolation pits of seismically isolated buildings, and the disposal of the large number of automobiles submerged in water became topics of discussion.


More than 20 years have passed since then. Despite all the horror we experienced, our memories are fading, and we cannot deny that we are on our guard. However, I have learned from those who were severely affected by the torrential rains that “at least make sure you have enough water for now,” and since then I have been stocking up on water and batteries, and every time a typhoon hits, I fill up my car with gasoline and my phone with batteries.

I am anxious to see what the typhoon will do, but I just pray that it will not get any more serious.



See you soon.












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