美しい夕焼けは台風の前触れでもありました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




美しい夕焼けは台風の前触れでもありました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

Yesterday evening, while I was at home, the sky in the east suddenly became brighter, and it quickly turned into an azure color.

I stopped my housework and gazed at the sky for a while.

Since the sunset was so vivid in the eastern sky, it must have been even more beautiful in the western sky.


When I think of sunsets, I somehow think of autumn, but in fact, I hear that summer is also a beautiful season for sunsets.

However, this is not the time to be admiring the sunsets. As you know, a big typhoon is approaching Japan. Before the typhoon arrives, there is more water vapor in the air, which makes the sunset look more beautiful.

The fact that the wavelength of light differs depending on its color seems to have something to do with it. The more water vapor in the air, the more blue light, which has a short wavelength, is scattered, and red light, which has a long wavelength, reaches the eye without being scattered, making the sky appear redder. The red light illuminates the clouds above from below, making the clouds glow red and creating a beautiful sunset.

According to the forecast, Typhoon No. 12 is expected to be quite powerful. It seems that the number of powerful typhoons is increasing, but it is not just my imagination. Recently, we often hear in the news that the rise in sea temperatures near Japan is related to the increase in the strength of typhoons.

Yesterday, I saw a TV program titled “Heat Wave Strikes,” and I thought it was a story about some foreign country where wildfires were frequent, but it was about Japan. I wonder if any of you have seen it.

I have no doubt about the heat of this summer, as I can feel it in my body, but even from a global perspective, the rate of increase in the water temperature in the seas around Japan over the past few years has been outstanding, and when confronted with this data, I feel even heavier.

I am surprised to find that Hokkaido has recently been experiencing temperatures that are higher than anything I have ever seen before. It was a long time ago, but when I went on a trip to Hokkaido, I remember one of the locals saying, “It’s so cool in summer that I never wear short sleeves for even two weeks. I remember that when I went to Hokkaido a long time ago.

Originally, the sea water temperature in northern Japan was low, and low-level clouds called “lower clouds” reflected sunlight and served as a sunshade, but the atmosphere has been disturbed by ocean heat waves, and the number of lower clouds has decreased. As a result, sunlight is falling directly onto the ocean surface, and the temperature is rising due to the greenhouse effect caused by the increase in water vapor.

Returning to typhoons, typhoons in Japan were originally less powerful as they approached Japan because they stirred up cold water deep in the ocean, lowering the sea surface temperature, which in turn reduced water vapor.

In recent years, however, the warmth of the ocean has continued deep into the depths of the ocean, and even though the water is stirred up, the water temperature does not drop, and the typhoons seem to be making landfall in Japan without weakening in power.

We can only do what we can to prepare for typhoons because we are dealing with nature, but we can only hope that the damage will not be too great.


The rising temperatures caused by this ocean heat wave are also affecting our daily lives, causing a decline in the quality of rice and crop failures. It seems that the stock of rice has been decreasing in supermarkets recently. My family regularly has rice delivered to our house, but for the first time, the delivery was canceled due to lack of stock. We are a family of rice lovers, so we cannot hide our shock.

I believe it won’t happen, but the thought of not being able to eat rice is becoming more and more plausible and even frightening. Over the top…but that is how much we are a rice-loving family.

I am a shallow person, and there are many problems that I can’t realize until it really happens to me.

First of all, everyone, please be safe this week.


See you next time.












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